Questions (Gyne) Flashcards
Which ages do cervical smears occur if they are being repeated every 3 or 5 years? [2]
Every 3 years: 25-49
Every 5 years: 50-69
Why do you measure ‘day 21’ progesterone to assess fertility? [1]
Serum progesterone testing must be performed 7 days before the end of the menstrual cycle, as a rise in progesterone indicates that the corpus luteum has formed
Describe the treatment options for fibroids to treat
- menorrhagia [4]
- to shrink fibroid size [2]
- levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS)
- NSAIDs - e.g. mefenamic acid
- tranexamic acid
- combined oral contraceptive pill
- oral progestogen
To shrink fibroids medically:
- GnRH agonists may reduce the size of the fibroid but are typically used more for short-term treatment due to side-effects
To shrink fibroids surgically:
- myomectomy: this may be performed abdominally, laparoscopically or hysteroscopically
- hysteroscopic endometrial ablation
- hysterectomy
The Mirena coil works via which mechanism? [1]
Release of progesterone only
What is the aim of HRT? [1]
Describe how you treat menopausal symptoms in a women with a uterus [2]
The aim of treating symptoms of menopause is to replace oestrogen (hormone replacement therapy).
However, in a woman with a uterus, an additional source of progesterone is needed to counter the action of unopposed oestrogen on the womb, increasing the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and malignancy.
When is tranexemic vs mefanamic acid indicated for menorrhagia? [2]
Painless menorrhagia - Tranexamic acid
PainFul menorrhagia - MeFenamic acid
Woman aged > 30 years with dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, enlarged, boggy uterus → [1]
Woman aged > 30 years with dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, enlarged, boggy uterus → ?adenomyosis
How do you distinguish endometriosis from adenomyosis on TVUS? [2]
- enlarged, boggy uterus
* A transvaginal scan would either show nothing or would show clumps of tissue (endometrial tissue) growing in places away from the endometrium.
If an incomplete miscarriage has occured - what do you give for medical management? [1]
Medical management of an incomplete miscarriage involves giving vaginal misoprostol alone
Don’t need mifepristone if the cervical os is open
[] is associated with a decreased incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum
Smoking is associated with a decreased incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum
What is the most significant risk of prescribing an oestrogen-only preparation rather than a combined oestrogen-progestogen preparation for a women with a uterus?
Increased risk of venous thromboembolism
Increased risk of ovarian cancer
Increased risk of endometrial cancer
Increased risk of breast cancer
Increased risk of colorectal cancer
What is the most significant risk of prescribing an oestrogen-only preparation rather than a combined oestrogen-progestogen preparation for a women with a uterus?
Increased risk of venous thromboembolism
Increased risk of ovarian cancer
Increased risk of endometrial cancer
Increased risk of breast cancer
Increased risk of colorectal cancer
Ovarian cancer initially spreads by local invasion to where first? [1]
What are the presenting features? [4=
Para-aortic lymph nodes
- Older women presenting with vague gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating, early satiety, and weight loss raise suspicion of ovarian cancer.
- Nulliparity, early menarche, and late menopause are additional risk factors. A palpable mass in the left adnexa also suggests ovarian malignancy. Ovarian cancer tends to spread locally first to the para-aortic lymph nodes, which drain the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
Ectopic pregnancy localised to the [] increases the risk of rupture
Ectopic pregnancy localised to the isthmus increases the risk of rupture
In patients with urinary incontinence, make sure to rule out [2]
In patients with urinary incontinence, make sure to rule out a UTI and diabetes mellitus
A patient suffers from PMS.
What is the treatment ladder for this patient? (mild; moderate; severe) [+]
mild symptoms
* can be managed with lifestyle advice
* apart from the usual advice on sleep, exercise, smoking and alcohol, specific advice includes regular, frequent (2-3 hourly), small, balanced meals rich in complex carbohydrates
moderate symptoms
- may benefit from a new-generation combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP) examples include Yasminµ (drospirenone 3 mg and ethinylestradiol 0.030 mg)
severe symptoms
- may benefit from a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
- this may be taken continuously or just during the luteal phase (for example days 15-28 of the menstrual cycle, depending on its length)
Name a drug that can be used for N&V during pregnancy but has a limited timespan. What is the timespan and why does this occur? [1]
Metoclopramide is an option for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, but it should not be used for more than 5 days due to the risk of extrapyramidal effects
[] is the drug of choice for medical management of ectopic pregnancy
Methotrexate is the drug of choice for medical management of ectopic pregnancy
[Drug class] should be offered as first-line treatment for primary dysmenorrhoea, and [drug] specifically is recommended due to its favourable side effect profile and over-the-counter availability.
