QUIZ 2 Flashcards
The endocrine system
directs long term processes such as pregnancy and puberty.
A sudoriferous gland is
NOT an endocrine gland.
The gall bladder
DOES NOT contain endocrine tissue.
Eicosanoids, amines, peptides and proteins are part of the class of hormones
that is water-soluble.
Calcitonin and parathyroid hormones have
opposite effects on blood Ca2+ level, therefore they are considered to be antagonist.
Hormone secretion is regulated by the
nervous system; by other hormones; and by changes in blood composition.
ADH is also called
vasopressin; inhibits loss of water via urination; decreases loss of water via perspiration; and helps regulate blood pressure.
The adrenal glands:
1) lie superior and medial to the kidneys;
2) have an inner medulla derived from embryonic ectoderm;
3) have an outer cortex that secretes hormones critical to maintenance of homeostasis.
A six-year old spent the day eating sweets. He ate cookies for breakfast, ice cream for lunch and candy for supper. His body
maintains his blood glucose level within normal range by increasing insulin secretion.
The fight-or-flight response:
is the body’s immediate response to a real or perceived threat to survival; elevates heart and respiration rates and blood glucose level; decreases urinary and digestive functions