Quarterly Flashcards
Which gepgraphic feature was at the center of the first four established civilizations of the Eastern Hemisphere during the Neolithic Age? Why did early settlers choose to live in this setting?
River valleys/ silt/ irrigation/ transportation
Why is the Neolithic period considered a turning point in history?
farming and domesticated animals, rise of civlizations
Which aspect of social science would a geographer study in depth in order to understand the development of various cultures throughout history?
location influence on a group
What was the Code of Hammurabi? Why is it considered harsh and unfair?
first written law code in Babylon/Mesopotamia; “eye for an eye”
How are hieroglyphics, cuneiform, and Sanskrit similar?
writing systems, recorded history of ancient civilization
What is polytheism?
existence of more than one gods/spirits
Which two world religions believe in reincarnation, karma, and dharma?
Hinduism and Budhism
Which three world religions originated in the Middle East are monotheistic and have rules for ethical behavior?
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Which religion is associated with the Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, and suffering is caused by selfish desire?
Which religion is associated with the Five Pillars of Faith?
Islam (Koran, Mecca, pray 5 times a day)
How are the Eightfold Path, Five Pillars of Faith, the Five relationships, and the Code of Hammurabi similar?
set of rules for behavior, creates order
Which religion is associated with being God’s chosen people, Diaspora, the Talmud, and the Torah?
How are Shintoism and Animism similar?
spirits and nature
How did Confucianism impact the social structure of ancient China?
Respect, respect elders- filial piety, social order, relationships
How are the ancient Egyptian hierarchy, the Hindu Caste system, and the social system of colonial Latin America similar?
Based on birth
During which European event did the scientist question traditional beliefs about the universe an use new technologies to prove their theories?
Scientific Revolution