Quick Study: Substance Use Flashcards
Signs of intoxication for?
- inappropriate sexual/aggressive behaviors
- impaired judgment
- slurred speech
- emotional lability
- unsteady gait
- involuntary, rhythmic movement of the eye
- impaired attention or memory
Wernicke’s Encephalopathy - Caused by thiamine deficiency often associated with alcoholism
3 symptoms
loss of muscle coordination
vision changes
? syndrome: Retrograde and anteretrograde amnesia and confabulation (attempts to compensate for memory loss by fabricating memories), hallucinations
Korsakoff’s Syndrome
Signs of Intoxication for? - Euphoria -Anxiety -Hyperactivity -Grandiosity Dilated pupils -Weight loss
Amphetamines, Cocaine
Signs of Intoxication for?
- Restlessness
- Nervousness
- Excitement
- Insomnia
- Flushed face
- Rambling flow of thought and speech
Signs of Intoxication for?
- Impaired motor coordination
- Euphoria
- Anxiety
- Sensation of slowed time
Signs of Intoxication for?
- Perceptual changes
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Pranoid ideation
Following the cessation of use, re-experience hallucination, This re-experience causes significant distress or impairment.
Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (flashbacks)
Signs of Intoxication for?
- Initial euphoria followed by apathy or dysphoria
- narrowing pupils
- drowsiness/coma
- Slurred speech
The Alcoholic Family (terms)
- the alcoholic family member
The Alcoholic Family
- the person who does everything to get the dependent to stop drinking except what might actually work (e.g. confrontation or leaving the relationship) (often the spouse)
The Alcoholic Family
- the family member who is aware of what is going on and tries to assume responsibility for the family by being successful (often the oldest child)
The Alcoholic Family
- the family member who rejects the family system (often the 2nd child)
The Alcoholic Family
- the member who quietly withdraws from the family system (often the 3rd child)
Lost Child
The Alcoholic Family
- the family member who “plays the clown” in order to relieve family tension or their own pain (often the youngest child)
The period of Early Full Remission (none of the criteria for Substance Use Disorder except craving is met)
For at least 3 months but less than 12 months
The period of Sustained Full Remission (none of the criteria for Substance Use Disorder except craving is met)
12 months or longer
A quick screening tool for alcohol problem
- think you need to cut down drinking
- people annoy you by criticizing your drinking
- felt guilty about drinking
- needed a drink first thing in the morning
CAGE questionnaire (two yes indicates problem)
5 stages of Motivational Interviewing
1. client is not yet thinking about change
1 pre-contemplaton
5 stages of Motivational Interviewing
2. client is thinking about and talking about change.
- Contemplation
5 stages of Motivational Interviewing
3. Client is actively planning out steps to take in order to make change
- Preparation
5 stages of Motivational Interviewing
4. Client is taking positive steps to make changes
- Action
5 stages of Motivational Interviewing
5. Client is maintaining the change
- Maintenance
A type of behavioral therapy that uses incentives to help clients abstain from drugs and alcohol.
Contingency Management
A type of intervention that aims to reduce the negative effects of alcohol and drug use
Harm Reduction
fatigue, vivid and unpleasant dreams, and increased appetite is a sign of withdrawal of what?
Amphetamine, cocaine
Caffeine is commonly used to self-medicate for ?
What method of negative reinforcement is used to treat alcohol dependence and to discourage drinking.
Grand mal seizures are associated with withdrawal from ?
Methadone is considered a form of “? therapy.” (this prevents withdrawal and cravings)
What are commonly abused to self medicate for PTSD?