NSAIDs should be offered as first-line treatment for primary dysmenorrhoea, and ibuprofen specifically is recommended due to its favourable side effect profile and over-the-counter availability.
Women who have been admitted with hyperemesis gravidarum are generally given IV []
Women who have been admitted with hyperemesis gravidarum are generally given IV normal saline with added potassium as hypokalaemia is common
A mother attends the GP with her 14-year-old daughter. She is concerned as her daughter has not yet started her periods although suffers cyclical pain. On examination the daughter looks well. What is the most likely diagnosis? [1]
the patient appears well but is suffering cyclical pain with no evidence of menstruation:
- imperforate hymen
A women who is 5 weeks pregnant presents with PV bleeding.
She has no history of ectopic pregnancy. On examination, her heart rate is 85 beats per minute, blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg and her abdomen is soft, non-tender.
How do you manage her? [1]
Pregnant women who are < 6 weeks gestation and present with vaginal bleeding and no pain can be managed expectantly
- Monitor expectantly and advise to repeat pregnancy test in 7 days. If negative, this confirms miscarriage. If positive, or continued or worsening symptoms, refer to the early pregnancy assessment unit
Infertility in PCOS - [] is typically used first-line
Infertility in PCOS - clomifene is typically used first-line
A 76-year-old woman presents with post-menopausal bleeding for the past 4 months. She is diagnosed with well-differentiated adenocarcinoma (stage II) on endometrial biopsy. There is no evidence of metastatic disease. Which is the most appropriate treatment?
Transcervical endometrial resection
Total abdominal hysterectomy
Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate)
Wertheim’s radical hysterectomy
Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
Older woman with [] and [] → ?vulval carcinoma
Older woman with labial lump and inguinal lymphadenopathy → ?vulval carcinoma
A 20-year-old female presents with a 3-month history of abdominal pain. Abdominal ultrasound shows an 8cm mass in the right ovary. Histopathological analysis reveals Rokitansky’s protuberance. What is the most likely diagnosis? [1]
Teratomas (dermoid cysts)
Expectant management of an ectopic pregnancy can only be performed for [5]
1) An unruptured embryo
2) < 35mm in size
3) Have no heartbeat
4) Be asymptomatic
5) Have a B-hCG level of < 1,000IU/L and declining
A 24-year-old woman attend with her partner having tried to conceive for 2 years. She has a regular 35 day cycle and her last menstrual period was 3 weeks ago. A recent STI screen was unremarkable. As part of the initial investigations for subfertility, she has progesterone checked to confirm ovulation.
On which day of her menstrual cycle should she have the blood test for progesterone?
Day 1-5
Day 14
Day 21
Day 28
Day 35
To confirm ovulation: Take the serum progesterone level 7 days prior to the expected next period
- This woman has a 35 day cycle so 35 - 7 days = day 28. Therefore day 28 is the day that a serum progesterone should be taken.
What are the three cardinal symptoms of endometriosis? [3]
Dysmenorrhoea (usually a few days before the onset of menstruation), dyspareunia and pelvic pain
A patient has Turner’s syndrome.
Which of the following will they most likely have?
Increased FSH/LH
Imperforate hymen
Increase in prolactin
Increased serum androgen levels
Increased oestrogen
Increased FSH/LH
For FSH & LH
* KALLman = FALL (Low FSH & LH)
* TURNer = TURNed up (High FSH & LH)
For FSH & LH - how can you remember which congenital syndromes cause which changes to them? [2]
For FSH & LH
* KALLman = FALL (Low FSH & LH)
* TURNer = TURNed up (High FSH & LH)
Patient with menopause.
Out of the following options, which is most likely to increase her risk of breast cancer?
Combined hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Low dose progesterone
Oestrogen only HRT
Patient with menopause.
Out of the following options, which is most likely to increase her risk of breast cancer?
Combined hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
- HRT: adding a progestogen increases the risk of breast cancer
- O x P = increased risk of breast cancer
NB: increased risk of breast cancer: proBREASTerone <3
Why might fibroids have pedal oedema as a presenting feature? [1]
Venous congestion as fibroid presses on abdominal veins like IVC
What is a Nabothian cyst? [1]
Describe the colour of Nabothian cysts [1]
Nabothian cysts are cysts on the cervix that occur when the squamous-cell epithelium of the cervix slightly covers the columnar epithelium. As the columnar epithelium secretes mucous, the mucous becomes trapped, and cysts form
The cysts contain yellow/amber mucous and are usually located around the os where the epitheliums transition.
