Quiz 13 Review Flashcards
Single-celled photosynthetic microbes that drift with the ocean currents are called:
Which of the following phytoplankton carry out photosynthesis? • Diatoms • Dinoflagellates • Coccolithophorids • Synechococcus • All of the above
All of the above
Phytoplankton produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis.
Biologically important elements that are required in trace amounts by phytoplankton are generally referred to as:
The rapid cellular division of phytoplankton stimulated by abundant sunlight and nutrients constitutes what oceanographers call a phytoplankton
What color are southern California waters during winter and summer?
In the light-dark bottle method, the light bottle is used to determine rates of:
net primary production
What color are southern California waters during the spring and fall blooms?
Autotrophic organisms that use chemical energy to fix carbon dioxide into organic carbon are called:
The boundary between a nutrient-depleted layer and a nutrient-rich layer is called:
Autotrophic organisms that use light energy to fix carbon dioxide into organic carbon are called:
The region of our planet from 23.5 deg S to 23.5 deg N is called:
The tropics
Which of the following belong to the nano- and microphytoplankton, the larger phytoplankton? • Diatoms • Dinoflagellates • Coccolithophorids • Synechococcus • All except D
All except D
Throughout most of the ocean, phytoplankton growth is limited by the availability of
Phytoplankton are a ______ for atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Organisms that manufacture organic matter from inorganic materials and an energy source are called:
Primary Producers
Phytoplankton photosynthesis occurs
Only in the photic zone where sufficient light is available
In the open ocean where phytoplankton are sparse, biological oceanographers typically use ______ as a measure of primary productivity.
(not the oxygen light-dark bottle method)
What color are southern California waters during the spring and fall blooms?
Regions of high nitrate and low chlorophyll likely occur because:
(not due to zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton)
Several field experiements in the world ocean have shown that addition of iron to iron-poor waters
Increases the concentration of phytoplankton
What color are southern California waters during the winter and summer?
The region of our planet from 23.5 deg N/S to 66.5 deg N/S is called
The temperate zone
The region of our planet from 66.5 deg N/S to 90 deg N/S is called
The polar zone
The breakdown of organic matter in the presence of oxygen is called:
Aerobic respiration
Which of the following are primary producers in the world ocean? • Phytoplankton • Chemosynthetic bacteria • California kelp and other seaweeds • Seagrasses • All of the above
All of the above
Biologically important nutrients include: • Nitrate • Phosphate • Potassium • Iron • All of the above
All of the above
Surface waters whose concentrations of dissolved nitrate are abundant are characterized as:
The solid waste product of a copepod is called a:
Fecal pellet
The conversion of organic matter into inorganic nutrients in the ocean is called:
Which of the following organisms are known as nature's little recyclers? • Photosynthetic bacteria • Phytoplankton • Zooplankton • Heterotrophic bacteria • Coccolithophorids
Heterotrophic bacteria
The sun-capturing, CO2 using, food-making microbes in the ocean are called:
The rate of photosynthesis of phytoplankton is known as:
Gross primary production
The arrangement of reaction centers and electron transport chains of the light reactions is called:
(not photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle)
Which of the following belong to the picophytoplankton, the very small phytoplankton? • Diatoms • Dinoflagellates • Coccolithophorids • Synechococcus • All of the above
the principle that states that one limiting factor is primarily responsible for limiting the growth rate of the plant or phytoplankton cell is called:
Liebig’s Law of the Minimum
Biologically important elements that are required in greater quantities by phytoplankton are generally referred to as
When rates of vertical mixing are high, phytoplankton will experience:
Regions of the world ocean with high nitrate and low chlorophyll concentrations are designated as
HNLC regions
Carbon dioxide enters the process of photosynthesis during the
Water splitting reactions?
Which longitudinal lines serve are boundaries for Orange County?
The Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle