example quiz 2 questions Flashcards
which of the following muscles does the dorsal scapular n NOT innervate?
a. rhomboid major
b. rhomboid minor
c. infraspinatus
d. levator scapulae
what is the joint classification of the 1st carpometacarpal jt?
a. synovial condylar
b. synovial plane
c. synovial saddle
d. synovial hinge
synovial saddle
all of these muscles insert onto the coracoid process EXCEPT?
a. long head of the biceps
b. short head of the biceps
c. coracobrachialis
d. pec minor
long head of the biceps
what muscle inserts onto the base of the distal phalanx of digits 2-5?
a. flexor pollicis longus
b. palmaris longus
c. flexor digitorum superficialis
d. flexor digitorium profundus
flexor digitorium profundus
all of the following muscles are innervated by the ant. interosseous n EXCEPT?
a. flexor digitorium superficialis
b. flexor digitorium profundus
c. flexor pollicis longus
d. pronator quadratus
flexor digitorium superficialis
which muscle originates on the infraglenoid tubercle of the humerus?
a. brachialis
b. long head of the triceps
c. lateral head of the triceps
d. medial head of the triceps
long head of the triceps
what muscle acts as the chief supinator of the forearm when POWER is needed?
a. supinator
b. brachialis
c. biceps brachii
d. flexor carpi radialis
biceps brachii
what muscle inserts onto the floor of the intertubercular groove of the humerus?
a. teres major
b. latissimus dorsi
c. subscapularis
d. teres minor
lat dorsi
which of the following structures does NOT pass through the carpal tunnel?
a. flexor digitorium superficialis
b. flexor digitorium profundus
c. flexor pollicis longus
d. flexor carpi radialis
flexor carpi radialis
all of these muscles are innervated by the radial n EXCEPT?
a. anconeus
b. brachioradialis
c. ext. carpi radialis brevis
d. ext. carpi radialis longus
extensor carpi radialis brevis
which of these muscles in NOT part of the fleshy 3?
a. brachioradialis
b. ext. carpi radialis brevis
c. ext carpi radialis longus
d. abductor pollicis longus
abductor pollicis longus
which muscle does NOT make up the anatomical snuff box?
a. ext. pollicis longus
b. ext. pollicis brevis
c. ext. indices
d. abductor pollicis longus
ext. indicies
what structure makes up the lateral border of the cubital fossa?
a. pronator teres
b. brachioradialis
c. brachialis
d. biceps brachii
what nerve provides the cutaneous innervation to the posterior part of the arm?
a. musculocutaneous n
b. axillary n
c. median n
d. radial n
radial n
the dermatomal pattern that is based on clinical findings is
a. foerster
b. keegan and garrett
what is the innervation for the biceps brachii?
a. musculocutaneous
b. radial
c. median
d. axillary
musculocutaneous n
what muscle gets pierced by the musculocutaneous n?
a. biceps short head
b. biceps long head
c. coracobrachialis
d. brachialis
what muscle has its origin on the supraglenoid tubercle?
a. biceps brachii short head
b. biceps brachii long head
c. brachialis
d. coracobrachialis
biceps brachii long head
with supination, what is the primary forearm flexor?
a. brachialis
b. coracobrachialis
c. biceps brachii
biceps brachii
all of the following attach to the coracoid process of the scapula EXCEPT?
a. coracobrachialis
b. pec minor
c. pec major
d. biceps short head
pec major
what muscle helps you slowly lower objects down, such as setting a glass down?
a. biceps short head
b. biceps long head
c. coracobrachialis
d. brachialis
what is the insertion of the triceps brachii?
a. ulnar tuberosity
b. medial middle humerus
c. olecranon process
d. coronoid process
olecranon process
what vein runs on the lateral aspect of the arm?
a. basilic v
b. cephalic v
cephalic v
what vein runs on the medial aspect of the arm?
a. basilic v
b. cephalic v
basilic v
what is the floor of the cubital fossa?
