Questions 126 - 150 Flashcards
According to SOGs (SOG8.2 Bulk Solids Storage Facilities (SILOS) p1) - When referring to storage facilities describe-
- Bulk ; more than 4 tonnes (net), or more than 4 cubic metres of a substance, not in individual packages.
- Flatbed storage; a single level building or other structure designed for the storage of solids in bulk of more than 40 tonnes
- Ventilated; containers open to the atmosphere.
- Sealed; a grain container that has openings sealed to prevent oxygen from entering, sealed during fumigation and semi sealed at other times – includes semi sealed and oxygen limiting containers.
According to SOGs - Standards Australia refers to Breathing Apparatus (BA) as supplied air respirators. Fire and Rescue NSW uses positive pressure supplied air respirators to provide the highest level of protection. Name and describe them. (SOG9.1 Use of Respiratory Protective Equipment p1)
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA); (a device worn to provide breathable air in environments with oxygen deficiencies, smoke, dangerous gases and other airborne contaminants that may be otherwise dangerous to breathe.)
Extended Duration Breathing Apparatus (EDBA); an SCBA set in twin cylinder configuration which allows firefighters to work for approximately twice the time as single cylinder SCBA
Airline Respirator; an extension face mask with an airline supplied from a source of compressed air. These sources include;
- Air trolley breathing apparatus (ATBA): a mobile trolley with compressed air cylinders, a valve assembly and an airline connected to an extension mask.
- An independent SCBA set.
- SCBA worn by a firefighter. An extension facemask and airline worn by a second person which is attached to the auxiliary connection of an SCBA or EDBA set worn by a firefighter.
According to SOGs - Decontamination is the process of removing contaminants from people and equipment to prevent further injury and reduce the spread of the contaminant. What are the three ways decontamination can be implemented. (SOG10.4 Decontamination p1)
Standard Decontamination – implemented where there is no life at risk.
Emergency Decontamination – implemented where there is a life at risk (a person is rescued from the hot zone), or an immediate response is required due to an accidental contamination.
Mass Decontamination – implemented in an unexpected and dangerous situation which must be dealt with immediately where a group of people are contaminated.
According to SOGs When dealing with radiological incidents, the first priority is to minimise the exposure to radiation while rendering the incident safe. What are the main considerations for protecting people at radiological incidents? (SOG10.9 Radiological Incidents p1)
Time; minimise the duration of exposure
Distance; maximise the distance from radiological source
Shielding; maximise shielding between the radiological source and people
According to SOGs - What are three types of radiation. (SOG10.9 Radiological Incidents Guideline Support Document)
Alpha Radiation
Beta Radiation
Gamma Rays and X Rays
According to SOGs - Materials that contain asbestos are known as asbestos containing materials (ACM). If asbestos is encountered at an incident, as far as practical, employ dust suppression tactics and leave ACM in situ. Provide three examples of dust suppression tactics. (SOG10.11 Asbestos p3)
Keep lightly dampened down with a fog spray
Apply a bonding agent e.g. foam blanket or coloured PVA/water mix
Bag into marked asbestos containment bags
Materials that contain asbestos are known as asbestos containing materials (ACM). There are generally two categories of ACM name and describe them. (SOG10.11 Asbestos p1)
Friable; Any ACM that is in powder form, or that can be crumbled, pulverised, or reduced to powder by hand pressure when dry. Examples – loose fill insulation, pipe lagging, fire damaged ACM
Non-Friable; Previously known as bonded. Any ACM that is not friable, including materials containing asbestos fibres reinforced with a bonding compound. (Non-Friable ACM that has been reduced to powder by fire or severe impact will become friable.) Examples – fibre cement sheeting, corrugated or moulded fibre cement, electrical switchboards.
According to Standing Orders – The minimum number of new PIPs to be completed by each platoon yearly is? (Area Risk Management p142)
A minimum of 4 new PIP’s a year must be completed by each platoon.
According to Standing Orders - Why does FRNSW conduct hydrant inspections?
Ensure hydrants work when needed
Notify water authorities of problems with hydrants
Familiarise crews with hydrants in their area
According to the After-Action Review (AAR) Policy - AARs are held for the purpose of reviewing organisational performance, resulting in a series of observations, which are analysed to produce thematic insights. What timeframe should a Type 1 review be conducted?
Immediate or as soon as possible; hot or immediate review conducted at the incident or upon return to the station, particularly if a safety issue has been identified.
As stated in in the FRNSW Code of Conduct and Ethics - FRNSW has shared values with the NSW Government Sector. Name all the shared values.
