Quiz 2 Flashcards
Missing Obelia sp. Questions
A function of amoebocytes is…
Which researcher, while studying insular taxa occurring in the Indonesian Archipelago, came to the conclusion that the unique environmental selective pressures that act upon populations of spp on these islands accounts for the different phenotypic forms which differ from their mainland counterparts?
Alfred Russel Wallace
In the case of cichlid fish that occupy the African Rift Lakes, introduction of this sp may lead to extinction of most, if not all, spp.
Nile perch
Diffusion dispersal is where individuals of a population disperse on their own power over un-inhabitable terrain during the course of their lifetime. (T/F)
False (Need habitable terrain to cross)
Spermatozoa “enter” the sponge through the…
Plants that are vascular, produce seeds, but do not flower or produce fruit.
ESSAY: What is “evolution”? What is the mechanism by which it operates and at which hierarchical level of organization? What is the role of the environment in evolution? Describe an example of an organism that demonstrates this relationship.
Evolution is noted heritable change across time. It operates primarily by natural selection and it occurs at the population hierarchical level. The environment poses selective pressures on the populations, and those with the best phenotypes are at an advantage for survival in that particular area. An example of a species undergoing evolution via natural selection is the European Pepper Moth. When the industrial revolution came around in Europe, these moths were no longer able to hide well from predators because they were originally very light in color, but now in a very dark and smoggy environment. This led to the lighter ones being eaten, and the darker ones surviving. This enabled the genes for the darker phenotype to be inherited over time so the species could survive in their changed environment.
Which school of taxonomy classifies organisms based on synapomorphic characters which define branch point on a phylogenetic tree?
Phylogenetics or Cladistics
Which of the following is in the correct order with regard to inflowing water in an Asconoid sponge?
Ostia, spongocoel, osculum
The cattle egret, Bubulcus ibis, often accompany cattle or other large mammals, catching insect and small vertebrate prey disturbed by these animals. This sp maintains a special relationship with cattle, which extends to other large grazing mammals; wider human farming is believed to be a major cause of their suddenly expanded range. The cattle egret removes ticks and flies from cattle and consumes them. This benefits both spp, but it has been implicated in the spread of tick-borne animal diseases. How would you categorize the symbiosis between Cattle Egrets and cattle?
Natural chalk, such as that found forming the White Cliffs of Dover, is composed of tests of…
What is the academic discipline called where one gives names to spp?
Entamoeba & Amoeba are classified in…
The type of speciation event that allowed Darwin’s Finches to diversify upon filling open niches on the Galapagos Islands
Adaptive radiation
The number and variety of spp, ecological systems, and the genetic and phenotypic variability they contain may be defined as…
Which of the following could not function as a secondary reproductive isolating mechanism?
All functions as secondary reproductive isolating mechanisms (behavior, seasonal breeding - temporal, zygote mortality, morphological incompatibility)
A sp that is considered monoecious has distinct sexes, male or female. (T/F)
Plants that are vascular, produce seeds, flower and produce fruit.
The mass extinction event at the end of this period marked the greatest loss of spp ever documented, up to 90% of all spp (terrestrial and marine/aquatic), with up to 80% of all genera. What was this event called?
Permio-Triassic Extinction
A group of taxa that consists of a common ancestor and all of its descendants is considered:
The function of flame cells is…
Excretion of metabolic wastes and Osmoregulation (A and C)
Fossil specimens of the mammal-like reptile Lystrosaurus have been found in stratigraphic rock along the east coast of S America, W Africa, and along the Antarctic continent. Which of the following accounts for the occurrence of this genus in three such physically disparate geographic locations?
Continental Drift
The delineation of a sp based on percent sequence divergence of the cytochrome b gene using the “Molecular Clock” would be which of the following:
Genetic Species Concept
Which group of extant plants is the most similar to the likely ancestor of terrestrial plants? (Hint: I’m not looking for the ancestral green algae)
Mature (i.e., adult) stages of schistosomid trematodes infect…
Definitive Hosts
The field that studies the geographic distribution of plants is called
A major evolutionary transition from one type of organism to another occurring at the level of the species and higher taxa is called…
When two biological species have identical resource requirements, there will be fierce competition where one sp will always win out over the other sp. As a results, no two sp may occupy the same fundamental, ecological niche. The term for this is referred to as…
The Competitive Exclusion Principle
If you were looking for a “glass sponge,” you would most likely find on in which of the following places?
Deep water (200m-1000m deep)
The most speciose group of non-vascular, non-seeded plants are called the…
In what location are the choanocytes in Syconoid body plans found?
Radial Canals
Define what a “Biological Species” is, and which biologist proposed this concept and when.
A biological species is defined as a group of phenotypically similar individuals who freely interbreed under natural conditions and who are reproductively isolated from other such groups. This was proposed by Ernst Mayr in 1942.
When Napolean’s armies marched on Egypt, it was said that if his armies set foot on the soil of Egypt, they would be subjected to the “Pharaoh’s Curse.” History indicates that this warning was unheeded and Napoleon’s armies invaded Egypt. However, historical records from Napoleon’s medical doctors described a serious illness where the men’s urine was tainted with their own blood. This condition is called “hematuria.” In this case, it was caused by a parasite that infects the urinary bladder, and eggs are voided with the individual’s urine. The eggs hatch into free-swimming larva called miracidia, which enter a snail host. from the snail the free-swimming cercariae search for a human host and will bore through the skin and enter the bloodstream. From here, they go to the liver, then eventually to the bladder and the cycle repeats itself. Which parasite is responsible for “Pharaoh’s Curse”?
Schistosoma haematobium
The ability for a mammal to maintain constant internal conditions (e.g., temperature) despite fluctuating external environmental conditions is called…
The change in allele frequencies that occurs over time within a population due to four different processes: mutation, selection, gene flow, and genetic drift is called…
Entamoeba coli captures food by means of…
The process by which competing spp use the environment differently in a way that helps them to coexist, often sympatricly is called.
Resource (niche) partitioning