Quiz #1: Nursing and AC Flashcards
when conducting a physical exam of the thorax referred sounds are generally from where?
from the trachea
when are SQ fluids contraindicated?
when the patient needs dextrose
what is the cause of ringworm?
generally 2 genera of fungi: Microsporum canis and Trichophyton spp.
which immunoglobulin can cross the placental barrier?
a cat who hides once he sees the carrier has learned that the carrier predicts vet visits through what type of conditioning?
classical conditioning
which mother-offspring pair need to be kept in line of sight to keep the mother from injuring herself or others?
mare and foal
which species has 2 pairs of upper incisors with a smaller pair of peg teeth found behind the larger pair?
which multi-modal analgesic combination is considered the most effective in birds?
butorphanol and meloxicam
what is the primary reservoir host for Chlamydia psittaci organism?
why are hospitals noting the location of vaccine administration?
it’s easier to identify which vaccine was the possible source of a tumor
a drain would be placed in a wound for _______
a. treatment of an abscess
b. treatment of a clean wound
c. removal of necrotic tissue
d. removal of air and plasma from a wound
treatment of an abscess
what is a hypertonic crystalloid solution used for?
to increase intravascular volume
why should a hypothermic neonatal animal be rewarmed at a rate of 2 F per hour?
the patient’s condition may progress into shock and death
which statement is true about viral infections?
a. after being infected the patient shows CS fairly rapidly
b. viral infections can predispose a patient to secondary opportunistic pathogens
c. persistent carriers are easily identifiable
d. viral infections do not cause cancer
viral infections can predispose the patient to secondary opportunistic pathogens
common commercial ELISA tests are not available for which of the following?
a. parvo
b. heartworm
c. rabies
d. feline leukemia
a cat that is in its carrier and is terrified to come out would not demonstrate which of the following?
a. tail carried upright
b. pupils dilated
c. ears flattened
d. body crouched
tail carried upright
which of these species has a functional diaphragm?
a. parrots
b. lizards
c. hedgehogs
d. Beta fish
why is it important to use uncuffed ET tubes in birds?
they have complete tracheal rings and an inflated cuff may damage the lining of the trachea causing necrosis
which statement is correct about scabies?
a. the lesions become thickened, lose hair, and are intensely pruritic in humans only
b. signs and symptoms are not the same in humans and animals
c. microscopic examination of a skin scraping will show mites and ova from infected lesions
d. the mites that cause scabies are microscopic and attach themselves to dust particles and ride air currents to find a new host
microscopic examination of a skin scraping will show mites and ova from infected lesions