TRUST (Government only)
ACCOUNTABILITY Government only)
According to FRNSW Policy Managing Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy and Procedure - Any offer of a gift or benefit in excess of $50 or not token in nature, whether it is accepted or not, must be declared and registered with who? (7.1 Employee Obligations p6 of 17)
Professional Standards
According to the infection prevention and control manual - An infection occurs when another organism enters your body and causes disease. There are six main transmission routes, list four. (5.1.2 Methods of Transmission p5 of 49)
Direct contact transmission with blood or bodily substances
Indirect contact transmission
Droplet transmission
Airborne transmission
According to SOGs - What is the unit of measurement for external radiation? (SOG10.9 Radiological Incidents Guideline Support Document p6 Radiation Dose)
According to SOGs - The risk of developing asbestos related disease depends on many factors. List three factors. (SOG10.11 Asbestos Guideline Support Document p31)
Concentration of Exposure; greater quantities of inhaled fibres will increase likelihood of developing disease.
Duration of Exposure; the longer the duration you are exposed, the greater the likelihood of developing disease.
Fibre Characteristics; the type of fibres inhaled have an effect on the likelihood of developing disease. Shorter straight fibres are more likely to be breathed deeper in to the lungs
List and define the three zone systems as outlined in SOGs Scene Security. (SOG10.1 Guidelines for all Hazardous Materials p2)
HOT ZONE – where no personnel enter until a DRA (Dynamic Risk Assessment) determines appropriate actions and level of PPE.
WARM ZONE – where Fire and Rescue NSW conducts its operations.
COLD ZONE – where the incident Control Point and support agencies are located and where the Police implement overall site control.
According to SOGs - Operators of aged care facilities have emergency plans, which include a staged evacuation plan. List the stage numbers including the stage FRNSW would likely be involved. (SOG4.8 Aged Care Facilities Check Sheet p2)
Stage 1 – Residents removed from immediate danger – evacuated to an adjoining room or corridor.
Stage 2 – FRNSW LIKELY TO BE INVOLVED FROM THIS STAGE – residents removed from adjoining rooms and corridors away from the emergency (fire, smoke, gas) - evacuated to an adjoining fire or smoke compartment, or another floor below the emergency.
Stage 3 – Residents completely evacuated from the building – evacuated to a nominated safe assembly area.
According to SOGs - During bushfire operations safeguarding strategy is not fire suppression but can be used when defensive operations are not safe. Describe the actions taken in this strategy. (SOG3.1 Guidelines for Bushfires p2)
Safeguarding Strategy – When offensive or defensive strategies are no longer viable with intense fires under the worst conditions, safeguarding;
- ESCORTS (moves)
According to SOGs - At a high-rise structure fire, what area provides a safe location with building communications, control equipment and plans? (SOG4.5 High-rise Structure Fires p3)
The Fire Control Room (FCR) provides a safe location with building communications, control equipment and plans.
SOGs state - In some cases, mostly at larger structures and complexes it may not be appropriate to turn off power to the entire structure. List three of these structures or complexes. (SOG14.2) Isolating Power Checklist p2 Factors to Consider)
Industrial Complexes – some processes may be difficult to shut down
High-rise Building – lights or lifts may be needed for evacuations.
Health Care Facility – life sustaining equipment may be in use.
According to the FRNSW smoke alarm installation procedure - When installing a smoke alarm in a residential dwelling, what is the most suitable fixing method to attach to surfaces. (7.2 Mounting with double sided tape)
A smoke alarm is to be mounted using only heavy-duty 3M brand Part No. 4950 double – sided tape available through ESCAT (Cat no. 7930).
Suspicious substance incidents (including suspicious package incidents) are multi-agency incidents. FRNSW, the NSW Police Force and the Ambulance Service of NSW have developed multi-agency procedures to provide emergency services personnel with the knowledge, skills, and ability to ensure a consistent and safe approach for management and resolution of suspicious substance incidents. The level of risk can be identified by a colour. What are these colours?
Sexual Harassment is against the law and never acceptable. FRNSW adopts the legal definition of sexual harassment as per the Anti- Discrimination Act 1977. What constitutes sexual harassment as described in the Act? (Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy p5)
The Anti Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) defines sexual harassment as a person making an unwelcome sexual advance, or an unwelcome request for sexual favours, or engaging in other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature in relation to the other person in circumstances in which a reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would have anticipated that the other person would be offended, humiliated or intimidated.
According to the procedure, list the requirements regarding qualifications for a full or part change of shift. (Procedure - Arrangements for full or part change of shift p2)
Replacement firefighters must have similar qualifications required to meet the needs of the position being filled on the particular shift, e.g. rescue, hazmat, pumper or aerial operator qualifications.
Duty Commanders can refuse applications for part or full change of shift if the replacement firefighter does not have the required qualifications.
According to the procedure, arrangement for a full or part change of shift- The applicant must submit the form to their Station Commander or Supervisor at least how many hours in advance?