Quick cardiorespiratory questions Flashcards
The internal thoracic artery is a branch of what?
Subclavian artery
What are the anterior intercostal arteries a branch of?
Internal thoracic arteries
What are the posterior intercostal arteries a branch of?
Descending thoracic aorta
Where do hemiazygous and accessory hemiazygous veins drain into?
Azygous vein
What does the azygous vein drain into?
Superior vena cava
What does the superior vena cava drain into?
Right atrium
What does the superior vena cava branch into?
Right and left brachiocephalic veins
What does the brachiocephalic vein split into?
internal jugular vein and left subclavian vein
What structures pass through the aortic hiatus?
Thoracic duct and aortic hiatus
What does the great saphenous vein drain into?
What does the small saphenous vein drain into?
Popliteal vein
What layer of the heart are purkinje fibres found?
What are the two elastic arteries?
Aorta and pulmonary artery
What are examples of muscular arteries?
Femoral and coronary arteries
The heart develops from which embryological structure?
a) endoderm
b) notochord
c) mesoderm
d) neural groove
e) ectoderm
C - 18/19 days
What does the endocardium develop from?
The endothelium.
What does the epicardium develop from?
What does the fibrous and parietal layer of the pericardium develop from?
Somatic layer of lateral mesoderm
What does the visceral pericardium develop from?
Splanchnic layer of lateral mesoderm
The parietal pericardium develops from which of the following?
a) Paraxial mesoderm
b) Splanchnic mesoderm
c) Intermediate mesoderm
d) Somatic mesoderm
e) Notochord
What does the pericardial cavity develop from?
Intraembryonic coelem
The right ventricle develops from which part of the primitive heart tube?
a) Aortic sac
b) Truncus arteriosus
c) Bulbus cordis and primitive ventricle
d) Primitive atrium
e) Sinus venosus
Which of the following is true during cardiac loop formation?
A. Bulbus cordis loops to the left
B. The primitive atria are pushed posteriorly and inferiorly
C. Bulbus cordis loops to the right
D. The primitive atria are pushed anteriorly and superiorly
E. The primitive ventricle is pushed to the right
Where is septum primum located?
Left Atrium
Where is septum secundum?
Right Atrium
Name the structures forming the membranous interventricular septum.
- Aorticopulmonary septum
- Endocardial cushion
- Bulbar ridges
What is the fate of the embryological 4th left aortic arch?
Aortic arch
What is the fate of the embryological 4th right aortic arch?
Right subclavian artery
What is the fate of the embryological 6th left aortic arch?
Left pulmonary and ductus arteriosus
When a baby is born and takes its first breath, the change in pulmonary pressure causes which embryonic vessel to constrict?
a) ductus venosus
b) umbilical vein
c) umbilical artery
d) ductus arteriosus
e) inferior vena cava
In the foetus, blood bypasses the liver by travelling through which vessel?
a) hepatic portal vein
b) ductus arteriosus
c) ductus venosus
d) umbilical artery
e) descending aorta
Where does the aortic arch start and end?
What is the root value of the phrenic nerve?
What nerve supplies pain sensation to pericardium and diaphragm?
Phrenic nerve
What is the branch of the vagus nerve?
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
What structures form the right border?
What structures form the inferior border?
RA + RV + LV
What structures form the left border of the heart?
What forms the right pulmonary surface?
What structure forms the left pulmonary surface?
What structure forms the inferior surface?
What structure forms the posterior surface?
What vessels anastasmose the posterior surface?
What vessels anastasmose at the back?
Circumflex and RCA
What vein lies next to LADA?
Great cardiac vein
What structure forms the rough part of the primitive atrium?
Primitive atrium
What structure forms the smooth part of the atrium?
Sinus venosus
Where is the moderator band?
Where is the dorsal venous arch?
Back of the hand
What does the dorsal venous arch give off on the lateral side?
Cephalic vein
What does the dorsal venous arch give off on the medial side?
Bacillic vein
How are the cephalic vein and bacillic vein connected?
Median cubital vein
What is the brachial artery a branch of?
Axillary artery
What is the axillary artery a branch of?
Subclavian artery
What are the branches of the brachial artery?
