quiz 13 Flashcards
What is a dilemma
“1. A dilemma is a two-horned or two-edged argument which presents, as the ma1or premise, a complex conjunctive proposition in which each of the conjuncts (the horns) is a conditional statement, as well as a minor premise, a disjunctive proposition, 1n which either the antecedents of the major premise are confirmed, or its consequents are denied
How many forms does the dilemma take
How many rules for the dilemma are there
How many strategies are there for responding to dilemmas
How are dilemmas divided quantitatively
“Dilemmas are divided quantitatively into simple and complex
How are dilemmas divided qualitatively
Dilemmas are divided qualitatively into constructive and destructive
Taking both quantity and quality into account, list the possible forms of the dilemma.
There 1s I) the simple constructive dilemma; 2) the simple destructive dilemma; 3) the complex constructive dilemma. and 4) the complex destructive dilemma.
Explain what a simple constructive dilemma is
A simple constructive dilemma is a dilemma in which both of the antecedents of the ma1or premise are affirmed by the minor premise, but in which the consequents in both conjuncts of the major premise are the same.
Give the form of a simple constructive dilemma
If P, then Q; and if R, then Q Either P or R
Therefore, Q
Explain what a simple destructive dilemma is
A simple destructive dilemma Is a dilemma in which both of the consequents of the ma1or premise are dented by the minor premise, bur in which the antecedents in both conjuncts of the major premise are the same.
Give the form of a simple destructive dilemma
if P then Q, and if P then R