FINAL quiz 1 T/F Flashcards
‘Writings’ and ‘Scriptures’ are synonymous with ‘Bible’
Inspiration is not inconsistent with mistakes in the subsequent transcription of the sacred writings
Inspiration is not merely a natural elevation of the faculties, analogous to the stimulus of passion and enthusiasm or to poetic genius
Inspiration was not destructive of consciousness, self-control, or individuality
The Bible is truly the word of God, having both infallible truth and divine authority in all that it affirms or enjoins
The Bible is truly the production of men. It is marked by all the evidence of human authorship as clearly and certainly as any other book that was written by men.
It is a misrepresentation of Christian belief to suggest that a physical manuscript was somehow inspired by God. Rather it was the words on the manuscript that were inspired by God.
The Bible can be inerrant and still speak in the ordinary language of every day including phenomenological descriptions as they are observed and experienced.
It is consistent with inerrancy to have unusual or uncommon grammatical constructions in the Bible
We have no inerrant manuscripts, therefore talk about an inerrant Bible is misleading
The process of translating Scripture from thought to thought is called ‘dynamic equivalence’
If we deny inerrancy, we essentially make our own human minds a higher standard of truth that God’s Word itself
The NT writers generally considered the context of the OT passages they quoted
Augustine was known for his allegorical interpretation of Scripture
True (but book says not)
A principle of interpretation is to approach the Bible in prayer
A principle of interpretation is to read the Bible as a book that points to holy living
Prayer, Bible is Christ-centered, scripture interprets scripture, meditate, attitude of faith + obedience, note genre, historical &cultural issues, context, read in community, become better interpreter
A principle of interpretation is to read the Bible in community