Questions Deck 2 Flashcards
43 -the duty / responsibility of an educator towards a learner is to serve as a mouthpiece for learners
44 -the duty / responsibility of an educator towards a learner is to evaluate + provide feedback on learners wrok
TRUE (1)
45 -the duty / responsibility of an educator towards a learner is to exhibit an ethic of concern
TRUE (1)
46 -the duty / responsibility of an educator towards a learner is to provide opportunity for the development of abilities + talenst of learners
TRUE (1)
47 -the concept organised teaching profession refers inter alia to departmental control over the teaching progession
48 -the concept organised teaching profession refers inter alia to organising of strikes by educators
49 -the concept organised teaching profession refers inter alia to the establishment of a national education department
50 -a professional partnership is an agreement between autonomous partners
TRUE (1)
51 -a professional partnership is expressed in teamwork
TRUE (1)
52 -a professional partnership is about maintainin sovereignty in one’s own field
TRUE (1)
53 -the concept collective orientation with regard to the teaching profession refers to specialised training
54 -the concept collective orientation with regard to the teaching profession refers to in service training
55 -the concept collective orientation with regard to the teaching profession refers to unspoken knowledge
56 -the concept collective orientation with regard to the teaching profession refers to a service motive which is interwoven with (and forms part of )the devotes + responsible actions of a practitioner of an occupation
TRUE (1)
57 -an ethical leader reveals value-based thoughts- words + actions
TRUE (1)
58 -an ethical leader should be a role model
TRUE (1)
59 -an ethical leader is characterised by unresponsiveness to the proposals of other
60 -the main objective of appraisal is to measure the development of educators
TRUE (1)
61 -appraisal comprised interaction with apprasisal panels
TRUE (1)
62 -appraisal include self-evaluation
TRUE (1)
63 -professional ethics have to do with an imposed professiona code of conduct
TRUE (1)
64 -professional ethics refer to right + wrong practices with regard to the teaching profession
TRUE (1)
65 -to understand prfessional ethics- the essential characteristics of a profession must be taken into consideration
TRUE (1)
66 -educators can be replaced by computers
67 -educators need only display a professionally dignified image at school while busy teaching and educating
68 -educators only have a professional duty towards the department of education as their employer
69 -an ethical leader is edpected to display value-based ideas- words + actions
TRUE (1)
70 -the educator as an ethical leader is a role model
TRUE (1)
71 -the vision of an educator as an ethical leader inspires + embodies the mission of society
TRUE (1)
72 -without responsible educators as ethical leaders a societ has a generally ethical vision + mission
73 -in 1998 the ELTC approved a management model for the appraisal of educators in the work situation
TRUE (1)
74 -appraisal has nothing to do with the annual appraisal for salary adjustments
TRUE (1)
75 -educators have to analyse their perormance in terms of goal achievement on a continuous basis
TRUE (1)
76 -in practice only educators from different school work together to find solutions to problems in practice
77 -morality relates to the ethical principle of a profession
TRUE (1)
78 -a professional code of conduct impresses ethical behaviour upon the educator
TRUE (1)
79 -a professional code of conduct protects + promotes the rights + obligations of members of the profession
TRUE (1)
80 -a professional code of conduct is responsible for the training of educators