Quiz 2: CVP Flashcards
Cardiovascular System Components
Heart and blood vessels throughout the body
Cardiovascular System Function
Pumping oxygen throughout the body and returning blood to the heart
Pulmonary System Components
1) Thorax
2) Muscles involved in ventilation
3) Upper and lower airways
4) Pulmonary circulatory system
Pulmonary System Functions
Oxygen exchange from each inhale through exhale
CVP System Chart Review
Medical Tests to assess this
system usually consist of:
• Vital Signs*
• Heart and Lung
• EKG*
• Certain lab values
• Echocardiogram
• Angiogram/Catheterization
• Pulmonary Function Test*
• Diagnostic Ultrasound*
• Xray/MRI/CT scan
• Doppler
• Etc.
- means a test/assessment that a PT can do with training
Cardiovascular Questions
Have you recently experienced:
• Shortness of breath
• Dyspnea
• Palpitations
• Angina
• Jaw/Shoulder/Upper Back
• Increase in symptoms with
• Coughing •
LE edema •
Recent weight gain •
Inability to lay flat
• Lightheaded/Dizziness
Pulmonary Questions
Have you recently experienced:
• Shortness of breath
• Dyspnea
• Increase in symptoms
with activity
• Wheezing/Coughing
• Change in nail bed color
or lip color
• Hemoptysis
• Change in sputum
• Fever
CVP Subjective Questions
How far can you walk without getting tired or short of breath?
• Do you smoke? How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
• Have you ever been given a cardiac diagnosis?
• Have you ever been given a respiratory diagnosis?
• What makes the pain/SOB/Palpitations better?
• What makes the pain/SOB/Palpitations worse?
- Do you snore
CVP Signs and Symptoms
- Dyspnea
- Very quick weight gain
- Lightheadedness/Dizziness with change in position
- Shortness of breath with exertion
- Increase in coughing
- Cyanosis of lips or nail beds
- Change in skin color especially in LE
- Heart Palpitations
- Wheezing
- Racing Heart
- Wounds that won’t heal
- Chest Pain
-Change in sputum production - Cold extremities
-Leg pain at rest or that is worse after activity - Jaw/Shoulder/Back Pain
- Inability to lay flat
- Cold Sweat
- Redness, swelling, heat, localized pain
- Bilateral LE Edema
- Snoring
- Nausea/Vomiting
CVP System Red Flags
• Chest discomfort/tightness-often described as “an
elephant sitting on my chest”
• Unexplained BLE edema
• Increase in SOB
• Not able to lay flat for going to sleep
• Elevated vitals
• Lower vitals
• Palpitations in chest
• Chest pain or upper body pain that increases with
• Jaw, Shoulder, Upper back, Neck
• Cold Extremities
• Cyanosis
• Skin redness,swelling, hot to the touch and
CVP System - Emergency Conditions
1) Cardiac Arrest
• Unconscious with no pulse or respirations
2) Acute MI
• Significiant Chest/Shoulder Pain with shortness of breath
3) SpO2:<88%
• With Shortness of Breath, unable to achieve greater than 90%.
4) BP: >220/110mmHg OR <90/60mmHg in a normotensive person
• For hypertension, no need for symptoms. The low BP should also have
lightheadedness/dizziness and/or syncope in addition to the low BP.
5) Cyanosis of lips or nail beds
• Usually is associated with low SpO2 or respiratory distress
6) Progressively worsening shortness of breath
• Despite rest and seated position, continues to have worsening shortness of breath.
May also have changed(likely increased) HR and/or change in blood pressure.
7) Stroke
• BEFAST symp
CVP System: Urgent Conditions
1) Congestive Heart Failure Exacerbation
• Characterized by increased shortness of breath and bilateral lower extremity edema.
2) Pneumonia/COVID
• Fever(>100.4) with increased cough/sputum or chest pain
3) Irregular Pulse when assessing PR
• If the beats that you are counting are not steady and the patient
does not have a current heart arrthymia diagnosis.
4) BP that is unexpectedly high or low
• Lower BP with symptoms and higher BP that is different from the
patient’s normal BP.
5) Swelling, Redness, Hot to Touch, and Pain
• Likely in the calf or upper arm, but can be anywhere throughout the body
What is Well’s Criteria for PE?
a clinical decision rule used to assess the probability of pulmonary embolism (PE) in patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of this condition.
Clinical Signs and Symptoms of Pulmonary Embolism
1) Clinical signs of deep vein thrombosis (DVT): Leg swelling, pain with palpation
2) Alternative diagnosis less likely than PE
3) Heart rate >100 beats per minute
4) Immobilization or surgery within the past four weeks
4) Hemoptysis
Malignancy (with treatment within the past six months or palliative)