Quiz 2 LARCs/emergency contraception Flashcards
Mirena IUD (Levonorgestrel 52mg) MOA
sterile inflammatory rxcn toxic to sperm and ova, thickens mucus, endometrial decidualizaion and glandular atrophy, inhibiting sperm-egg binding, partial inhibition of follicular development/ovulation
Mirena IUD (levonorgestrel 52mg) efficacy and dosing
0.2% failure with perfect and typical use
20ug/day then 10ug/day
up to 5 years, off label for 7 years
Mirena IUD (levonorgestrel 52mg) safe in
nulliparous women/teens
immediately postpartum/D&C (^rate of expulsion compared to delayed placement 6-10wks)
Mirena IUD (levonorgestrel 52mg) SE SE mgmt
irregular spotting for first 3-6months, resolves after 6mo, may not have period after 1yr
nsaids, COCs, progestin only pills for spotting/cramps
Mirena IUD (levonorgestrel 52mg) can reduce
heavy bleeding in menorrhagia
Liletta IUD
releases 18.6ug/day, approved for 3 years-12.6ug/day
Kyleena IUD
releases 17.5 ug/day-1st year, then 7.5, 5 years, smaller insertion tube for nulliparous women
Skyla IUD
14ug/day, then 5ug/day, 3 years, smaller insertion tube for nulliparous women , more bleeding days than mirena
Paraguard copper IUD
copper enhances inflammatory reaction toxic to sperm/ova, 0.6/0.8% failure rate, 10yrs, ^bleeding/cramping
Nexplanon (etonogestrel 68mg implant)
thickens cervical mucus and thins endometrial lining
0.05%, 0.3% efficacy
60-70ug/day, 25-50ug/day by 3rd year
irregular period common 6-12 mo, may persist
Paraguard Emergency Contraception
insert up to 5 days after intercourse
0.04-0.19% failure
Ulipristal 30mg Emergency Contraception
selective progesterone modulator, up to 5 days after, 2% failure rate
Levonorgestrel 1.5mg Emergency Contraception (Pan B)
failure rate 1.1-2.4%, most effective w/in 72 hours, declines w time, ineffective >30BMI
Estradiol/levonorgestrel (Yuzpe method)
50ug/0.25mg 2 tabs q12h. Any OC can be used as long as estrogen is 100ug/dose
failure rate 3.2%, need antiemetic 1-2hrs before each dose
Beyaz, Safyral
contain estrogen, progestin, and levomefolate (folic acid) to reduce neural tube defects risk if pregnancy occurs
estradiol valerate (estradiol prodrug) and dienogest, 4th gen progestin does not cause K retention, withdrawal bleeding shorter/lighter than other OCs