quiz 13 Flashcards
What is dune regeneration?
planting grasses on dunes to help them grow in size
Give 4 examples of hard engineering in coastal managment
sea walls,rock armour,gabions and groynes
What are the 3 main types of coastal management
hard engineering,soft engineering and managed retreat
What is managed retreat?
allowing land to become flooded and possibly washed away by erosion
Give 2 examples of soft engineering in coastal management
beach nourishment and reprofilling, dune regeneration
Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of dune regeneration?
advantages: cheap,provides a new habitat
disadvantages: expensive,requires protecting the area from people
Give 2 disadvantages and 2 advantages of rock armour
advantages: cheaper than sea walls, can become good habitats for sea life
disadvantages: expensive to transport large rocks, needs to be maintained as the rocks can move
Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of groynes
advantages: build beaches,protect from flooding
disadvantages: can look ugly, can stop longshore drift from occurring and so starve beaches further down the coast of sediment
What is beach nourishment and reprofilling?
adding sand to a beach to increase the quantity of sediment
Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of sea walls
advantages: highly effective protection from erosion, can be used for pedestrians
disadvantages: very expensive,not sustainable as will still erode eventually, expensive to maintain and not attractive to tourists
What are sea walls?
concrete walls placed at the foot of a cliff
What are gryones?
wooden structures built at right angles to the coast to prevent longshore drift
Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvanatages of beach nourishment and repfroliling
advanatges: creates wide beaches which are more protected from erosion, encourages tourism
disadvanatges: needs to be a continous process, sand often has to be brought from somewhere else
What are gabions?
metal cages filled with rocks and placed in areas vulnerable to erosion
What is rock armour?
Large rocks placed at the base of cliffs