a. brachialis tendon
b. bicipital aponeurosis
c. pronator teres
d. brachioradialis
brachialis tendon
what is the lateral border of the cubital fossa?
a. brachialis tendon
b. bicipital aponeurosis
c. pronator teres
d. brachioradialis
what is the medial border of the cubital fossa?
a. brachialis tendon
b. bicipital aponeurosis
c. pronator teres
d. brachioradialis
pronator teres
what is the roof of the cubital fossa?
a. brachialis tendon
b. bicipital aponeurosis
c. pronator teres
d. brachioradialis
bicipital aponeurosis
all of the following are innervated by the radial nerve EXCEPT?
a. anconeus
b. brachioradialis
all of the followung are innervated by the pos. interousseous n. (PIN) EXCEPT?
a. ED
b. EDM
c. ECU
d. supinator
what bone is the radial notch a landmark on?
a. radius
b. ulna
c. humerus
d. femur
what bone is lister’s tubercle on?
a. radius
b. ulna
c. humerus
d. femur
what is the ant. interousseous n (AIN) a branch from?
a. radial n
b. median n
c. ulnar n
d. musculocutaneous n
median n
all of the following are innervated by the median n EXCEPT?
a. pronator teres
b. FCR
c. PL
d. FCU
what muscle is dual innervated?
a. FDS
b. FDP
c. FCR
d. FCU
what is the insertion of the FCR?
a. hamulus of the hamate
b. base of the 5th metacarpal
c. base of the 2nd metacarpal
d. base of the 2nd + 3rd metacarpal
base of the 2nd + 3rd metacarpal
what is the speed pronator of the forearm?
a. pronator quadratus
b. pronator teres
c. biceps brachii
d. brachioradialis
pronator teres
what muscle is not present in everyone?
a. pronator teres
b. palmaris longus
c. pronator quadratus
d. abductor pollicis longus
palmaris longus
what is the innervation of the palmaris longus?
a. radial n
b. median n
c. AIN
d. PIN
median n
what is the insertion of FCU?
a. hamulus of the hamate
b. pisiform, hamate, and base of 5th metacarpal
c. pisiform
d. base of the 5th metacarpal
pisiform, hamate, and base of the 5th metacarpal
what is our power grip muscle?
a. FDP
b. brachioradialis
c. FDS
d. FCR
what is the insertion of the FDS?
a. the bases of the middle phalanxes for digits 2-5
b. the heads of the middle phalanxes for digits 2-5
c. the bases of the middle phalanxes for digit 1-5
d. the heads of the middle phalanxes for digits 1-5
the bases of the middle phalanxes for digits 2-5
what is the insertion of the FDP?
a. the bases of the distal phalanges of digits 2-5
b. the heads of the distal phalanx for digits 2-5
c. the bases of the distal phalanx for digits 1-5
d. the heads of the distal phalanx for digits 1-5
the bases of the distal phalanges of the digits 2-5
where does the FDP end up after piercing the FDS?
a. deep to it
b. superficial to it
superficial to it
what nerve innervates the FPL?
a. PIN
a. AIN
c. median n
d. ulnar n
what is the insertion of the FPL?
a. base of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
b. base of the distal phalanx of the thumb
c. head of the proximal phalanx of the thumb
d. head of the distal phalanx of the thumb
base of the distal phalanx of the thumb
what bone does the PQ originate on?
a. origin on radius, insertion on ulna
b. origin on ulna, insertion of radius
origin on ulna, insertion on radius
what muscle assists in the last part of extension of the elbow joint?
a. brachialis
b. brachioradialis
c. pronator quadratus
d. anconeus
what is the origin of the brachioradialis?
a. lower part of the supracondylar rideg of the humerus
b. upper part of the supracondylar ridge of the humerus
c. lateral epicondyle humerus
d. medial epicondyle humerus
upper part of the supracondylar ridge of the humerus
what is the origin of the ECRL?
a. lower part of the supracondylar ridge of the humerus
b. upper part of the supracondylar ridge of the humerus
c. lateral epicondyle
d. medial epicondyle
lower part of the supracondylar ridge of the humerus
what is the innervation of the ECRB?
