BP for adults
90 to 130 systolic
BP for adolescents (15 years)
110 to 131 systolic
BP for child (7 years)
96 to 115 systolic
BP for child (2 years)
88 to 106 systolic
infant (1 year)
85 to 104 systolic
60 to 84 systolic
Normal Blood Pressure 90 to 130 systolic age group
BP for adults
Normal Blood Pressure 110 to 131 systolic age group
BP for adolescents (15 years)
Normal Blood Pressure 96 to 115 systolic age group
BP for child (7 years)
Normal Blood Pressure 88 to 106 systolic age group
BP for child (2 years)
Normal Blood Pressure 85 to 104 systolic age group
infant (1 year)
Normal Blood Pressure 60 to 84 systolic age group
Pulse rate for adults and children older than 10 years
60 to 100 beats/min
Pulse rate for preschoolers and school aged children 2 years to 10 years
60 to 140 beats/min
pulse rate for infants and toddlers 3 months to 2 years
100 to 190 beats/min
pulse rate for infants up to 3 months of age
85 to 205 beats/min
60 to 100 beats/min pulse rate is what age group?
Pulse rate for adults and children older than 10 years
60 to 140 beats/min pulse rate is what age group?
Pulse rate for preschoolers and school aged children 2 years to 10 years
100 to 190 beats/min pulse rate is what age group?
pulse rate for infants and toddlers 3 months to 2 years
85 to 205 beats/min pulse rate is what age group?
pulse rate for infants up to 3 months of age
define characteristics of normal respirations
breathing is neither shallow nor deep
equal rise and fall
no use of accessory muscles
define characteristics of shallow respirations
decreased chest or abdominal wall motion
define characteristics of labored respirations
increased breathing effort
use of accessory muscles
possible gasping
nasal flaring, supraclavicular and intercostal retractions in infants and children
define characteristics of noisy respirations
increase in sound of breathing
including snoring, wheezing, gurgling, crowing, grunting, and stridor
breathing is neither shallow nor deep
equal rise and fall
no use of accessory muscles
normal respirations
decreased chest or abdominal wall motion
shallow respirations
increased breathing effort
use of accessory muscles
possible gasping
nasal flaring, supraclavicular and intercostal retractions in infants and children
labored respirations
increase in sound of breathing
including snoring, wheezing, gurgling, crowing, grunting, and stridor
noisy respirations
normal range respiration for adults
12 to 20 breaths/min
normal range respiration for adolescents 13 to 18 years
12 to 16 breaths/min
normal range respirations for school aged children 6 to 12 years of age
18 to 30 breaths/min
normal range respirations for preschoolers 4 to 5 years of age
22 to 34 breaths/min
normal range respirations for toddlers 1 to 3 years of age
24 to 40 breaths/min
normal range respirations for infants
30 to 60 breaths/min
12 to 20 breaths/min
normal range respiration for adults
12 to 16 breaths/min
normal range respiration for adolescents 13 to 18 years
18 to 30 breaths/min
normal range respirations for school aged children 6 to 12 years of age
22 to 34 breaths/min
normal range respirations for preschoolers 4 to 5 years of age
24 to 40 breaths/min
normal range respirations for toddlers 1 to 3 years of age
30 to 60 breaths/min
normal range respirations for infants
GCS measures?
eye opening, verbal response, motor response
GCS for eye opening categories
- spontaneous
- response to speech
- response to pain
- none
GCS for verbal response
- oriented conversation
- confused conversation
- inappropriate words
- incomprehensible sounds
- none
GCS for motor response
- obeys commands
- localizes pain
- withdraws to pain
- abnormal flexion
- abnormal extension
- none