Exam 1 Flashcards
Which group of extant plants is the most similar to the likely ancestor of terrestrial plants? (Hint: I am not looking for the ancestral green algae)
Plants that are vascular, produce seeds, but do not flower or produce fruit.
Natural chalk, such as that found forming the White Cliffs of Dover, is composed of tests of
Which Phylum are these squiggly organisms placed into? (looks like string worms in rbcs)
To which Genus are they assigned? (looks like string worms in rbcs)
Which disease do they cause? (looks like string worms in rbcs)
African Sleeping Sickness
The most speciose group of non-vascular, non-seeded plants are called the…
Two species can have the exact same resource requirements (i.e., niche) and occupy the same geographic space if they partition the resources.
Plants that are vascular, produce seeds, flower and produce fruit.
A class of complex organic polymers that form important structural materials in the support tissues of vascular plants and some algae. They are particularly important in the formation of cells walls, especially in wood and bark.
When two biological species have identical resource requirements, there will be fierce competition where one species will always win out over the other species. As a result, no two species may occupy the same fundamental, ecological niche. the term for this is referred to as…
The Competitive Exclusion Principle
Viviparous animals lay eggs.
Which of the following could not function as a secondary reproductive isolating mechanism?
All could function as a secondary reproductive isolating mechanisms
In the case of cichlid fish that occupy the African Rift Lakes, introduction of this species may lead to extinction of most if not all species.
nile perch
A function of amoebocytes is…
From the specimen growing on the tree trunk (fuzzy green) - Phylum?
From the specimen growing on the tree trunk (fuzzy green) - Flowering or non-flowering?
From the specimen growing on the tree trunk (fuzzy green) - Seeded or non-seeded?
From the specimen growing on the tree trunk (fuzzy green) - Vascular or non-vascular?
If you were looking for a “glass sponge”, you would most likely find on in which of the following places…
deep water (200-1000m deep)
The function of flame cells is…
A and C (excretion of metabolic wastes and osmoregulation)
Pork tapeworm
Taenia soleum
In what locations are the choanocytes in Asconoid body plans found?
Certain fungi play the role of “recyclers” in nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems. These types of fungi may appear on rotting trees, leaf litter, and even dead animals (nice!). they release exoenzymes from the tips of their hyphae that decompose and release organic material into the surrounding environment. What are the types of fungi called?
saprophytic fungi
Entamoeba & Amoeba are classified in
Introduced or exotic species like the zebra mussel often explode in numbers, reaching densities in their new homes far greater than they ever did in their original range. This is most likely because
All of these
The delineation of species based on percent sequence divergence of the cytochrome b gene using the “Molecular Clock” would be which of the following:
Genetic Species Concept
The mass extinction event at the end of this period marked the greatest loss of species ever documented, up to 90% of all the species terrestrial and marine/aquatic, w/up to 80% of all genera. What was this event called?
Permio-Triassic Extinction
What does entomologist study?
(black and yellow striped worm on leaf) Phylum?
(black and yellow striped worm on leaf) Class?
(black and yellow striped worm on leaf) Class?
(black and yellow striped worm on leaf) Parasitic or free living?
Free living
The random fluctuations in numbers of gene variants in a population, takes place when the occurrence of variant forms of a gene, called alleles, increases and decreases by chance over time.
Genetic Drift
Which pseudocoelomate phylum is the most diverse (i.e., most species)?
A major evolutionary transition from one type of organism to another occurring at the level of the species and higher taxa is called…
A disease that normally infects animals, but is also capable of causing in humans, is referred to as what type of disease?
The term for the “illegal” hunting of animals…
African Eye Worm
Loa loa
The change in allele frequencies that occurs over time within a population due to four different processes: mutation, selection, gene flow, and genetic drift is called….
The ancestral character states for a taxon are called…
A scientist who studies birds is called a(n)…
Which of the following is in the correct order w/ regard to inflowing water in an Asconoid sponge?
Ostia, spongocoel, osculum
Bath sponge - Phylum?
Bath sponge - Class?
Bath sponge - Type of filtration system?
Bath sponge - T/F - Possesses no spicules?
A scientist who studies the systematics and evolution of reptiles and amphibians is called a(n)…
You have successfully graduated from Emory & Henry College and are serving in the US Peace Corps in Cameroon, Africa. Since you have some training as a biologist in emerging diseases, the government further trained you in the skills of microscopy, phlebotomy, and performance and interpretation of basic blood tests. While performing a series of blood smears on members of a local tribe, you observe the presence of tiny, flagellated microorganisms among (but not within) the erythrocytes. Upon assisting the nurses of insect bite marks around the eyes and/or mouth, and indicate that there are many mosquitos and biting flies in the area. No one in the village has mosquito nets to cover them while sleeping. Some of the patients have slipped into a coma-like sleep and cannot wake up. When the medical staff sits down to discuss the cases, you are asked for your input. Based on these data, which parasite species do you think may be responsible for these infections?
