quiz 12 Flashcards
What are epicheirema
They are complex syllogisms in which at least one of the premises contains causal propositions.
What is a causal proposition
It is a proposition that includes the proof for the proposition or the reason for believing the proposition
to be true.
What kind of syllogism is an epicheireme (simple or complex)
What is a First Order epicheireme
Those in which the causal proposition is in the major premise.
To what kind of sorites are First Order epicheirema similar
It resembles a Goclenian sorites.
Explain in your own words how a First Order epicheireme is constructed
All M is P, Since R, All S is a M, Therefore, S is P
What is a Second Order epicheireme
Those in which the causal proposition is in the minor premise.
To what kind of sorites is it similar
An Aristotelian sorites.
Explain in your own words how a Second Order epicheireme is constructed.
All M is P, since R, All S is a M, since R, Therefore, S is P
What is a Third Order epicheireme?
They are compounds of First and Second Order epicheirema in which there are
causal propositions in both the major and minor premises.
Explain in your own words how a Third Order epicheireme is constructed.
All M is P, Since R, All S is a M since, R, Therefore, S is P.
True or false, Epicheirema are syllogisms in which at least one of the premises contains a causal proposition.
True or false, A causal proposition is a proposition which is the proof for another proposition or the reason for
believing the other proposition to be false.
True or false, First Order epicheirema are epicheirema in which the causal proposition is in the minor premise.
True or false, Third Order epicheirema are similar to Aristotelian sorites.