How do you exactly manage a miscarriage? [2] Include doses and timings
200 mg oral mifepristone and 48 hours later, 800 micrograms oral misoprostol
ruptured ectopic pregnancy - which is first line:
- Salpingotomy or Salpingectomy? [1]
Salpingectomy - the removal of the affected fallopian tube, is the preferred surgical treatment, especially in cases where the patient is haemodynamically unstable or there is a high risk of rupture.
NB: salpingotomy (removal of the ectopic pregnancy while preserving the fallopian tube) is an option in some cases, it is generally considered when the patient has only one functioning fallopian tube or fertility preservation is a priority
A diagnosis of premature ovarian insufficiency is suspected.
Which of the following is most likely to be found?
Low LH level
Low FSH level
Raised oestradiol level
Raised testosterone level
Raised FSH level
A diagnosis of premature ovarian insufficiency is suspected.
Which of the following is most likely to be found?
Raised FSH level:
- The history described above is most consistent with a diagnosis of premature ovarian insufficiency. It is characterised by the onset of menopausal symptoms before the age of 40 years with raised gonadotrophin levels including FSH and LH.
- A repeat sample should be taken 4-6 weeks apart to confirm the elevated FSH levels
Which of the following strains is most likely associated with anal cancer?
HPV 31
HPV 16
HPV 18
HPV 16
There are three criteria for use of lactational amenorrhoea as an effective contraceptive choice for women in the post partum period [3]
The woman has complete amenorrhoea.
The woman must be exclusively breast feeding day and night.
It has been six months or less since the birth of the baby
Which one of the following medications is an example of a muscarinic antagonist?
- Tolterodine = muscarinic receptor antagonist [urinary frequency, urinary urgency, urinary incontinence]
- Teriparatide = parathyroid hormone analogue [osteoporosis]
- Toremifene = selective oestrogen receptor modulator [hormone-dependent breast cancer] (same drug class as Tamoxifen)
- Finasteride = 5a-reductase inhibitor [benign prostatic hyperplasia]
- Tamsulosin = alpha adrenoceptor blocker [benign prostatic hyperplasia]
She is found to have stage 2 ovarian cancer. What is the primary treatment?
Surgical excision of the tumour
Hormone therapy
Biological therapy
Surgical excision of the tumour
- Ovarian cancers which are stage 2-4, are treated primarily by surgical excision of the tumour. This may be accompanied by chemotherapy. NICE CG122
What is the best way to detect ovulation? [1]
Day 21 progesterone test is the most reliable test to confirm ovulation
- In simple terms, measure serum progesterone 7 days prior to expected next period (for 28-day cycle: 28 - 7 = 21. For 35-day cycle: 35 - 7= 28)
In terms of her VTE risk, which of the following HRT options is safest? [1]
Transdermal HRT does not appear to increase the risk of VTE (vs. oral)
Name two risk factors that can cause an ovarian cyst to rupture [2]
Strenous exercise
[] is the most common cause of postmenopausal bleeding
Vaginal atrophy is the most common cause of postmenopausal bleeding
Treatment for mild, moderate and severe PMS? [3]
mild symptoms can be managed with lifestyle advice:
- apart from the usual advice on sleep, exercise, smoking and alcohol, specific advice includes regular, frequent (2-3 hourly), small, balanced meals rich in complex carbohydrates
moderate symptoms
- may benefit from a new-generation combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP)
- examples include Yasminµ (drospirenone 3 mg and ethinylestradiol 0.030 mg)
severe symptoms
- may benefit from a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
- this may be taken continuously or just during the luteal phase (for example days 15-28 of the menstrual cycle, depending on its length)
How do you treat a women with 1a cervical cancer if they want to maintain fertility? [1]
What would be if she didn’t care about fertility? [1]
Women with stage IA cervical cancer may be considered for a cone biopsy with negative margins if they wish to maintain their fertility
- Hysterectomy without lymph node clearance is an option to consider for IA1 tumours, but this would not preserve her fertility.
In which situations would you admit a patient with HG? [2]
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: admission should be considered in cases of ketonuria and/or weight loss despite use of oral anitemetics
Urinary incontinence - first-line treatment:
urge incontinence: []
stress incontinence: []
Urinary incontinence - first-line treatment:
urge incontinence: bladder retraining
stress incontinence: pelvic floor muscle training