Trypanosoma brucei
In what location are the choanocytes in Leuconoid body plans found?
Flagellated chambers
What is the function of the “tegument” in trematodes and & cestodes?
Protection from host
The cattle egret, Bubulcus ibis, often accompany cattle or other large mammals, catching insect and small vertebrate prey disturbed by these animals. This species maintains a special relationship with cattle, which extends to other large grazing mammals; wider human farming is believed to be a major cause of their suddenly expanded range. The cattle egret removes ticks and flies from cattle and consumes them. This benefits both species, but it has been implicated in the spread of tick-borne animal diseases. How would you categorize the symbiosis between Cattle Egrets and cattle?
The concept that organisms may change over time was not new in Darwin’s time. In fact, evolution was not the hot topic that most laypeople would think it was at that time. The inherent problem was that no one in the scientific community could provide a plausible explanation to account for the occurrence of evolution. Charles Darwin & Alfred Russell Wallace both proposed the “mechanism” that allows evolution to work. What was the name of this mechanism?
Natural selection
What is the academic discipline called where one gives names to species?
Folivores specialize in eating…
The mouth of both the polyp and medusa forms of cnidarians is surrounded by…
When early comparative anatomists, such as George Cuvier, examined fossil specimens of Ichthyosaurs (fish lizards), extant sharks and modern dolphins, a potential misconception in constructing a phylogeny that included all three of these animal groups was based on similar morphology. In fact, similar anatomical solutions to similar environmental/habitat conditions occur in distantly related taxa. What are these similar anatomical features called?
Analogous structures
The type of speciation event that allowed Darwin’s finches to diversify upon filling open niches on the Galapagos Islands.
Adaptive radiation
The speciation model where a barrier to gene flow arises and physically separates a formerly contiguous population, allowing the two populations to undergo different trajectories and acquire, in the end, reproductive isolation is called…
Allopatric speciation
When we consider the evolution of a species, we need to observe the change in characteristics, allelic frequencies, etc. at a particular hierarchical level. In regards to evolution, at which level does evolution operate?
The population
Individual conifer trees (e.g., Scotch Pine) have both male and female “pine cones” (t/f)
Which of the following has a fish as an intermediate host?
A group of taxa derived from two or more different ancestors is considered:
The ability for a mammal to maintain constant internal conditions (e.g., temperature) despite fluctuating external environmental conditions is called…
When a taxon increases its geographic range gradually, over thousands to tens of thousands of years and the group undergoes macroevolution during the dispersal, which of the following is it?
Secular dispersal
Causes Chagas’ Disease
Trypanosoma cruzi
Sometimes over-hunting/exploitation of a species can severely reduce the size of a population. For example, both California Sea Otters and Northeastern Elephant Seals were historically over exploited during the mid to late 19th century in the northern Pacific. After protection from hunting, those populations that survived were a very small subset of the original wide-ranging populations, and possessed a fraction of the previous genetic diversity. The subsequent random assortment of survivors may have different allelic frequencies than what was previously present, most likely significant reduced in genotypes. This is referred to as:
the “Bottleneck Effect”
Which phylum or class contains both “parasitic” and “free-living” species?
When two species live in close association and one is harmed by the association, the relationship is categorized as…
The California Sea Otter was a critically endangered species as a result of overexploitation (fur trade) a habitat degradation. As a result of management and recovery plans implemented jointly by the USFWS and the NOAA, populations are back to healthy population numbers. Part of the recovery plan required designation of critical habitat. A major component of this critical habitat is the large kelp forests where Sea Otters feed and raise their young. Some kelp achieves lengths up to 100m long. In which phylum are these kelp classified?
When all individuals of a population in a specific geographic locality are essentially “wiped out” and no longer occur in that location (e.g., Tazmanian Devils used to be on mainland Australia, but due to overhunting, Dingoes, and diseases (DTFD), they are only on Tazmania & Maria Island), that population is referred to as…
Hybridization of 2 species that leads to the evolution of a third species is an example of…
Parapatric speciation
In addition to your duties as phlebotomist/microscopist for your Peace Corps team in Honduras, you are also responsible for collection of stool samples and the performance of fecal floatations. While processing samples in search of parasite ova, you detect the presence of numerous cysts roughly 10-20 microns in diameter, that almost look like faces, plus you see some trophozoites that are flagellated and are almost cute, also like faces. Upon cross-referencing the patient case histories you note that all individuals got their drinking water from a new well, and the water was not treated with chlorine or boiled before consumption. There are abundant wild animals, including Nutria, which are like beavers. You also see that these “cyst” positive patients all had abdominal cramping and profuse, somewhat greenish diarrhea with a lot of flatulence. When you write up your interpretation of the fecal smear and floatation results, which of the following organisms do you indicate as the cause of these infections?
