Quantitative Research Methods Sem 1 Yr 2 Flashcards
What are the 4 key principles of ethics?
Scientific Integrity
Social Responsibility
Maximise benefit and minimise harm
What is Primary Research?
Requires participant permission
Self conducted
What is Secondary Research?
Participant permission is not required
New knowledge/theories through the use of existing knowledge (literature review)
Conducted by others
What are some important ethical considerations?
Privacy and confidentiality
Power dynamics
Informed consent
Appropriate use of knowledge and skills
Don’t cause upset, harm or distress in any way
No conflicts of interest
No deception
Boundaries are maintained
Needs of vulnerable groups
What do we include when writing an ethics application or writing up a report?
DESIGN - Clear aim, questions you will be asking for ethical appraisal, unbiased
MATERIALS - How long will participation take? Where will you conduct research? What materials will be used? How will you interpret the scores of materials?
PARTICIPANTS - Number, age range(or mean), gender. Inclusions and exclusion criteria, recruitment and selection details. Incentives? PIS and consent form. Is any deception involved? Withdrawal procedures
DATA - Participants’ confidentiality, how you will store data, Length of storage, follow GDPR regulations
RISK ASSESSMENTS - Identify potential risks and how you would address them, details of relevant support services in PIS, complete risk assessment documents
What should be included in Participant Information Sheet?
- Purpose of project
- Why they are being invited to take part
- What will happen
- Benefits, disadvantages, and risks
- Data treatment and storage
- Withdrawal information
- Who has reviewed the project
- Contact details of the researcher
- Contact details of support services
What are the three main steps in the research process?
- Prediction
- Design
- Analysis
What is a correlational design?
Exploring the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables
Observes ‘natural’ events
What is an experimental design?
Comparing two conditions (within-subject design) or two groups (between-subject design)
Controlled comparison of situations
Identifying a cause and effect
What statistical test do we use for correlational parametric data?
What assumptions are met if we are doing a Spearman test?
Correlational, non-parametric
What statistical test is used for between-subjects (independent) experimental designs?
Independent samples t-test
What are the assumptions if we are performing a paired samples t-test?
Experiment design
Within-group (repeated) design
What are the two types of regression?
Linear regression
Multiple regression
What is a regression design?
One or more predictor variable to explain variability on outcome variable
What is systematic variation?
Variability in scores is as a result of experimental manipulation
What is unsytematic variation?
Variability in scores is due to random or uncontrollable factors
General Linear Model
Outcome = Model + Error
How can analysis be done of the General Linear Model?
Linear/Multiple regression
What does ANOVA mean?
Analysis Of Variance
What does partitioning the variance mean?
Separating systematic and unsystematic variance
General Linear Model: Regression
Outcome variable = Predictor variables + Unexplained variance
General Linear Model: ANOVA
DV Scores = Experimental conditions + Unexplained variance