Quiz Flashcards
Minimum separation between telecom conduits and other pipes carrying gas/oil/water in a joint trench
Parallel: 12”
Crossing: 6”
Information ICT pro needs to provide to HVAC engineer?
BTU/hour = Power(in watts)*3.412
BTU/12000 = tons of AC required
Insertion loss allowance for fusion splicing OM50/125
What method is used for clash detection / project coordination
BIM Coordination
Lighting considerations in telecommunications spaces
-Light switches near entrance.
-Coordinating lighting with equipment to prevent obstructions
-Powered by separate circuit from equipment
-One set of lighting on normal power, another set on emergency power
-Light colored finish on walls
-Providing a minimum of ≈500 lx (46 foot-candles) of lighting in the horizontal plane
and ≈200 lx (18.6 foot-candles) in the vertical plane, measured ≈1 m (3.28 ft) above the
finished floor in the middle of all aisles between cabinets and racks.
-Locating light fixtures a minimum of ≈2.6 m (8.5 ft) AFF when possible and coordinating
closely with the rack, cabinet, or enclosure placements.
Bottom-up Design
Physical design
Begins by surveying the site telecom pathways and spaces to determine network technology and equipment selection
Top Down Design
Functional design
Surveys the applications and traffic on network to make system requirements
Core switch
Multiple servers connect to one core switch
Where should equipment rooms be located?
centralized to minimize cost of horizontal cabling systems
The measurement of signal power reflected resulting from the insertion of a device in a transmission line
Return Loss
How to determine quantity/size of conduits needed
The 4 floors have the following usable space: 1-60K, 2-40K, 3-40K, 4-20K.
How many trade size 4 conduits are needed between each floor?
Types of pathway systems
What type of pathway system is used for work spaces where telecom devices can be reached from walls / partitions?
Pathways shall be installed with ______ clear vertical space above the ceiling tiles and support channels to ensure accessibility
What category/class of cabling does BICSI recommend for the MINIMUM performance level of horizontal balanced twisted pair cabling?
-Cat 5e/class D
-Cat 6/class E
-Cat 6a/class EA
-or Cat 7 / class F
Cat6a, Class Ea
How to go about changes to a project after award but prior to approval of contractor furnished submittals
Disadvantage of light-buffered fiber vs loose-tube fiber
A tight-buffered optical fiber cable’s disadvantages, when compared with loose-tube cables
with the same number of strands, are a:
* Lower tensile strength.
* Greater attenuation increase at low temperatures.
what is the reccommended twisted pair cable slack length to be left at the work area outlet location to enable the possibility of future changes in the Horizontal Cabling System?
Providing cable slack is recommended to enable the possibility of future changes in the
horizontal cabling system configuration:
* In the TR:
– Balanced twisted-pair cabling—Sufficient to reach the farthest corner of the TR via the
pathways plus the distance from floor to ceiling without exceeding the ≈90 m (295 ft)
– Optical fiber cabling—Sufficient to reach the farthest corner of the TR via the pathways
plus the distance from floor to ceiling and an additional ≈3 m (10 ft) of slack for storage
inside hardware without exceeding the ≈90 m (295 ft) limitation.
* In the work area:
– Balanced twisted-pair cabling— ≈0.3 m (1 ft)
– Optical fiber cabling— ≈1 m (3.3 ft)
Cable slack shall be taken into consideration in the total length of the horizontal cabling
system segments.
What are the 2 key components to an open office work space cabling system
Communications panel
Where should a work area telecom outlet be located?
Within 1m of the electrical outlet at the same height
Maximum ground impedance for 120VAC and 240VAC circuits?
1 ohm, 0.8 ohm
To determine the cross-sectional area of a cable or conduit use the following formula
0.785 x d^2
where d = diameter
Minimum separation distance for Unshielded power lines or electrical equipment in proximity to open or non-metal pathways.
Minimum separation distance for Unshielded power lines or electrical
equipment in proximity to a grounded metal
conduit pathway.
