Quarter 1 (CHEGG , Early Humans, Ancient Mesopotamia) Flashcards
What kinds of sources do Archaeologists use to learn about the past?
Primary & Secondary Sources
How do we learn about prehistoric societies?
Fossils of plants and animals, seeds, and tools
Who are Archaeologists? What do they do?
Archaeologists are social scientists who study how people lived in an earlier time by examining the remains of what those people made and used. Like detectives, archaeologists investigate the clues left behind in order to piece together a story. For archaeologists, it is the story of how ancient peoples lived.
How is Archaeology defined today? How were Archaeologists defined in the past?
Today, archaeology is a science, but it did not start out this way. In the early 1900s, archaeologists were explorers, and they were often driven by curiosity or greed.
How do Archaeologists examine a site?
- Archaeologists often search for years before they find a site for a dig.
- Once a site has been located, the archaeologists must deal with the climate, often working in exhausting heat or torrential downpours.
- They then perform a variety of surveys to determine if the site has artifacts.
- The next step is to recover any artifacts that may be at the site.
- The artifacts that are found are also studied extensively.
- Finally, the artifacts are recorded, reported, and often put on display.
What is the meaning of protocol?
Why do Archaeologists study fossils and artifacts?
Archaeologists study fossils and artifacts because they provide information about who lived in certain areas and when they lived there
What do Archaeologists use to investigate artifacts?
Much of the work is done with much smaller instruments in order to avoid destroying remains or artifacts. Small, shovel-like instruments called trowels are used to remove small amounts of dirt. The dirt is sifted through a screen in an attempt to locate small items such as bone shards and pot fragments.
What is the primary reason for archaeologists to study objects and fossils from the past?
For archaeologists, it is the story of how ancient peoples lived.
What types of artifacts archaeologists who are interested in the culture of a civilization might want to discover?
Human and animal remains, tools, art, pottery, buildings, oral stories, and written documents
What is Culture?
A shared set of practices and traditions that characterize a society or a group of people; a way of life for a group of people.
Food and clothing and examples of culture. What are 5 more examples of culture?
Dance, religion, language hobbies, music, festivals, education, values, climate, government, laws, recreation/entertainment, & etc
What is history?
Events from the past
History is divided into which two era’s?
Common Era & Before Common Era
What is economics?
Production, distribution, and the use of goods and services
What are the 4 major types of economic systems?
Market Economy, Command Economy, Mixed Economy, & Traditional Economy
What is geography?
The Study of the Earth
What are the 5 themes of geography?
Location, Place, Region, Movement, & Human- Environment Interaction
What is government?
An organization set up to make and enforce rules
What are the 4 types of government we discussed in class?
Democracy, Communism, Monarchy, & Dictatorship
Why is government necessary?
Without it there would be anarchy and as people/groups wipe each other out, in the end there would be only a few survivors.
Without it there is no reasonable civilization. There has to be rules, regulations and laws and govern. makes these and helps to enforce them.
Ask yourself … would I survive without the protection of a government, then look at countries without a stable one and what is happening to their people.
Where did the first humans settle?
Why did the early humans migrate out of Africa?
Early humans moved out of Africa because the Earth’s climate changed a huge way. It got a great deal colder. This is known as the ice age. Hunter/Gatherers had to move because Africa turned into a desert. And the animals were moving away because of climate change, so hunters/gatherers followed the animals.
What is the significance of the Bering Land Bridge?
The Bering Land Bridge because it provided a passage from Siberia to Alaska or from Asia to North America.
Why were the early humans nomadic?
The early humans were nomadic because the early humans didn’t know about agriculture yet and they had only one food source then, animals. The early humans had to hunt the animals therefore they had to follow the animals which made them nomadic.
Why did nomadic people began traveling in societies together?
Humans began travelling in societies together because it improved the ability to survive
How did traveling together improve early humans’ lives?
Living in groups improved humans lives because there were large animals killed that were found, and it takes multiple humans to kill that one animal. You wouldn’t have to kill for another few days if you live in groups. Old men and woman who have a hard time eating are helped to eat.
What is another name of the Neolithic Revolution?
Agricultural Revolution
What transformation did early humans undergo during the Neolithic Revolution?
Early humans went from being hunters/gatherers to planting crops for food. This is also called the Agricultural Revolution.
How do we study prehistoric peoples who did not give us written records?
We study prehistoric people who did not give us written records by finding some artifacts left over and to find fossils of what prehistoric people used.
What were the three factors/basic needs that early humans took into consideration when forming the first settlements and civilization?
- ________________________
- ________________________
- _______________________
- Food
- Water
- Shelter
Why is the Neolithic Revolution important in human history?
The Neolithic Revolution is important to human history because humans finally settled in one spot because humans learned how to plant plants & there became more job specialization, instead of hunting, and food was taken care of, people could do more job specialization.
Explain Scarcity.
A state of something being in short supply
List the 7 characteristics of a civilization
- Cities
- Government
- Religion
- Language/Writing
- Job Specialization
- Advanced Technology
- Social Classes
Why is ancient Mesopotamia important to history?
○ It was the first civilization we know of
○ Mesopotamians contributed many innovations known to society such as a writing system, a calender, a law code, and the wheel.
Where did the fertile cresent get its name?
This area is shaped like a crescent, & the area is fertile.
What does “Mesopotamia” mean?
“The land between two rivers”
Why did Hammurabi create his law code?
To make the laws public knowledge, to establish justice & to establish order
Why is Hammurabi’s code significant to history?
He wrote the first set of written laws.
Define Polytheistic.
The worshipping or believing in more than one god
Describe a Mesopotamian City-State?
A city-state is an independent kingdom or state made up of a city and the surrounding lands it controls.
What were the hanging gardens?
Nebuchadnezzar made them for his wife.
How did cuneiform revolutionize Mesopotamian society?
○ Farmers could plan future planting
○ Merchants could keep records of their trades
○ Laws can be put in writing
Which two rivers did ancient Mesopotamia lie between?
The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
Why is Mesopotamia known as the “Cradle of Civilization?”
This is where the first civilizations began because of the discovery of agriculture.
Outside of the Fertile Cresent, how would you describe the land of Southwest Asia?
Outside of the Fertile Crescent, the land is very dry and not good for growing crops