Giardia lamblia
Certain members of the Pyrrophyta produce toxins that collect in mollusks, and other marine organisms. As a result of toxin build up, marine animals such as marine mammals, and even humans that consume these shellfish, can suffer paralysis of the respiratory tract and die. This toxic buildup in certain organisms in the food chain that tend to have significant domino effects is commonly referred to as…
When we consider which factors affect the allelic frequency in a given population, relative to equilibrium, we now know that selective pressures aren’t the only was that allelic frequencies can deviate from one generation to the next. In cases where population size is small, the chance that random deviations from the expected allelic frequencies (e.g., Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium) can occur. Which of the following answers describes this situation?
Genetic drift
Sea anemones are considered polymorphic relative to juvenile and adult body morphs (t/f)
A species, defined as a set of organisms with a similar phenotype to each other, but a different phenotype from other sets of organisms. It includes a numerical measure of distance or similarity to cluster entities based on multivariate comparisons of a reasonably large number of phenotypic traits.
Phenetic species
New World Hookworm
Necator americanus
Are cnidarians diploblastic or triploblastic?
What is the academic discipline of describing/defining groups of biological organisms based on their characteristics, and organizing them by evolutionary relationships? (Hint: Dr. Fieltiz does this)
The biggest threat to global biodiversity is…
Habitat loss/degradation/fragmentation
Which of the following scientists is known for his work on the “Sociobiology” of insects, and his tireless efforts communicating to the civilian and scientific public on the severity of current threats to global biodiversity.
EO Wilson
Classified in Phylum Cilophora…
Paramecium caudatus
The species concept, historically used in paleontological studies, where the species is a group of organisms in which individuals conform to certain fixed properties (a type), and they are compared to the designated “holotype” which is the basis for the designation of the species.
Typological species
Nematodes possess which type of muscle arrangement?
Which scientific field seeks geo-physical explanations for disjunct distributions of organisms?
Vicariance biogeography
The number and variety of species, ecological systems, and the genetic and phenotypic variability they contain may be defined as…
A scientist who studies the behavior of animals is called a(n)…
Which researcher, while studying insular taxa occurring in the Indonesian Archipelago, came to the conclusion that the unique environmental selective pressures that act upon populations of species on these islands accounts for the different phenotypic forms which differ from their mainland counterparts?
Alfred Russell Wallace
When attempting to reconstruct the evolutionary history of an organism, or group of organisms, it is generally good practice to utilize more than one type of data/character set, and/or more than one type of analysis. (t/f)
The “proposed” speciation mechanism by which African Cichlids diversified in Lake Victoria within the same geographic area.
Sympatric Speciation
What is the study of the geographic distribution of plants called?
A species that is considered monoecious has distinct sexes, male or female. (t/f)
A species that plays a major role in determining the structure of is ecological community is…
A keystone species
EC: Dr. A used to study which of the following species on islands in the northeastern US during his graduate work?
Peromyscus leucopus
EC: African Eye Worm
Loa loa
EC: When Napoleon’s armies marched on Egypt, it was said that if his armies set foot on the soil in Egypt, they would be subjected to the “Pharoah’s Curse.” History indicates that this warning was unheeded and Napoleon’s armies invaded Egypt. However, historical records from Napoleon’s medical doctors described a serious illness where the men’s urine was tainted with their own blood. This condition is called “hematuria.” In this case, it was caused by a parasite that infects the urinary bladder, and eggs are voided with the individual’s urine. The eggs hatch into free-swimming larva called miracidia, which enter a snail host. From the snail the free-swimming cercariae search for a human host and will bore through the skin and enter the bloodstream. from here they go to the liver, then eventually to the bladder and the cycle repeats itself. Which parasite is responsible for “Pharoah’s Curse”?
Schistosoma haematobium
EC: Which scientist conducted research on the impact of starfish removal on the community of Mukkaw Bay, Washington?
Robert Paine
EC: Which scientist studied the effects of predator-prey ratios involving the impact of “Killer Whales” on California Sea Otters?
Jim Estes
EC: Heterodont dentition means that the teeth are all of the same shape (like a crocodile’s). t/f
EC: Onchocerca volvulus is a nematode roundworm and the causative agent of “River Blindness.” In various parts of Africa, Central and South America, in the river valleys, many village adults over the age of 30 are blind, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Human are bitten by Black Flies, which breed in slow moving rivers, and the parasite larva is transmitted to the human host. Humans are the reservoir for this disease. When the adult worms die in the human, the body elicits an immune response that can cause severe itching, and lesions in the ocular tissue which can lead to blindness. Since the Black Flies must feed on humans to pick up the parasite, to break the lifecycle, the pharmaceutical company, MERCK, had decided to donate as much medication as necessary in order to eradicate the parasite wherever it occurs. What is the drug that is the primary component in the medication provided by MERCK?
Which type of photosynthetic pathway do desert-adapted plants use?
Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM)