Questions Deck 3 Flashcards
81 -all educators hae to register with SACE before appointment to a teaching post
TRUE (1)
82 -SACE is not involved in establishing committess
83 -examples of natural persons are companies- bank- universities + public schools
84 -a delict is a LAWFUL act committed by a person that violates the rights of another person
85 -legislation is law made by an organ of the state vested with legislative authority
TRUE (1)
86 -the ultra vires principle is a common law principle derived from english law- which concerns the validity of a managerail act
TRUE (1)
87 -in loco parentis implies that the parent is replaced durng official school hours because the parent delegates the parental authority to educators- who then have delegated authority
88 -an educator who is employed at a public school may represent parents on the school governing body of that chool
89 -in cases where the governing body fails to perform its functions properly- the principal of a public school may appoint suficient persons to act in the place of the governing body for a period not exceeding three months
90 -professional ethic ref to the ethics- norms + moral rules orinciples that are applied to those practising a particular profession
TRUE (1)
91 -a professional code of conduct can be enforced by law
TRUE (1)
92 -the unions contributed to the formation of SACE’s code of conduct since they are members of the ELRC
TRUE (1)
93 -the ELRC is considered to be the first bargaininig mechanism that the teaching secor has ever has + it currently gives the organised teaching profession improved negotiating status
TRUE (1)
94 -educational stakeholders are all the people- institutions- bodies + organisations who have an interest in / participate in / make a contribution to any aspect of education
TRUE (1)
95 -an ethical leader is expected to display value-based ideas- words + actions while making the necessary decisions to ensure that the aims + objectives of a society are realised
TRUE (1)
96 -a partnership in teaching is also an agreement between autonomous parties
TRUE (1)
97 -the professional relationship between educaors + learners can also be tested in terms of the Bills of Rights
TRUE (1)
98 -moral philosophy is the science of studying peoples ethical judgement
TRUE (1)
99 -the primary aim of a professional code of conduct is to make the parents aware of the importance of ethical behavious
100 -an appropriate progessional code of conduct replaces the personal accountability of each individual hor his personal deicisons + actions
101 -the rights + duties of educators play no role in their professional relationship
102 -the main aim of education labour relations council (ELRC) is to facilitate negotiations concerning salaries + general working conditions between educators + their employers
103 -the purpose of appraisal with regard to educators is toe assess the educator for an annual individual salary increase
104 -SACE + organisations like NAPTOSA- SADTU + SAOU function at provincial level
105 -the power of the teaching profession lies in the expertise of the professional practitioner and his willingness to make this available to the community in a selfless manner
TRUE (1)
106 -the progessive’ of ‘emergent’ teachers organisations and the ‘established’ or ‘traditional ‘ teachers organisations- took the lead in the devate on the establishment of a single- national teachers organisation
TRUE (1)
107 -a legal subject is personal iuris- that is- a person in the eyes of the law + as such the bearer of rights + duties
TRUE (1)
108 -in law- the term ‘person’ refers only to a human being
109 -the law of process is the set of legal rules that prescribe the procedures that must be followed when an act- regulation / rule is contravened / broken
TRUE (1)
110 -legislation which is in conflict with the constitution may not be stuck down bt the courts
111 -common law is made up of legal rules which were wrtiten down+ which have over time become accepted as the underlying basic lawe of society
112 -if a governing body suspends a learner + they appeal- the GB maty not handle the appeal. This is an e.g of the nemo iudex in sua causa principle
TRUE (1)
113 -being resonable + making provision for possible consequences are the criteria that the courts use to determine whether negligence is at issue
TRUE (1)
114 -educators can possibly be found guilty of negligence if they fail to aid an injured learner during offical school hours
TRUE (1)
115 -because corporal puncihment is regarded as curel- inhuman _ degrading- administering it will be regarded as an infringement of the learners right to human dugnity as well as his / her right to freedom + security of the person
TRUE (1)
116 -the admission policy of a public school is determined bt the NATIONAL department of edu in terms of section 5(5) of the schools act
117 -the minister of education may lay down rules- norms + std’s for the language policy in public schools
TRUE (1)
118 -parents may not withdraw their children from religious education classes + other religious activities in public schools
119 -suspension means the premanent ending of a learners right to attend a particular school
120 -section 10a of the schools act makes provision for participation in initiation practices at public schools / hostels accomodating learners of public schools