Questions p. 137 Flashcards
Name the areas with the highest population densities.
Near coasts, mountains, cities. Areas that can provide water, that’s why it’s so popular to live close to rivers in all countries. Areas with mild/hot temparatures has a high population density because of the climate. Cities can provide jobs, a result of economic oppoutunities. The population is also high in some areas because of the industrial strenght, but most people are influenced by climate and water. The European cities, the Indian coast, the Mediterranean are popular places to live on. India, China, Central Europe has the highest population densities because of water supply.
Explain why these areas have high population densities? Both Human factors and physical factors.
Physical factors - Low land which is flat e.g. Ganges Valley in India, Areas rich in resources (e.g. coal, oil, wood, fishing etc.) tend to densely populated e.g. Western Europe, Areas with temperate climates tend to be densely populated as there is enough rain and heat to grow crops e.g. UK
Human factors - Good job opportunities encourage high population densities, particularly in large cities in MEDCs and LEDCs around the world, Groups of people want to live close to each other for security e.g. USA, Countries with stable governments tend to have a high population density e.g. Singapore
Study figure 4 - Explain why another one of India’s neighbouring states, Bangladesh, has a very high population density.
This geograpically small country Bangladesh has a high population density because of the high birth rate and low death rate. The population in Bangladesh is higher than the population in Russia, because in Russia the birth rate is low and the death rate is high, because its a rich country compared to Bangladesh. The families in Bangladesh have alot of children because of birth rate factors such as child labour etc.
Study figure 4 - What problems has the high population density caused for Bangladesh?
Dramatic impacts have caused Bangladesh negatively because of the high population density. Problems that have caused the agriculture such as flooding etc. High density of population means that agricultural land is virtually saturated, with very limited capacity to expand food production. Climate change may have dramatic impacts on agriculture, through flooding and drought resulting from weather changes and geopolitical influences on transborder rivers. Rising sea-levels and consequent salinity will affect crops and require shifts to alternative land use. Also because of illiteracy, high crime rate, unemployment, food starvation.
Study figure 4 - Which are India’s major cities and what are their influences on it’s population distribution?
Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore is the largest cities in India. Influences such as the lack of structure to keep the cities under control. When to many people live in a city, the structure and control can decrease.
Name the physical features that can be seen from the satellite image which prevent a high population density e.g the Himalayas.
Polar ices (it’s to cold), mountains, deserts (no cities, to hot for a human to survive on a long time period), areas far from water.
Study figure 5 -
The U.K, Germany, France and Italy.
Study figure 5 - What are the reasons for this concentration?
Because of soils, relief, water and climate, and because of large cities.
Study figure 5 - What are the advantages of having a high population density?
Advantages of high human population density: Many workers to grow the economy, to generate personal wealth, to pay taxes to fund infrastructure and to provide soldiers to defend the country’s interests etc (mainly economic reasons).