Quiz 2 week 4 OT Documents, Canon, Extracanonical docs Flashcards
*** Ostraca
Broken pottery pieces repurposed for writing upon
*** Parchment
Tanned animal skins for writing upon
Time of earliest human writing
< 3000 BC – ~1500 yrs before Moses
How many Hebrew letters used
22 letters, all consonants
Instead of written resources, the ancients had
strong oral tradition
Ezra established schools
scribal schools
Masoretes were able to implement innovations because…
Better access to paper/other materials
Before Masoretes, using vowels and marks was not done because
materials scarce and expensive, and the extra marks took up too much space
*** Canon comes from Greek for
measuring reed–> standard, rule of measurement
Canon formation stage 1:
Authoritative utterances
Canon formation stage 2:
Formal written documents. Moses was known to be a writer.
Canon Formation stage 3:
Collecting written documents
Canon Formation Stage 4:
Sorting the documents. Josephus boasts that the Jews have not innumerable books but 22.
Does the Canon have an order?
What does the word Tanak come from?
T. N. K.
What does T N K stand for?
T for Torah = Law, N for Nebiim = prophets, K for Ketubim = writings
How many books in Hebrew scriptures?
Why fewer books in Hebrew Bible?
Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah, and minor prophets all are one book each.
Where did Hebrew books get name?
From 1st line of text.
What does Apocrypha mean?
Did the early Christians know about the Apocrypha?
Yes, everyone knew of them. They were current, written between 200 BC and 100 AD.
Where were the Apocrypha published?
Added to Septuagint
For what were the Apocrypha valued?
Not as inspired Scripture but as important preservation of their history
Who were the Maccabees?
Maccabees were very prominent family. Led revolt that purged paganism, though it led to Roman occupation. A Herod married into Maccabees to gain status.
Were the Apocrypha included in the Vulgate?
*** Council of Trent 1545 affirmed Apocrypha and called it what?
What languages were Deutero-canonical books written in?
Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic
Jesus believed OT, in literal…
Flood; Adam and Eve
What are ostraca?
Broken pieces of pottery used to write on
Jesus validated OT by quoting…
Deuteronomy to fight satan
Paul validated OT in letter to
Timothy, 2 Tim 3:16
Paul validated gospel writer…
Luke when he quotes him in 1 Tim 5:17-18
Paul says that OT things were written….
for Christians’ instruction and they have Jesus in mind
Peter validates as inspired the writings of
Paul and OT in 2 Pet. 3:14-16 and 1 Pet. 1:10-12
Jesus interprets OT on Emmaus road…
to demonstrate his identity
What is parchment?
Tanned animal skins for writing on
What letters are in the Hebrew alphabet?
22 letters, all consonants
What is the Masoretic Text?
Source of OT
What is the “canon”?
From Greek meaning “measuring reed,” it means ruler or standard of measurement.
What are the 4 stages of canon formation?
- Authoritative utterances
- Formal written documents (Moses was known as a writer)
- Collecting written documents
- Sorting the documents–defining which are canonical.
Does the Canon have an order as well as content?
What is the Tanak?
Acronym comes from
- Torah (law)
- Nebiim (prophets)
- Ketubim (writings)
How many books in Hebrew Scriptures?
- Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra+Nehemiah, and the minor prophets are all one book each.
What does “apocrypha” mean?
Hidden. Because Jewish scribes valued books so those considered noninspired or unorthodox were hidden rather than destroyed.
When were apocrypha written?
Between 200BC and 100AD
What is another name for Apocrypha?
Deutero-Canon. From Council of Trent.
What evidence is there that Jesus believed the OT?
He believed in the flood, in literal Adam and Eve married by God, and he quoted Deuternomy when tempted by satan