QUIZ 1 Flashcards
Primary mover aka
Agonist aka initiator
What is the primary mover?
Muscle that starts the action of motion at a joint
Secondary mover aka
Synergistic aka facilitator
What is the secondary mover?
Muscle coupled with agonist that finishes the motion
Tertiary mover aka
Antagonist aka Inhibitor
What is the Tertiary mover?
Muscle that stops the action of agonist and synergist
Elbow Flexion
Agonist, Synergist, Antagonist
A - Biceps Brachii (C5) = Elbow Flex
S - Brachioradialis (C6) & Brachialis = EF
Ant - Triceps Brachii (C7) = Elbow extension
Plantar Flexion
-> Agonist, Synergist, Antagonist
A - Gastrocnemius = plant flex
S - Soleus = plant flex
Ant - Tibialis Anterior = Dorsiflexion
Horizontal Adduction
Agonist, Synergist, Antagonist =
A - Pectoralis Major Superior (claviclular division)
S - Corachobrachialis and Anterior Deltoid
Ant - Posterior Deltoid (horizontal abduction)
Hip Abduction
Agonist, Synergist, Antagonist =
A - Gluteus Medius
S - Tensor fascia lata & Gluteus minimus
Ant - Adductor Magnus and others = hip adduction
Shoulder Abduction
Agonist, Synergist, Antagonist =
A - Supraspinatus
S - Middle Deltoid
Ant - Latissimus Dorsi (shoulder adduction)
Supraspinatus =
Infraspinatus =
EXternal rotation
Teres Minor =
EXternal rotation
Subscapularis =
INternal rotation
Muscle testing tests muscles _____
Halfway through their ROM
Within normal limits of Muscle testing =
Grade 5 (held in locked position for 3 seconds)
When muscle testing where do you contact?
Distal to insertion
What are the Contraindications for Muscle Testing?
- Fracture
- Resisting over a wound/suture
- Dislocation
- Severe joint instability = sprains/strains
- LESS than 5 years old
When would you CAUTION muscle testing?
- Osteoporosis
- Suspected fracture
Where is center of gravity?
Slightly anterior to 1st or 2nd sacral tubercle
Planes _______ , Axis is ________
Planes creates the motion, axis is perpendicular angle around which the plane rotates
Every plane and axis are ______
Perpendicular to each other
What are the 3 planes?
- Sagittal / Median
- Divides body into L and R halves
- Frontal / Coronal
- Divides body into anterior and posterior halves
- Transverse / Horizontal
- Divides body into superior/cephalad and inferior/caudal halves
What are 3 axes of Rotation?
- Sagittal plane axis is bilateral AKA coronal (runs medial / lateral)
- Frontal plane axis is AP/Sagittal (runs AP)
- Transverse plane axis is VLP (vertical / longitudinal / polar)
What are the 2 types of categories of Planes and Axes?
- Cardinal/Mid-planes (cardinal aka mid)
2. Secondary
What is Cardinal/Mid-planes?
Intersecting 1st or 2nd sacral tubercle
- Equal division of a part
What does “Secondary” mean?
Everything away from equality
Pure motion =
One plane around one axis of motion at one time
- Measured by goniometer
Elbow is only capable of ______
“Secondary” sagittal motion (hinge joint) - Flexion and extension
- Knee, DIP, and PIP
Non pure motion =
Motion in more than one plane (3D motion) - motion of everyday life
Opposition is _____
NOT a pure motion
- Motions have to be combined in order for this to occur
Pec major Inferior-eternal division would be an example of ______
Conical =
Sagittal/Median plane has how many divisions?
Left and Right
What is the Sagittal/Median Axis of Rotation?
Sagittal/Median Motions:
- Mid (body flex/ext)
- Secondary (arm flex/ext)
Frontal / Coronal plane divisions?
Anterior and posterior
Frontal/coronal axis of rotation:
AP/ Sagittal
Frontal / Coronal Motions:
Mid (torso lateral flex)
Secondary (radial/ulnar deviation)
Transverse/ Horizontal divisions:
Superior and Inferior
Transverse / Horizontal Axis of rotation:
Vertical Longitudinal Polar (VLP)
Transverse / Horizontal Motions :
Mid (torso/head rotation)
Secondary (pronation / supination)
Oblique plane axis of rotation:
Oblique plane motions:
Opposition , Pitching (pec major inf fibers - sternal division), Circumduction (AKA conical)
Joint: Shoulder and Hip
(Motion / Plane / Axis) ->
Joint: Elbow, Knee, DIP, PIP
Motion / Plane / Axis) ->
Joint : Wrist
Motion / Plane / Axis)
Joint: Ankle
Motion / Plane / Axis)
Joint: Forearm
Motion / Plane / Axis)
Shoulder and Hip Motions:
Flex/ Ext
AB/AD duction
Int/Ext Rotation
Elbow, knee, DIP, PIP motions
Wrist Motions:
Radial/ulnar dev
Ankle Motions:
Forearm motions:
Shoulder and Hip
Flex/Ext ->
Plane: Sagittal/median
Axis: coronal / bilateral
Shoulder and Hip
AB/ADduction ->
Plane: Frontal Coronal
Axis: AP / Sagittal
Shoulder and Hip
Int/Ext Rotation:
Plane: Transverse/Horizontal
Axis: VLP
Elbow, knee, DIP/PIP
Flex/Ext ->
Plane: Sag. / Med.
Axis: Coronal/Bilateral
Plane: Sagittal/Median
Axis: Coronal/Bilateral
Radial/Ulnar Deviation:
Plane: Frontal / Coronal
Axis: AP/ Sag.
Plane: Sag/Median
Axis: Coronal/Bilateral
Plane: Frontal/Coronal
Axis: AP/ Sagittal
Plane: Transverse/Horizontal
Axis: VLP