Fordism, Sociotechnical Systems, Toyodism and Future Systems Flashcards
Fordism Defined
- deskilling of work and rigid divisions of labor
- hierarchical management structure
- fixation on a mass market
- higher wages in return for high effort, loss of decision making, and less turnover
- reorganization of production departments along flow principles
- curbing of the independent authority of foremen and other low-level supervisors
- assemblers as interchangeable as parts
- activities simplified to the nth degree and controlled from above
- engineering and administrative functions delegated to staff specialists
- exercise of judgment passed up the managerial ranks
- alienated, regimented work conditions
Fordism and Scientific Management
- science, not rule of thumb
- harmony, not discord (i.e. playing by management’s rules)
- cooperation, not individualism
- maximum output, in place of restricted output (“soldiering”)
- the development of each man to his greatest physical capability
Advantages of the Sociotechnical System Teory
- innovation versus preserving the status quo
- development of human resources
- awareness of the external environment
- maximizing cooperative effort
- developing commitment and energy
- utilizing social and technical resources effectively
Socio Technical System
Technical System:
Machinery, Processes, Procedures and Physical Arragement.
Social System: People, Habitual Attitudes, Values, Behavioral Styles and Relationships. INCLUDES THE REWARD SYSTEM.
Formal and Informal Organizational Charts
A manufacturing workcell that requires high team work will not produce in an environment of suspicion and command / control.
A self Directed work team will be ineffective when the layout of their area prevents communication or does not requires cooperation.
Principles of the Sociotechnical System
Responsible autonomy[edit]
Whole tasks[edit]
Meaningfulness of tasks
task squarely on the shoulders of a single, small, face-to-face group which experiences the entire cycle of operations within the compass of its membership