Quiz 1 Flashcards
Physical Activity is important for…
prevention and treatment of many chronic diseases, health conditions, and associate risk factors with these
What is PA?
Any bodily movement produced by contraction of skeletal muscles that results in increased caloric requirement above resting energy expenditure
What is exercise?
A type of PA- planned, structured, and REPETITIVE bodily movement to improve and/or maintain greater than or equal to 1 component of physical fitness
Physical Fitness
a set a of attributes/ characteristics individuals have or achieve - related to ability to perform PA and activities of daily living (ADLs) - split into health and skill
Physical Fitness Components - Health Related
- Cardiorespiratory endurance (ability of cardio and respiratory to supply O2 during sustained PA
- Body composition (relative amounts of muscle, fat, bone, and other vital body parts)
- Muscular strength (ability of muscle to exert force- move skeleton)
- Muscular endurance (ability of muscle to repeatedly exert force against resistance)
- Flexibility (range of motion available at any joint
Physical Fitness Components- Skill Related
- Agility (ability to change to position of body in space with speed and accuracy)
- Coordination (ability to use senses - sight/ hearing- together with body parts in performing tasks - multitasking)
- Balance (maintenance of equilibrium while standing or moving smoothly and accurately)
- Power (ability of rate at which one can perform work)
- Reaction time (time elapsed between when stimulation and beginning of rxn to it)
-Speed (ability to perform a movement within a short period of time)
Ways to identify/ prescribe exercise intensity?
- VO2R- percentage of O2 uptake reserve
- HRR- heart rate reserve
- VO2- ml O2/min volume of O2 consumed
- HR- heart rate
- MET- metabolic equivalent (behaviors/actions)
1MET= 3.5ml O2/min
light = 1.6-2.9 METS
Moderate = 3.0-5.9 METS
Vigorous = greater than or equal to 6.0 METS
Compendium of Physical Activities
Shows METS for all sports, activities of daily living (ADLs), and occupatins
Across the lifespan
1st half: characterized by rapid growth and development
2nd half: gradual loss & deterioration
Rate of change varies between individuals depending on genetics & lifestyle choices
With age…
decline in maximal aerobic capacity; when older and younger work at a similar MET level… older will be working at a greater relative % of VO2 max than the younger
ACSM, CDC, US Surgeon General, NIH published PA & health recommendations to…
Clarify amount & intensity of PA needed to improve health, lower susceptibility to disease, and decrease premature death (increase PA = decrease health risks up to a point)
1995 guidelines
adults should do 30 minutes or more of moderate (3.0-5.9 METS) PA on most days of the week
1996 guidelines
there was an emphasis on health benefits with regular PA
2007 guidelines
adults (18-65) should do moderate intensity aerobic PA for at least 30 min 5 days/week OR vigorous intensity aerobic PA for at least 20 min 3 days/week (combination of two can happen to meet recommendation)
Bouts last at least 10 min
Perform activities to maintain/ increase muscular strength & endurance at least 2 days/week
2008 government adaptation of guidelines
- benefits to health obtained if perfroming moderate amount of PA on most if not all days of week
- greater amounts of PA= more benefit (program of long duration and/or increased intensity = better results than those with less amounts)
2018 update (in addition)
- For inactive, PA of any intensity provides health benefits
- Health benefits- can be seen with a single bout of moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA)
- any bout of MVPA- regardless of duration can be included to meet recommendation
- <10 min is also ok- previous statement that it must be more than 10 min deleted
Guidelines NOW
- move more than sit, some activity better than none- any amount of MVPA
- For substantial benefits: greater than or equal to 150 min/week to 300 min/week of moderate PA OR greater than or equal to 75 min/ week to 150 min/week of vigorous AEROBIC
- additional health benefits with greater than 300 min/week of moderate PA
- muscular strength activities of greater than or equal to moderate intensity and involving all major muscle groups at least 2 days/week
Note for PA
Sufficient PA reduces risk of chronic disease and mortality but does not necessarily reverse weight gain - need to diet too
PA studies show
increase PA= decrease cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence and mortality rate due to CVD
greater levels of PA or cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) provide additional health benefits
Sedentary behavior and health
- people who are inactive
- 1 of 4 contributors to mortality
- role of sedentary behavior in disease risk and progression has increased and is a prominent public health concern
- sedentary behavior= less than or equal to 1.5 MET (sitting, lying down, reclining, watching TV)
How to combat cultural/global lack of PA?
With MOVEMENT! Sedentary behavior is associated with cardiometabolic risk
Sedentary behavior studies
Used waist-worn activity monitors
- people reported 4.7 hr/day of sedentary behavior
- activity monitors recorded 7.7-8 hr/day
Risks of Sedentary Behavior
- glucose & insulin control
- lipid metabolism
- vascular function
Long- term:
- risk of diabetes
- risk of heart disease
- risk of cancer
- risk of mortality
- risk of CVD
Benefits of PA and Exercise
Inverse relationship between PA/ exercise and: premature mortality, CVD, CAD, hypertension, stroke, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, obesity, 13 cancers, depression, function health, risks of falls, cognitive function
More Benefits
- aerobic capacity (CRF) has inverse relationship with negative health outcomes
- increased PA levels associated with increased CRF and associated health benefits