QUIZ #1 Flashcards
Issues on Contraception, its Morality,
and Ethico-moral Responsibility of
a. Contraception
b. Abortion
c. Artificial Insemination
d. In-vitro Fertilization and Sex
e. Surrogate Motherhood
What is Human Sexuality?
- The properties that distinguish
organisms on the basis of their
reproductive roles. - A person’s tendency of sexual attraction,
especially whether heterosexual - The constitution of an individual in
relation to sexual attitudes or activity. - This is a broad concept that includes
aspects of the physical, psychological,
social, emotional, and spiritual MAKEUP
of an individual. - It is not limited to the physical or
biological reproductive elements and behavior but encompasses the manner in which individuals use their own roles, relationships, values, customs, and gender.
Biologically, how is Human sexuality defined?
an aggregate of characteristics that
differentiates between the two types or
parts of the organism which reproduce
by means of the fusion of gametes and
which thus also create a connection of
genetic material from two different
Psychologically, how is Human sexuality defined?
sexuality is the behavior directly associated with the meeting of the two genders – and in
some species with copulation – which
can lead to fertilization (Broadhurst 1980)
What is an individually expressed and highly
personal phenomenon that evolves from
life experiences?
Human Sexuality
What are factors that influence a person’s sexuality and lead to the wide range of attitudes and behaviors seen in humans?
Physiological, psychosocial, and cultural
What factors determines human sexuality?
- cultural
- political
- legal
- philosophical aspects of life
- morality
- ethics
- theology
- spirituality
- religion.
What is a topic of universal concern?
Sexual morality
In theological (conservative) view:
What are the values of Human Sexuality?
a. physical pleasure;
b. the expression of intimate love;
c. the transmission of life to a
new generation;
d. a paradigm and symbol of more universal
forms of love.
What is the view of the liberal sexual moralist?
Rejects exclusiveness of sex
- it need not be restrictive
- one can carry on meaningful
love affairs simultaneously with
more than one person
- Disagrees with the assumption
that sex should be connected
with feelings of love and affection
What is conducive to human happiness, it will be claimed, that such individuals be
permitted to obtain whatever gratification
they can from their sexual desires,
without the burden of moral guilt, as long
as they do not impose their sexuality
involuntarily, hurtfully, or deceitfully upon
The liberal sexual moralist
What is a legally and socially
sanctioned union, usually between a
man and a woman, that is regulated by
laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and
attitudes that prescribe the rights and
duties of the partners and accords
status to their offspring (if any)?
The universality of marriage within
different societies and cultures is
attributed to the many basic social and
personal functions for which it provides
structure, such as sexual gratification
and regulation, division of labor between
the sexes, economic production and
consumption, and satisfaction of
personal needs for affection, status, and
is an agreement between two persons
by which they grant each other equal
reciprocal rights, each of them
undertaking to surrender the whole of
their person to the other with a complete
right of disposal over it
Marriage (According to Kant)
Which philosopher states that Marriage, is an agreement between two persons
by which they grant each other equal
reciprocal rights, each of them
undertaking to surrender the whole of
their person to the other with a complete
right of disposal over it?
Types/Forms of Marriages
● Exchange marriage
● Group marriage
● Polygyny
● Polyandry
● Polygamy
● Tree marriage
● Common-law marriage
A form of marriage involving an
arranged and reciprocal exchange of
spouses between two groups
● Exchange marriage
A form of marriage where
three or more adults live together,
sharing almost all aspect
● Group marriage
A form of marriage in which two or more
women share a husband
● Polygyny
A form of marriage where a woman to two or
more men at the same time
● Polyandry
A type of marriage where having more than one wife or husband at the same time
● Polygamy
- a form of symbolic marriage
between a human and a tree that is
said to be infused with supernatural
● Tree marriage
A type of marriage where one in which the couple lives
together for a period of time and
holds themselves out to friends,
family and the community as “being
● Common-law marriage
What are the different marriage principles?