ASWB clinical exam app Flashcards
The client is “not doing what is expected of him.”
When role expectations of others differ from one’s own.
Role discomplementarity
In Structural Family Therapy, what intervention is used to correct an overall structure or organization that maintains family dysfunction?
? is a term frequently used to describe the process of nonverbally communicating to clients that social workers are open, nonjudgmental, accepting of them as people, and interested in what they say.
Pain that occurs during sexual intercourse
- Interdependent forms of privilege and oppression resulting from different social locations, power relations, and experiences;
- A theoretical framework for understanding how aspects of a person’s social and political identities combine to create different modes of discrimination and privilege
the process of statistically controlling for group differences when comparing nonequivalent groups on outcomes
Case-mix adjustment
The SCOFF Questionnaire is a five-question screening tool designed to clarify ? disorder
eating disorder
Believing that neutral events have special and personal meaning.
Delusions of reference
In ? parenting, children are expected to follow the strict rules established by the parents
Power of one group to lead and dominate other groups
The notion of ? is central to object relations theory:
the mental separation of objects into “good” and “bad” parts. This is a process of “psychic economy” whereby a complex situation is simplified by separation rather than resolution.
”?” is a supportive intervention, places client experiences in the context of other individuals who are experiencing the same or similar challenges, and seeks to help clients grasp that their feelings and experiences are not uncommon given the circumstances.
A system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy.
Social stratification
When is family therapy best introduced in the treatment of clients with Substance Use Disorders?
After the individual with addition has made progress in recovery.
A reimbursable service (screening for substance) by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and has been identified as an evidence-based practice by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
SBIRT (screening, Brief Intervention, Referral for Treatment)
Tegretol is used to treat ?
Mellaril is a mediation for?
At which age does object permanence typically develop?
8 months
What is the single largest reason why individuals with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder do not take their medications?
Anosognosia (impaired awareness of illness)
A comprehensive and individualized strategy to identify the purpose or function of a client’s problem behavior(s), develop and implement a plan to modify variables that maintain the problem behavior, and teach appropriate replacement behaviors using positive interventions.
Functional Behavior Assessment
A dilemma in communication in which an individual (or group) receives two or more conflicting messages, with one message negating the other
double bind
Prescribing the very symptom the client wants to resolve. It is often equated with reverse psychology.
paradoxical directive
Information flows back into the family system to minimize deviation and continue functioning within prescribed limits. It helps to maintain homeostasis or keep things stable or the same over time.
negative feedback loop
An implicit, nonverbal message that accompanies verbal communication.
”?” research is a qualitative method where researchers observe and/or interact with a study’s participants in their real-life environment.
A technique used to gain rapport at the unconscious level(copying another person’s gestures, tone of voice, or even catchphrases).
”?” prevention focuses on managing complicated, long-term diseases, injuries, or illnesses
The goal is to prevent further deterioration and maximize quality of life because the disease is now established.
Sexual arousal must result from cross-dressing.
Transvestic Disorder
”?” behavior is a reflex that is not under a client’s control; is not affected by consequences, but instead only elicited by stimuli.
Dilated pupils is associated with ? use
”?” is very rare and describes when identical or similar psychiatric disorders affect two or more people, who usually have a close relationship.
Folie à deux
”?” prevention : prevent a disease that you don’t have (helping to avoid developing diseases)
“?” prevention : slow the progression or long-term impacts of disease you have