Radial and ulnar artery
What does the dorsal pedis arch give rise to?
Great saphenous vein
Where is the anterior tibial artery located?
Big toe and next toe
What is the continuation of the anterior tibial artery?
Dorsalis pedis
What nerve supplies the diaphragm and the (diaphragmatic and mediastinal) parietal pleura?
Phrenic nerve.
What nerve supplies the visceral layer of pericardium?
Vagus nerve
Where is the referred pain for the heart region?
Left arm and neck
What branch does the brachiocephalic trunk and how does this progress to the radial and ulnar artery?
Brachiocephalic trunk which gives off right subclavian artery which gives off axillary artery which gives brachial artery which splits into radial and ulnar artery.
What are the superficial veins of the arm?
Superficial are the basillic and cephalic veins which are connected to each other by the medial cubital vein. They both drain into the axillary vein
What are the deep veins and what do they drain into?
The deep veins are the brachial vein which divides into radial and ulnar veins below the elbow
Describe the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta to form the lateral and medial plantar arteries.
Abdominal thoracic artery splits into external and internal illiac arteries. External illiac becomes the femoral artery under the inguinal ligament and enters the femoral triangle. The femoral artery becomes the popliteal below the knee which becomes anterior and posterior tibial. The anterior tibial becomes the dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial foes to the sole of the foot and becomes lateral and medial plantar arteries
What gives of the anterior intercostal arteries?
subclavian artery
What are the posterior intercostal arteries a branch of?
descending thoracic aorta
What makes up the superior vena cava?
L + R brachiocephalic veins
what makes up the brachiocephalic vein?
the subclavian vein and the left jugular vein
What are the posterior thoracic veins tributaries of?
The azygous vein
What are the main branches of the aortic arch?
The main bracnhes of the aortic arch are the brachiocephalic trunk, the left subclavian artery and the left common carotid artery.
What is present in the RV but not in the left?
Moderator band
Which side medial or lateral is bacillic vein found?
Which side medial or lateral is cephalic vein found?
What supplies the sympathetic innervation of the heart?
Vagus nerve (T1-4)
What kind of cell bodies are found in the anterior horn?
What kind of cell bodies are found in the lateral horn?
What kind of cell bodies are found in the dorsal root ganglion?
What is the name of the bundle that continues at the end of the spinal cord?
Cauda equina
What is the antagonist of erector spinae?
rectus abdominis
what muscles are responsible for inversion of foot?
Tibialis anterior and posterior
what kind fo tissue makes up nucleus pulposus?
Hyaline cartilage
What kind of tissue makes up annulos fibrosus?
Fibrous tissue
What kind of growth takes place at epiphyseal growth plate?
Interstitial growth
What color is bone in CT?
What joint permits supination?
Where does the diaphragm receive its sensory innervation from?
The phrenic nerve.
What is the coronary sulcus?
It is a groove that separates the atria from the ventricles.
Where does the great cardiac vein run?
anterior interventricular groove.
Where is the middle cardiac vein located?
In the posterior interventricular groove
Where is the small cardiac vein located?
It is located near the marginal artery.
What is the function of latissimus dorsi?
Extend, adduct and medially rotate the arm at the shoulder joint.
What are the root bundles that follow on from the spine?
Cauda equina (L1-5)
Where is red bone marrow found?
Spongy bone
Where is yellow bone marrow found?
Compact bone
What forms osteoblasts?
What is the function of a sesamoid bone?
Reduces the stress on the surrounding tendons
Does appositional growth affect width or height?
Does interstitial growth affect width or height?
What does ligamentum flavum prevent?
Over flexion
What is filum terminale a continuation of?
Pia matter
What does the right lymphatic duct drain into?
Right subclavian vein
What two vessels anastomose at the apex of the heart?
What two vessels anastomose in the posterior interventricular sulcus?
RCA and left circumflex.
At what vertebral level does the abdominal aorta bifrcate into the common iliac arteries?
At what vertebral level does the common iliac artery bifrcate into external and internal iliac artery?
What does the great saphenous vein drain into?
Femoral vein
What does the small saphenous vein drain into?
Popliteal vein