Quiz 2 Flashcards
origin of biceps brachii long head
supraglenoid tubercle of humerus
origin of biceps brachii short head
coracoid process of scapula
insertion of biceps brachii long + short head
radial tuberosity + bicipital aponeurosis
innervation of biceps brachii
musculocutaneous n
spinal levels of biceps brachii
action of biceps brachii long head
forearm flexor, primary supinator, stabilizes the GH joint
origin of coracobrachialis
coracoid process, scapula
insertion of coracobrachialis
medial/middle humerus
innervation of coracobrachialis
musculocutaneous n
action of coracobrachialis
flexes + adducts humerus at GH joint
spinal levels of coracobrachialis
origin of brachialis
distal half of anterior humerus
insertion of brachialis
ulnar tuberosity + anterior surface of coronoid process
innervation of brachialis m
musculocutaneous n
action of brachialis
primary elbow flexor
spinal level of brachialis
origin of tricpes brachii long head
infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
origin of tricpes brachii lateral head
posterolateral surface of humerus + lateral intermuscular septum
origin of tricpes brachii medial head
posteromedial surface of humerus + medial intermuscular septum
insertion of all heads of tricpes brachii
olecranon process of the ulna
innervation of tricpes brachii
radial n
spinal levels of tricpes brachii
actions of tricpes brachii
extends forearm at elbow
actions of tricpes brachii long head
stabilizes the GH joint + extends humerus at GH joint
origin of flexor carpi radialis
medial epicondyle
insertion of flexor carpi radialis
base of 2nd + 3rd metacarpal
action of flexor carpi radialis
flexes carpometacarpal joint + the hand at wrist. abduction. helps steady hand
innervation of flexor carpi radialis
median n
spinal levels of flexor carpi radialis
origin of pronator teres humeral head
medial epicondyle
origin of pronator teres ulnar head
coronoid process
insertion of pronator teres
mid/lateral surface of radius
spinal levels of pronator teres
action of pronator Teres
weak pronation of forearm, rotation of radius on ulna
Origin of palmaris longus
Medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion of palmaris longus
Flexor retinaculum +palmar aponeurosis
Innervation of palmaris longus
Median n
Spinal levels of palmaris longus
Actions of palmaris longus
Tenses palmar aponeurosis + wearily flexes the wrist
Origin of flexor carpi ulnaris
Medial epicondyle, medial olecranon process, posterior border ulna
Insertion of flexor carpi ulnaris
Pisiform, hamate, base of 5th metacarpal
Innervation of flexor carpi ulnaris
Ulnar n
Spinal levels of flexor carpi ulnaris
Actions of flexor carpi ulnaris
Flexes carpometacarpal joint, ulnar deviation (adduction), steadies the wrist
Origin of flexor digitorum superficialis humeroulnar head
Medial epicondyle, coronoid process of ulna
Origin of flexor digitorum superficialis radial head
Anterior surface of radius, distal to the radial tuberosity
Insertion of flexor digitorum superficialis
4 tendons split to attach the medial and lateral sides of the bases of the middle phalanges digits 2-5
Innervation of flexor digitorum superficialis
Median n
Spinal levels of flexor digitorum superficialis
Action of flexor digitorum superficialis
Flexes proximal + middle interphalangeal joints and the metacarpophalangeal joints. POWER GRIP MUSCLE
Origin of flexor digitorum profundus
Upper 3/4 of the anterior medial ulna + ulnar 1/2 of interosseous membrane
Insertion of flexor digitorum profundus
4 tendons pierce the tendons of FDS at bases of middle phalanges to insert at bases of distal phalanges of digits 2-5
Innervation of flexor digitorum profundus
Anterior interosseous n + ulnar n
Spinal levels of flexor digitorum profundus
Action of flexor digitorum profundus
Flexes the distal interphalangeal joints (DIPs), gentle grip flexor. Weak wrist flexor
Origin of flexor pollicis longus
Anterior surface of radius + interosseous membrane