Quality of Life Flashcards
How do you measure health status
- Mortality rates (doesn’t tell u about living).
- Morbidity (How many people have disease).
- Measures of functioning (Tells you about the disease experience of individual).
- Quality of life.
How do you measure functioning?
Example is the activities of daily living scale - Investigates how easy it is for patients to carry out daily tasks like dressing. Comes up with a score.
What are factors influence quality of life?
- Mental health
- Perceived health
- Physical function (tends to impact more on other 3 factors)
- Social functioning.
(From most impactful to lesser)
Define quality of life?
A combination of a person’s physical, mental and social wellbeing; not merely the absence of disease
What are the quality of life measurement types?
- Uni-dimensional (looks at one thing, one dimension).
- Multidimensional (Generic and disease specific)
What are the determinants of quality of life in heart disease?
- Physical function (BIO)
- Psychological functioning (PSYCHO)
- Social functioning (SOCIAL)
- Occupational functioning
- Perception of health status (PERCEPTION)
How does psychological functioning affect CV system
- Impacts on disease,
- Impact treatment concordance,
- Prolonged stress
- Ability to retain and understand information
- Decreases quality of life
How does psychological functioning effect relationships?
- Building rapport,
- Impede social support
- Impair personal relationships, including sexual.
- Issues with health professionals
Psychological distress follow and MI/CABG is a risk factor for what?
- Early mortality,
- Low return to work
- Difficulty making lifestyle changes
- Issues with concordance
- Increased use of health services.
- Readmission to hospital
What are the key symptoms for anxiety?
- Excessive anxiety and worry about a number of events and
- Difficult controlling the worry.
What are some associated symptoms?
- Restlessness,
- Being easily fatigued,
- Difficulty concentrating,
- Irritability,
- Muscle tension
- Disturbed sleep
What can make a cardiac patient become more anxious?
- CAD diagnosis,
- Fear of further event,
- Being in hospital, treatment or health professionals
- Being away from family
- Chest sensations
- Return to activities
Explain how social functioning effects quality of life with CV disease
Good social functioning has positive effect on QOL, eg, having good family/friend support.
How does occupational functioning effect heart disease?
Ability to return to work is linked to self worth and self esteem but also the need to preform well. This will improve quality of life.
What is the perception of health status influenced by?
- Individuals experience,
- Previous health experiences
- Mental health
- Denial
Understanding of illness.
What is illness of behaviour?
Evaluating symptoms, seeking medical help to bring relief and seeking support from family.
What are the negative impacts of illness behavior?
- Secondary gains - Increased sympathy and attention, special favors and no work/duties. This can cause prolonged illness behavior and negatively impact QOL
What is the impact of depression on coronary artery disease (CAD)
- Cause poor mortality, social and functioning outcomes.
- Significant feature of poor QOL.
- Risk factor for relapse
What are the key symptoms for depression?
- Persistent sadness or low mood, and/or
- Marked loss of interest or pleasure. Need to have one of these, most days for 2 weeks min.
What are the associated symptoms of depression?
- Disturbed sleep,
- Changes in appetite,
- Fatigue,
- Poor concentration
- Feelings of worthlessness,
- Suicidal thoughts
How do you treat depression following cardiac events?
- Psychological therapy,
- Lifestyle advice and self-help,
- Maximize physical health,
- Drug treatment and,
- Mental health services.
- Cardiac REHAB
What are the impacts of cardiac rehab?
Positive impact on psychological and physical health. Reduces mortality and healthcare costs.
Positive psychological adjustment following a cardiac event?
Relationships improve, low anxiety, motivated to change, high internal locus on control and sex life improves.