a. radial n
b. deep radial n
c. PIN
deep radial n
what is the insertion of the ECRB?
a. base of the 2nd metacarpal
b. base of the 3rd metacarpal
c. base of the 4th metacarpal
d. base of the 5th metacarpal
base of the 3rd metacarpal
all of the following are a part of the fleshy 3 EXCEPT?
a. brachioradialis
c. ED
what is the origin of the EDM?
a. lateral epicondyle humerus
b. belly of the ED
c. posterior humerus
belly of the ED
what is the insertion of the ECU?
a. base of the 4th metacarpal
b. head of the 5th metacarpal
c. base of the 5th metacarpal
d. head of the 4th metacarpal
base of the 5th metacarpal
what is the innervation for ECU?
a. ulnar n
b. PIN
c. AIN
d. deep ulnar
what is the innervation of the supinator?
a. ulnar n
b. radial n
c. deep radial n
d. PIN
deep radial n
what nerve can become entrapped in the arcade of frohse?
a. ulnar n
b. radial n
c. deep radial n
d. PIN
deep radial n
what muscle is the cause of the entrapment within the arcade of froshe?
a. pronator teres
b. brachioradialis
c. supinator
d. anconeus
what is the most lateral border of the snuff box?
a. EPL
b. APL
c. EPB
what is the medial border of the snuff box?
a. EPL
b. APL
c. EPB
what is the innervation for the EI?
a. PIN
b. radial
c. deep radial
d. median
what is the floor of the snuff box?
a. hamate
b. lunate
c. capitate
d. scaphoid
what nerve provides cutaneous innervation to the dorsum of the hand?
a. radial n
b. deep radial n
c. superficial radial n
d. median n
superficial radial n
what type of joint is the glenohumeral joint?
a. synovial, ball + socket
b. syndesmosis, amphiarthrosis
c. synovial, plane
d. synovial, hinge
synovial, ball + socket
what type of joint is the humeroradial joint?
a. synovial/ plane, pivot, glide
b. synovial/ plane, pivot
c. synovial/ hinge
d. synovial/ pivot
synovial/ plane, pivot, glide
what type of jt is the humeroulnar jt?
a. synovial/ plane, pivot, glide
b. synovial/ plane, pivot
c. synovial/ hinge
d. synovial/ pivot
synovial/ hinge
what type of jt is the proximal radioulnar jt?
a. synovial/ pivot
b. synovial/ hinge
c. syndesmosis, amphiarthrosis
d. synovial, plane
synovial/ pivot
what type of jt is the radiocarpal jt?
a. synovial/ saddle
b. synovial/ ellipsoid
c. synovial/ plane
d. synovial/ pivot
synovial/ ellipsoid
what dermatomal pattern is based on embryological findings?
a. keegan + garrett
b. foerster
keegan + garrett
in foerster’s dermatomal pattern, what dermatome covers the thumb and half the index finger?
a. C5
b. C6
c. C7
d. C8
in foerster’s dermatomal pattern, what dermatome covers half the index finger, middle finger, and half the ring finger?
a. C5
b. C6
c. C7
d. C8
what cutaneous branch comes from the posterior cord of the BP?
a. median
b. radial
c. axillary
d. musculocutaneous
radial n
a patient has numbness in their shoulder region, what cord from the BP is providing cutaneous innervation to that area?
a. lateral cord (axillary part)
b. lateral cord (musculocutaneous part)
c. posterior cord
d. medial cord
lateral cord (axillary part)
a patient has numbness near theor lateral arm at the elbow, what cord from the BP is providing cutaneous innervation to that area?
a. lateral cord (musculocutaneous part)
b. lateral cord (radial part)
c. posterior cord
d. medial cord
lateral cord (radial part)
all of the following are attached to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus EXCEPT?
a. ED
b. EDM
c. supinator
d. PT
all of the following are attached to the medial epicondyle of the humerus EXCEPT?
a. FCU
b. FDS
c. anconeus
d. palmaris longus