FINAL quiz 1 definitions Flashcards
The divine influence that secures the accurate transference into human language by a speaker or writer so as to be communicated to other men
What is inspiration?
That influence of the Holy Spirit under which all the children of God receive, discern, and feed upon the truth communicated to them.
What is illumination?
All words in Scripture are God’s words
The original documents on which the inspired writers wrote their inspired words
The human writers of scripture were conscious that they were expressing their own thoughts as they wrote. But at the same time they were under the sovereign direction of the Spirit.
The process of using Scripture to interpret Scripture
Analogy of Faith
The historical method of looking for the literal, moral, spiritual, and heavenly interpretation of a text
Fourfold meaning
Deep thinking on truths and spiritual realities revealed in Scripture for the purposes of understanding, application, and prayer
Define Inspiration
Divine influence – accurate transference – human language –communicated to others
Define Illumination
Influence of Holy Spirit – receive, discern, feed – truth communicated
Define Inerrancy
Words – Scripture – God’s
Define Autographa
Original document – inspired writers – inspired words
Define Concurrence
Human writers – conscious – expressing own thoughts – same time –sovereign direction of Spirit
Define Analogy of Faith
Scripture interprets Scripture
Define Fourfold Meaning of Scripture
Literal – Moral – Spiritual – Heavenly – interpretation of text
Define Meditation
Deep thinking – truths realities – understanding, application, prayer
What is revelation?
The direct influence that imparts truth to a mind