Questions 151 - 175 Flashcards
According to the FRNSW Act 1989, what is the definition of a hazardous material incident?
Hazardous Material Incident means an actual or impending land-based spillage or other escape of hazardous material that causes or threatens to cause injury or death or damage to property
According to the NSW RFS and FRNSW Memorandum of Understanding, when responding to AFAs within the jurisdictional, responsibility of the RFS, the first arriving brigade can de activate the local alarm, who can carry out resetting of the alarm? (MOU – framework for cooperation and joint operations involving urban and rural fire services p6 AFA’s)
The first arriving brigade may de-activate the local alarm if appropriate (not when smoke or fire is evident) but resetting of the alarm will only be carried out by FRNSW.
According to the Toolkit - Workplace Safety- Annual Workplace Safety Inspections aim to reduce the number of safety incidents by identifying and controlling a broad range of potential hazards in FRNSW-owned or leased workplaces. When must each FRNSW-owned or leased workplace be inspected by each year?
Each FRNSW owned or leased workplace must be inspected by 31 May each year.
According to SOGs - When using a hydrant booster, the IC will instruct the pump operator to run the hydrant booster system in one of three modes. List and describe all three. (SOG4.11 Hydrants Systems p5)
Standby Mode
1. Connect up to four 70mm hoses from the feed or street hydrant to the collector
2. Connect an equal number of 70mm hoses from the deliveries to booster inlets
3. Remove leather strap and test movement of the main wheel valve
4. Note the reading on the booster pressure gauge
5. Advise IC “Hydrant/Sprinkler booster is now in Standby Mode”
6. Await Instructions from the IC to go to another mode
Activation Mode
1. Determine the requirement operating pressure from the IC
2. Connect up to four 70mm hoses from the feed or street hydrant to the collector and open the feed hydrants
3. Connect an equal number 0f 70mm hoses from the deliveries to the boost inlets and open the deliveries
4. Remove the leather strap and close the main wheel valve (prevents back flow and contamination)
5. Increase presssure to the required level (allow 30kPa per floor)
6. Advise IC “Hydrant booster is now in Activation Mode at ….kPa).
7. Maintain pressure and flow, especially when hydrant pump is running.
8. Await instructions from the IC to vary the pressure or go to another mode.
Deactivation mode
1. Reduce pressure and disengage the pump.
2. Open the main wheel valve and restore the leather strap.
3. Shut off the feed hydrants to the collectors.
4. Shut down the deliveries to the boost inlets.
5. Remove the hose.
6. Shut down the hydrant pump to further reduce pressure if required.
According to the workplace safety toolkit - Every workplace should have a prominently displayed Health & Safety Notice Board, list all documents that should be attached?
- SIRA Poster - If you get injured at work
- Commissioner’s Safety Statement
- Safety and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2022
- FRNSW Return to Work Policy and Program Summary
- Workplace Evacuation Diagrams – Email your request to
- WHS Issue Resolution Flowchart
- Guide - NIIENM Submission Workflow
- Safety information and Contacts
- Safety Representatives Template
- First Aid Officers Template (not necessary for stations)
- Fire Warden Template (not necessary for stations)
According to Standing Orders - Smoke screen security devices produce a barrier of dense white fog when a monitored security alarm system is activated. FRNSW may be responded to buildings where the smoke screen has been activated and mistaken for a fire. What are two things’ firefighters should consider before entering the building? (Smoke Screen Security Devices p62/63)
Intruders may still be in the building
A real fire may have set off motion detectors and activated the smoke screen device
According to the Firefighters Training Manual (White Reader Volume 1), what is the definition of thermal capacity? (Topic 2 Section 2 page 2)
THERMAL CAPACITY; the amount of heat absorbed for any given increase in temperature
According to the Firefighters Training Manual, flash fires and dust explosions are similar in conditions. Three conditions occur in both flash fires and dust explosions.
Which conditions do NOT occur in both?
- A DUST EXPLOSION REQUIRES AN EXPLOSIVE CHEMICAL REACTION TO OCCUR IN A CONFINED SPACE (a dust explosion is a flash fire that occurs in a confined space).
During a bushfire, a helicopter is carrying out hot refuelling operations to prepare for ongoing water bombing operations.
According to SOGs, a designated Fire Protection Crew should follow what procedures?
(SOG5.8 Fire Protection for Helicopter Hot Refuelling – 6 Fire Protection Operations p2)
Locate the appliance uphill, upwind and at least 50m from;
1. The helicopter landing site
2. Fuel pumps and fuel storage areas
3. Any incident on the airbase
During refuelling firefighters in full PPE will stand by with lines of hose charged, foam eductor attached and B Class foam ready to be inducted
Prevent water or foam streams from hitting moving rotors – may cause catastrophic failure resulting in serious injury or death to nearby people
When life is not at risk, seek advice on how to minimise damage to aircraft before applying foam or water
When life is at risk, FRNSW Commander should direct firefighters to apply foam to fuel fire immediately
A 6-level building has a fire burning on the 3rd level. Heat smoke and fire gases are gradually rising through vertical openings and spreading to floors above the fire. As per the Firefighters Training Manual, what factors will mostly affect the levels reached by these stratified layers?
