Quality Management Flashcards
Describe The Cornestone Model
Let Everybody be Committed: (REAL POTENTIAL OF IMPROVEMENT) Feel commitment, professional and personal pride, and responsibility, to be able to do a good job (Participation regardless the hierarchy). Participation and delegation of authority.
Improve Continuously: Six Sigma, What if we accept 99% Correct, PDCA
Focus on Customer: (WHY?) Meet and preferably exceed customer expectation. Listen to the customer. Internal and External Customers. A dissatisfied customer could spread his dissatisfaction very quickly
Base Decisions on Facts:(SIX SIGMA, EVIDENCE BASED MANAGEMENT) Understand Variation (Natural Variation, and Noise), 7 Quality Control Tools, Relevant information
Focus on Processes: (HOW WE CREATE VALUE) SIPOC; Generation of Data and Control Points, how to improve it. Main Processes, Support Processes, Management Processes.
Top Management Commitment: Sustainability, Culture, Resoruces
System Thinking: How each part can affects other.
Describe “Dean and Bowen, Management Theory and Total Quality, Improving Research and Practice Trough Theory Development”.
Dean and Bowen write their article in order to come up with a unify concept of TQM, collecting the visions of Deming (Systems, Leadership, Reduction of Variation), Juran (Quality Planning, Control, Improvement with emphasis in statistics techniques), Crosby (reduce cost through quality improvement and stressed that both high and low end products can have high quality).
Dean and Bowen propose a model based on Principles, Practices and Techniques.
Keywords for
Customer Focus: Meet and Preferably Exceed Customer Expectations for sustain the organization
Continuous Improvement. PROCESES. IMPLICITT: SYSTEM THINKING. Vision as the processes as interconnected. Meet the increasingly stringent of customer expectations. Process as Inputs and Outputs
Tem Work: Everybody in the organization could contribute regardless the hierarchy. Colaboration between managers and non-managers, between functions of Customer, Suppliers. Internal and External Customer. TRAINING EMPLOYEES,SYSTEM THINKING: Systems cannot be effective if subunits emphasize their own outocmes over those of other. FORM TEAMS.
Describe the Priciples Practices and Tools of The Dean and Bowen Model. FOCUS ON CUSTOMER
Focus On Customers:
Priciples: Meet and prefearebly exceed customer spectations.
Practices: Design Products Based on Customer Requierement or Inputs/ Contact Customer and Get Customer Information
Techniques: Quality Function Deployment, Surveys, Interviews
Describe the Priciples Practices and Tools of The Dean and Bowen Model. IMPROVE CONTINUOSLY
Improve Continuously
Principle: In order to sustain Customer Satisfaction, Processes should be continuous Improved
Practice: Process Re-Engineering, PDCA
Tools: 7QC Tools: Pareto Diagram, Flowcharts, SPC
Describe the Priciples Practices and Tools of The Dean and Bowen Model. TEAM WORK
Team Work:
Principle .Improve Continuously and Focus on customer are achieved by commited people who praise their work. Include SUPPLIERS
Technique: Form Teams, Group Skills Training, Arrangements.
Practice: Team Building. Organizational Development Methods. Nominal Group Techique
Describe the Demings Cost of Poor Quality
Internal Failure Cost: Quality costs associated with defects discovered before the product has been delivered to the customers. These internal costs are detected through the firm’s inspection and appraisal activities and may include costs of rework, scrapping of rejected products and downtime caused by quality problems. (Scrapping and Reworking)
External Failure Cost: Cost due to defective products, where the failure is detected after delivery to the customer.
Appraisal Cost: cost for inspection of product and material in order to check whether they fulfil the requirement in differences states of productions,
Prevention Cost: Cost for different quality stimulating activities within the development and production process. This includes cost for implementing quality management systems, education in quality related issues.
What are the four steps of the Quality Movement acording to Demming?
Quality Inspection: After Production
Quality Control: Control Processes
Quality Assurance: Raw Materials, Processes and Production.
Quality Management: Design of Experiment and CUSTOMER FOCUS
Mention and Reflect About 4 of 14 Demmings Points of Management.
14 Deming’s Points of Management
- Create constantly of purpose for improvement of product and service
- Adopt the new philosophy
- Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality
- End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag alone. Instead, minimize total cost by working with single supplier.
- Improve constantly and forever every process for planning, production and service.
- Institute training on the Job
- Adopt and institute leadership
- Drive out fear
- Breakdown barriers between staff areas
- Eliminate slogans, exhortations and targets for the work force
- Eliminate numerical quotas for the work force and numerical goals for the management
- Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship. Eliminate the annual rating or merit system
- Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement for everyone
- Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation.
Mention the Main Points of the Phycology: From Profound Knowledge of Demming
People are Motivated Intrinsically and Extrensically
Fear is Demotivating
Intrinsic Motivation is Important for Creativity and Problem Solving
Managers should develop pride and Joy in work
Who Said “Quality should be aimed at the needs of the customer, present and future”
Edwards Deming
Who Said Quality is “Fitness for use”
Joseph Juran
Who Said Quality is “Conformance to requirements”
Philip Crosby
Who Said Quality is “ The Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills the requirements needs or expectation that are stated generally implied or obligatory”
ISO 9000:2000
What kind of Audits Extist 1, 2 3 Party
Quality Audits
1st Party: Internal audits when the company is looking for compliance in several aspects such as, Finances, Ethical and Legal, Industrial Practices, IT Security and Quality Management System as well.
2nd Party: When the customer decides to perform an audit in order to verify compliance of processes and product.
3th Party: A external entity perform an audity in order to Certificate or Recertification a Company in Quality Management System, For Example.
What are the Quality Management Tools
Quality Management Tools
Affinity Diagram Interrelation Relationship Treediagram Activity Network Diagram Matrix Data Analysis Matrix Diagram Problem Decision Chart
What are the Quality Control Tools
Quality Control Tools
Pareto Chart Scattered Plot Fishbone Diagram Histogram Data Collection Stratificacion Control Chart