Quick Ref. Pathology Flashcards
Pancystolic (holosystolic) murmur best heard at the apex, often radiates to the left axilla.
Mitral regurgitation
Crescendo/decrescendo systolic murmur heard best in the 2nd-3rd RIGHT interspace close to the sternum.
Aortic stenosis
Most common heart murmur. Late systolic murmur usually preceded by a mid-systolic click.
Mitral valve prolapse
Early diastolic decrescendo murmur heard best along the left side of the sternum.
Pulmonic regurgitation
Late diastolic decrescendo murmur heard best along the lower left side of the sternum.
Tricuspid stenosis
Chromosome 22q11 deletion can cause what (2)?
Truncus arteriosus and Tetralogy of Fallot
Congenital rubella can cause (2)?
PDA or Pulmonary Artery Stenosis
Bicuspid aortic valve results from?
What heart murmur is associated with this?
Turner’s syndrome - in addition to coarctation of the aorta
Aortic regurgitation
Aortic insufficiency can arise from what syndrome?
Rumbling late diastolic murmur with an opening snap? How is it heard best?? Head best along the apex of heart (4th stethoscope heart space)
Mitral stenosis
Heard better when Px is in left lateral decubitus position
Foco mitral
High-pitched diastolic murmur associated with a widened pulse pressure?
Aortic regurgitation
Crescendo/decrescendo systolic murmur heard best in the 2nd-3rd LEFT interspace close to the sternum.
Pulmonic stenosis
Continuous machine like murmur occurring both in systole and diastole?
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
Focal myocardial inflammation with multinucleate giant cells. Type of granuloma. Due to what infection?
Aschoff Bodies (rheumatic fever/ heart disease)
What murmur is being described: Holosystolic, loudest at apex, heard best at left lateral decubitus, and enhanced by squatting and expiration.
Mitral Regurgitation