Que lejos Flashcards
cruento, -ta adj:
impedir vt
1) : to prevent, to block
2) : to impede, to hinder
engendrar vt
1) : to beget, to father
2) : to give rise to, to engender
desenlace nm:
ending, outcome
aplastante adj:
crushing, overwhelming
viraje nm
1) : turn, swerve
2) : change
azote nm
1) LTIGO: whip, lash
2) fam: spanking, licking
3) : calamity, scourge
comprometer vt
1): to compromise
2): to jeopardize
3): to commit, to put under obligation
comprometerse vr
1): to commit oneself
2) ~ con: to get engaged to
repliegue nm
1) : fold
2) : retreat, withdrawal
vaticinar vt:
to predict, to foretell
duradero, -ra adj:
durable, lasting
fustigar transitive verb
- to whip (azotar)
2. to criticize harshly (censurar)
claudicación nf, pl -ciones:
surrender, abandonment of one’s principles
atravesar vt
1) CRUZAR: to cross, to go across
2) : to pierce
3) : to lay across
4) : to go through (a situation or crisis)
atravesarse vr
1): to be in the way
se me atravesó: it blocked my path
2): to interfere, to meddle
claudicación nf, pl -ciones:
surrender, abandonment of one’s principles
desgajar vt
1) : to tear off
2) : to break apart
desgajarse vr: to come apart
aplastante adj:
crushing, overwhelming
contundente adj
1) : blunt
2) : forceful, convincing
contundentemente adv
viraje nm
1) : turn, swerve
2) : change
engendrar vt
1) : to beget, to father
2) : to give rise to, to engender
pervivir [conjugation =>] VI
to survive
encaminar vt
1): to direct, to channel
2): to head in the right direction
encaminarse vr
~ a: to head for, to aim at
renuente adj:
reluctant, unwilling
propicio, -cia adj:
favorable, propitious
retar vt
DESAFIAR: to challenge, to defy
minar vt
1) : to mine
2) DEBILITAR: to undermine
proscripción nf, pl -ciones
1) PROHIBICIN: ban, proscription
2) DESTIERRO: banishment
arrebatar vt
1) : to snatch, to seize
2) CAUTIVAR: to captivate
arrebatarse vr: to get carried away (with anger, etc.)
premiar vt
1) : to award a prize to
2) : to reward
derogar vt
ABOLIR: to abolish, to repeal
bochornoso, -a adjective
- stifling, muggy (tiempo)
2. embarrassing (vergonzoso)
plegar vt
DOBLAR: to fold, to bend
plegarse vr: to give in, to yield
indecoroso, -a adjective
- unseemly
inconmovible adj
[persona] unmoved
[creencia, fe] unshakeable
extrañar vt:
to miss (someone)
extrañarse vr:
to be surprised
entrañar vt: to
entail, to involve
congraciarse vr:
to ingratiate oneself
derivar vi
1): to drift
2) ~ de: to come from, to derive from
3) ~ en: to result in
derivar vt: to steer, to direct
derivarse vr:
to be derived from, to arise from