Questions Deck 4 Flashcards
121 -a fiduciary relationship means that the governing body of a public school may compete with the schools interests +activities
122 -a compulsory task of the governing cody of a public school is to adopt the mission statement of the school
TRUE (1)
123 -a fiduciary relationship means that the governing body of a public school may compete with the schools interests + activities
124 -if a parent refused to pay school fees- the governing body of a public school may exclude the learner from the school until his parent has paid school fees
125 -an educattor in service f a public school who refuses to do the work of another educator who was on strike is a reason for a fair dismissal
TRUE (1)
126 -to provide opportunities for the development of the abilities + talents of learners cannot be regarded as a duty / responsibility of an educator towards a learner
127 -the concept ‘organised teaching progession’ refers inter alia to the organisation of activities that relate to onditions of service+ the professional interests of educators
TRUE (1)
128 -a professional partnership reduces pressure because if one partner neglects to do his part- the other partner has to accept responsibility
129 -members of organised teaching profession are always the most important persons around whom everthing revolves in any teaching partnership
130 -appraisal does not include apprasial by a colleague
131 -professional ethics differ from profession to profession
132 -educators define the status of their profession through their behaviour inside + outside the school
TRUE (1)
133 -the fact that remuneration of the profession should enable the ducator to maintain a high standard of living is NOT a valid criterion for the evaluation of teaching as a true profession
134 -the concept ‘ethics’ refers to the science of norms
135 -The progessive and the traditional teachers organisations are the 2 main groups with regard to the organised teaching profession that tok the lead in the Harare debate on the establishment of a single- national teachers organisation
TRUE (1)
136 -the structuring of a single- national tachers organisation was the mian discussion point during the Harare debate
TRUE (1)