(White Reader Vol1 Topic 2 Section 14 p6)
The type of fuel in the fire
Size of the fire
Size of the internal openings
height of the building
The weather
At a 4th alarm industrial unit fire, the Incident Commander (IC) had assigned Sector Commanders, a Safety Officer and a Staging Officer with four pumps initially in Staging. The IC later requested an extra six firefighters and a Station Commander from Staging, but there was only one pump in Staging. Why was this error not identified?
The role of the Staging Officer is to;
Keep track of resources
As requested by IC, release resources to be deployed to the incident
Advise the IC when spare resources in staging are low, or fall below specified number
Maintain awareness of the incident communications plan and incident action plan
In this instance the Staging Officer has neglected to keep the IC informed of the available resources in the staging area. The IC may have also failed to inform the Staging Officer of the minimum number of resources to be on standby in the staging area.
You are responding to a fire call in a Scania 320 pumper through small roundabouts in wet weather and the driver reports that the vehicle’s brakes are operating independently and intermittently. In accordance with the Operations Bulletin 2014-02, what actions should be taken?
The Scania P320 is activating its ESP (Electronic Stability Program). The ESP is activated when the pump is travelling too quickly for the road conditions. The pump driver must alter their driving behaviour, e.g. drive slower and in accordance with the driving conditions.
According to the definitions in the STP, provide a detailed description of Hazard and Risk.
HAZARD; is anything in the workplace that has the potential to cause harm to a person, can be an object or task.
RISK; is the harm that may occur to a person exposed to a hazard
You attend a 3rd Alarm structure fire, and the Incident Commander (IC) appoints you the Safety Officer. What is the Safety Officer responsible for? List five. (Major Incident Management Plam – Logistics Supporting Plan)
The Safety Officer at an assembly area is responsible for;
Liasing with and providing regular reports to the Logistics Officer.
Establishing and coordinating medical support, first aid and any medical transport requirements of the Assembly Area
Ensuring traffic management requirements are established and maintained within Assembly Area
Establishing hygiene stations and ensuring infection prevention and control arrangements are in place
Liaising with key stakeholders regarding site safety requirements
FRNSW use different methods to ventilate a structure. All ventilation methods require safety precautions. According to the Firefighters Training Manual, what safety precautions should you practice during vertical or trench ventilation? (Topic 2 Section 14 Page 12)
Don’t walk on spongy roofs, its usually a sign of structural weakness.
Take care to prevent firefighters from sliding and falling.
Exercise caution when working near electric wires.
Ensure that firefighters making the opening are standing to the windward side of the cut and wearing correct PPE.
Watch for indications of weaking structure or other hazards.
Apply extreme caution when using power tools.
Keep a firm footing
Always have a means of retreat.
You are performing a fire duty after a fire at a factory. The cause is yet to be determined; the Fire Investigation and Research Unit (FIRU) and Police are at work. An employee asks if he can go and retrieve some personal belongings. According to Part 3 Section 32 of the Fire Brigades Regulation 2014, what is your correct course of action?
A firefighter on fire duty or watch duty at the site of a fire, hazardous material
incident or other emergency must:
(a) ensure that:
(i) any premises at the site are not entered, and
(ii) goods are not interfered with or removed from any such premises,
otherwise than by persons who can establish their identity and authority to do
so, and
(b) report any breach of security to the officer in charge at the site.
According to SOGs, as the Incident Commander, you may choose a fast attack command position. What does fast attack enable the IC to do? (SOG1.2 Command Check Sheet p1)
Fast Attack Command Position – allows IC to operate away from a vehicle
Hazardous chemical (Hazchem) emergency action codes provide information for the fire brigade and police on how to deal with a fire or spillage. What does the 3-digit code give basic information on?
The HAZCHEM Code gives information needed for initial response in a hazardous materials incident involving the bulk transportation of dangerous goods.
First Digit – appropriate extinguishing agent, Jet – Fog – Foam – Dry Agent
Second Digit – Appropriate PPE for the incident, info about possible violent reaction, and whether substance should be contained or diluted
Third Digit - “E” Consider Evacuation
To extinguish a fire, we must remove one or more factors that form the fire triangle or fire tetrahedron. According to the Firefighters Training Manual, what methods are used to remove one of these factors. List four.
Interruption of the flame chain reaction
According to the Firefighters Training Manual, the use of water as an extinguishing medium on ships has some disadvantages. List three of the disadvantages. (White Reader Vol 1 Topic 3 Section 2 p26)
It is likely to damage cargo
It may react dangerously with cargo
It can affect a ships stability
Always presents a danger of flooding