Minimum separation distance for Power lines enclosed in a grounded metal
conduit (or equivalent shielding) in proximity
to a grounded metal conduit pathway.
Minimum separation distance for Electric Motors and transformers
Documents/Requirements associated with a submittal
Surety Bond
Shop Drawings
Product Data
Close out docs
VA rating that requires additional separation
Project closeout ICT related
ICT designer’s responsibilities during bidding and engineering phases
-Peer review design as an independent 3rd party
-Check design for code compliance
-Identify value engineering opportunities
-Identify potential conflicts
HVAC systems in Equipment Rooms
Humidity, dust/contamination control, temperature
Telecommunications equipment usually requires the HVAC system to function properly at all
times (e.g., 24 hours per day, 365 days per year). If a building’s HVAC system cannot ensure
continuous operation, a stand-alone HVAC unit with independent controls should be provided
for the ER. If an emergency power source is available in the building, connect the HVAC
system that serves the ER to the power source.
The HVAC system that serves the ER should be tuned to maintain a positive air pressure
differential with respect to surrounding areas. If environmental conditions warrant, equipment
for the control of humidity and air quality should be provided
Filtration systems are required to minimize particle levels in the air. Keep changes in
temperature and humidity to around one percent. HVAC sensors and controls shall be located
in the ER. Ideally, the sensors are placed ≈1.52 m (5 ft) AFF.
Quantity of conduits between telecom rooms on the same floor
Fiber types that can be used for 250< runs < 300m
planning / designing a DAS
Commonly used to route bulk cables in an ER (2 things)
Cable trays and raceways (8” headroom required, 12” recmd.)
Access floor systems
Coordination with other stakeholders and other disciplines …. to ensure the design is constructible and any conflicts….
Design Development
ICT distribition design to review the DB firm’s work product ensuring that the certified final documents are complete. In what capacity would the designer MOST LIKEY be involved?
how ER can affect HVAC setting requirements?
Equipment in ER affecting HVAC size requirements
- Environmental control equipment
- Power distribution/conditioners
- UPS systems
- PDUs
fusion splicing 50/125mm fiber cable
Minimum vertical clearance for cabling and conduits
Minimum vertical clearance for raceways and cable trays
Conduit derating fill formula
=conduit cross sectional area * (1-(# conduit bends * derating))* 0.4 / Cable cross sectional area
Cable pull force is determined by
- Cable type.
- Conduit type.
- Conduit diameter.
- Conduit length.
- Conduit layout.
- Number and configuration of conduit bends.
- Selection of lubricants used during the installation.
When a complex installation is anticipated, specifying the use of a breakaway swivel
equipped with an appropriate shear pin is recommended.
Determining conduit size required in horizontal cabling
- Measure usable floor space
- Determine max of work areas. By dividing floor space by maximum work area density (100 sq ft/ 9.3m^2)
- Calculate max number of cables required (# work areas * Maximum number of cables per work area)
- Determine max cable diameter (0.24”, 6.1mm)
- Reference table 5.7
installed with a clearance of _____, or greater above ceiling tiles and supporting t-bars
Additional TRs should be considered when:
-the TR serves more than 10,000 sqft
-or the space has multiple tenants requiring their own TR for security purposes or otherwise
Additional TRs are required when
horizontal cabling length between HC and TO exceeds 295’
The keys to fire protection are
3 pillars of fire protection
Active fire protection pillars
Passive fire protection pillars
Active fire protection definition
Systems that rely on external energy sources
Passive fire protection
inherently protects by its properties
When testing firestop products, Firestop systems are evaluated under ____,_____,____
positive pressure, time/temperature, furnace conditions
This chapter provides guidelines for re-establishing the integrity of fire-rated structures and
assemblies (e.g., walls, floors, ceilings) when these barriers are penetrated by:
- Pipes.
- Cables.
- Conduits.
- Innerducts.
- Cable trays.
- Ducts.
- Other facility systems
Firestop applications
- Through-penetration firestop systems.
- Membrane-penetration firestop systems.
- Joint firestop systems.
- Perimeter fire barrier systems.