Quantitative methods- Survays Flashcards
What is the survey method?
primary quantitative that produces produces quantitative data
Can be administered in different ways and can contain open and closed q’s
Open questions in survey?
produces a more in depth and better at discovering complex feelings, meanings and motives
Closed questions in a survey?
more common on surveys as it produces statical data and analyse the analyse the answers
What are the 4 different methods of administering a survey?
Face to face (structured interviews)
Method of administering survey- Face to face advantages
More valid as we can fully explain q’s
Method of administering survey- Face to face disadvantages
Asks leading q’s
Interviewer affects’ (pressure from interviewer to ask questions a certain way)
-Can’t do as many interviews
Method of administering survey- Telephone advantages?
Can explain q’s so more valid
-Representative of the population
-More comfortable
-Takes less time
Method of administering survey- Telephone disadvantages?
Asking leading q’s
Don’t know if person you think could be the person you think
Social desirability
Method of administering survey- Postal advantages
Larger sample
Not expensive as your not travelling round to meet people
Method of administering survey- Postal disadvantages?
Can’t explain q’s- invalid
Can be ignored
Method of administering survey- Internet advantages
A larger sample
Costs less
Method of administering survey- Internet disadvantages
Can’t explain q’s- invalid
Ignored and can be deleted
Only motivated people so unrepresentative
What are the requirements for a questionnaire?
-Avoid oversimplication
-Avoiding leading questions
-Be specific
-Keeping simple language
-Avoiding emotive language
-Keeping it short
Weeknesses of questionaires?
Response rate
Weekness questionaires- Reasons for low response rate?
-Respondents better education then others so unrepresentative
-Language barrier (complex vocab)
-Subject matter may be sensitive
-Social desirability
-Same respondents may fear criticisms or repercussion if completing a question