Quiz 1 and Test 1 Flashcards
Term for modification with descent
Order of vertebrates
fish -> amphibians -> reptiles -> mammals and birds
What are 4-feet (limbs) creatures?
What was the very first vertebrate?
fish (always have fins)
Creature that does not have limbs, but is still tetrapod due to descent
Which features have common ancestors?
homology (mammal limb -> bird wing) (similar build)
Which features share common function?
analogy (bird wing -> insect wing) (completely different build)
Which features look alike?
homoplasy (insect wing -> leaves) (developed for mimicry)
Which symmetry body plan likes spokes on a wheel? No front, back, left, or right. (Jellyfish)
Which symmetry has front/back, left/right, top/bottom type of symmetry?
Which planes of section divides bilaterally symmetrical animals into left and right halves?
Which places of section divides bilaterally symmetrical animals into anterior and posterior sections?
Which planes of section divide bilaterally symmetrical animals into dorsal and ventral sections?
frontal section
What means towards the heads, which is superior for humans?
anterior or cranial
What means nearer the tail, which is inferior for humans?
posterior or caudal
What means towards the back, which is posterior for humans?
What means towards the belly, which is anterior for humans?
What means towards the midline?
What means towards the sides of the body?
What is part of the appendage (fin or limb) closer to the body?
What is part of the appendage farther from the body?
Who realized the importance of segments?
What the term used for course of evolution?
What over simplifies phylogeny and makes it look like direct evolution?
Which primitive chordate had no jaws, no vertebrae, skeleton made of protein, and no fins?
Which semi primitive chordate had no jaws, primitive vertebrae, cartilage skeleton, and unpaired fins?
Which derived chordate had jaws, well-developed vertebrae, cartilage skeleton, and paired fins?
What percent of species have gone extinct?
How many years have humans been around?
How long ago did civilization building begin?
12 to 15 thousand years
What is the science of building a phylogeny?
What is a group of organisms in branches of phylogeny?
What is a taxon of related organism?
What is a relative measure of how evolved?
What is the study of fossils?
What are recovered fossils loaded with information about?
anatomy and social behavior
Why is the fossil record biased?
abundancy, distribution, existed for a long time, hard body parts
What was the famous place where creatures living in shallow sea caused landslides that helped preserve these organisms and help keep them together?
Burgess Shale
Who believed that parts were adapted to perform specific functions, and if a part was changed, the function failed and the animal perished?
Who believed in archetypes, stating that all living things came from the same basic, essential plan?
Who believed that species were unchanging?
Who believed in aquired characteristics, which are those organismal parts that were adapted due to an environmental change?
Who wrote Darwin with extremely similar ideas to those that were stated in Darwin’s theory of natural selection?
Who wrote On the Origin of Species which was used to show all of this scientist’s notes on the true meaning of natural selection?
What year was the Cambrian explosion (multicellular animals = porifera, cnidaria, mollusks)?
542 mya
What year was snowball Earth?
600-750 mya
What year was multicellular eukaryote (algae)?
1.2 bya
What year was first eukaryote (single celled protist)?
2.1 bya
What year was oxygen revolution, resulting from waste production of photosynthesis and saturating water?
2.2-2.7 bya
What year was first life, cyanobacteria which are prokaryotes?
3.5 bya
What year was first rocks, cooling of earth, no fossils?
3.9 bya
What year was the formation of the solar system?
4.6 bya
What was the Cenozoic era known as?
age of mammals or recent animal life, 65 mya to now
What was the most recent mass extinction event?
What period and time were the first birds?
Jurassic, 150 mya
What period and time were the first mammals?
225 mya, Triassic
What was the Mesozoic era known as?
age of reptiles, middle animal life, 65-250 mya
What was the Paleozoic era known as?
age of fish, ancient animal life, 250-542 mya
What and when was the first mass extinction?
Permian, 250 mya
What and when were the first reptiles?
carboniferous, 300 mya
What and when were the first amphibians?
Devonian, 365 mya
What was the period where nothing happened?
What was the first terrestrial life and during what period?
Ordovician, Arthropoda, scorpion, fungi, plant
How many animal phyla were brought about during the Cambrian explosion and what were they and when?
31+ animal phyla, Chordata, urucephalochorate, cephalochordate, vertebrata, 542 mya
Why was Cambrian explosion successful in bringing new species?
melting of snowball Earth = more photosynthesis
more oxygen = more energy = bigger, faster, predator/prey
What was the percent of species that went extinct during Permian extinction?
What caused the Permian extinction?
climate change
What are greenhouse gases?
traps suns rays
What are the two compounds most important for global warming?
CO2, CH4
What causes methane to build up in atmosphere?
animal farts, decomposition of organic life
What causes carbon dioxide build up in atmosphere?
burning fossil fuels (remains of once living organisms) (coal, oil, natural gas)
What happened during the Cretaceous extinction?
dinosaurs extinct
ET body came to Earth, 100 mile diameter crate left behind
blocked out sun with amount of dust and knocked out photosynthetic life so therefore food web -> catastrophic
herds of reptiles converted to mammals