LO QUE VI Flashcards
zapatear intransitive verb
- to stamp one’s feet
andar nm:
walk, gait
rebotar vi
1) : to bounce
2) : to ricochet, to rebound
Straight, right
Colmar vt
to fill to the brim, shower
indignar vt:
to outrage, to infuriate
indignarse vr
tortícolis nm
stiff neck ; crick in the neck
tapizar vt
to upholster, carpet
desentonar vi
to clash, be out of tune
alucinante adj:
engullir vt:
to gulp down, to gobble up
engullirse vr
dizque adv:
supposedly, apparently
enterrar vt:
to bury
panza nf
BARRIGA: belly, paunch
regañadientes adv
a ~: reluctantly, unwillingly
encerrar vt
1) : to lock up, to shut away
2) : to contain, to include
3) : to involve, to entail
paracaidismo nm
(lanzamiento en paracaídas) skydiving, parachuting
pestañear vi:
to blink
ademán nm, pl -manes
1) GESTO: gesture
2) ademanes nmpl: manners
contundente adj
1) : blunt
2) : forceful, convincing
cataplum interjection
bang, crash
siniestro, -tra adj
1) IZQUIERDO: left, left-hand
2) MALVADO: sinister, evil
siniestro nm: accident, disaster
colegiatura nf, Mex:
desembolsar vt
PAGAR: to disburse, to pay out
destartalado, -da adj:
dilapidated, tumbledown
bocha SF
1 (=bola) bowl
juego de las bochas bowls
2 (Cono Sur)(muy familiar/argot) (=cabeza) nut (informal), noggin EEUU (very informal/slang)
Raquítico, -a adj
- scrawny (pequeño)
- miserable (escaso)
- rachitic (medicine)
imperar [im-pay-rar’] verb neuter
- To command (mandar), to reign (prevalecer). (n)
article & verb transitive
2. To command a person, to direct his actions.
debut (pl debuts) masculine noun
- debut (de persona); premiere (de obra)
su debut en sociedad fue brillante -> her entry into society was impressive
fatídico ADJ
1 (=desgraciado) fateful, ominous
2 (=profético) prophetic
arañar transitive verb
- to scratch (raspar); to scrape together (figurative) (reunir, conseguir)
palabras de aliento
words of encouragement
inmiscuir [in-mis-coo-eer’] article & verb transitive
- To mix.
verb reflexive
2. To interfere in, to intermeddle.
guión nm, pl guiones
1) : script, screenplay
2) : hyphen, dash
3) ESTANDARTE: standard, banner
asesor, -sora n:
advisor, consultant
encamar vt:
to confine to a bed
A regañadientes adv
Eso fue un viernes por la noche
That was a Friday night
despeñadero masculine noun
- precipice
2. Steep, precipitous, headlong.
tiliches smpl (CAm, Méx)
(=pertenencias) belongings
(=baratijas) trinkets
(=trastos) junk sing
aborrecer vt
ABOMINAR , ODIAR: to abhor, to detest, to hate
tamal nm:
boliche nm
1) BOLOS: bowling
2) Arg: bar, tavern
desbaratar vt
1) ARRUINAR: to destroy, to ruin
2) DESCOMPONER: to break, to break down
desbaratarse vr:
to fall apart
intromisión nf, pl -siones:
interference, meddling
replantear vt:
to redefine, to restate
replantearse vr: to reconsider
plantear vt
1) : to set forth, to bring up, to suggest
2) : to establish, to set up
3) : to create, to pose (a problem)
plantearse vr
1) : to think about
2) : to arise
vejiga nf
1) : bladder
2) AMPOLLA: blister
rebotar vi
1) : to bounce
2) : to ricochet, to rebound
rascar vt
1) : to scratch
2) : to scrape
rascarse vr: to scratch an itch
desvirtuar vt
1) : to impair, to spoil
2) : to detract from
3) : to distort, to misrepresent
alberca nf
1) : reservoir, tank
2) Mex: swimming pool
clavar vt
1) : to nail, to hammer
2) HINCAR: to plunge, to stick
3) : to fix (one’s eyes) on
clavarse vr: to stick oneself (with a sharp object)
lona nf:
despeinado, -da adj:
disheveled, tousled
ojazos SMPL
(=ojos grandes) big eyes, wide eyes;
(=ojos bonitos) lovely big eyes
echar los ojazos a algn to make eyes at sb
apagado, -a adjective
- out (luz, fuego); off (aparato)
- subdued (color, persona)
- dull, muffled (sonido); low, quiet (voz)
brillo masculine noun
- brilliance (resplandor) (de luz); shining (de estrellas); shine (de zapatos)
sacar brillo a -> to polish, to shine - splendor, brilliance (lucimiento)
delatar vt
1) : to betray, to reveal
2) : to denounce, to inform against
trepar transitive verb
- to climb
Trepar intransitive verb
- to climb (subir)
- to be a social climber (informal) (medrar)
aplanar vt:
to flatten, to level
no se daba abasto
was not large enough
abasto nm:
supply, supplying
peripecia feminine noun
- incident, adventure
sus peripecias en la selva -> his adventures in the jungle
escobazo masculine nounq
- blow with a broom
echar a alguien a escobazos (figurative) -> to kick somebody out
extraviar vt
1) : to mislead, to lead astray
2) : to misplace, to lose
extraviarse vr: to get lost, to go astray
carroza nf
1) : carriage
2) : float (in a parade)
revolcar vt:
to knock over, to knock down
revolcarse vr: to roll around, to wallow
impertinente adj
1) INSOLENTE: impertinent, insolent
2) INOPORTUNO: inappropriate, uncalled-for
3) IRRELEVANTE: irrelevant
Capotear verb transitive
- To trick a bull with a capote; to hold a cloak before oneself for him to spring at.
- To wheedle, bamboozle.
- To evade cleverly difficulties and promises.
toparse vr
~ con: to bump into, to run into, to come across
me topé con algunas dificultades: I ran into some problems
damnificado, -da n:
victim (of a disaster)
damnificar vt:
to damage, to injure
estrujar vt
APRETAR: to press, to squeeze
apretujar transitive verb
- to squash (aplastar); to screw up (hacer una bola con)
apretujarse pronomial verb
1. to squeeze together (en banco, autobús); to huddle up (por frío)
desnivelado, -da adj
1) : uneven
2) : unbalanced
desnivel nm
1) : disparity, difference
2) : unevenness (of a surface)
3) paso a desnivel Mex: underpass
botar vt
1) ARROJAR: to throw, to fling, to hurl
2) TIRAR: to throw out, to throw away
3) : to launch (a ship)
pala nf
1) : shovel, spade
2) : blade (of an oar or a rotor)
3) : paddle, racket
regadera nf
1) : watering can
2) : shower head, shower
3) : sprinkler
gélido, -da adj:
icy, freezing cold
gelificarse vr:
to jell
blanco nm
1) : white
2) : target, bull’s-eye
dar en el blanco: to hit the target, to hit the nail on the head
3): blank space, blank
un cheque en blanco: a blank check
villorrio masculine noun
- one-horse town, backwater (Pey)
2. Shanty town
enjuiciar transitive verb
- to try (law)
2. to judge (opinar)
destituir vt:
to dismiss, to remove from office
interrogante adj:
interrogante nm
1): question mark
fulminante adj
1) : fulminating, explosive
2) : devastating, terrible
intercalar vt:
to intersperse, to insert
aprendiz, -diza n, mpl -dices:
apprentice, trainee