Qualitative Research Design Flashcards
What is a tight design?
Good when working with well-delineated constructs.
What is a loose design?
the conceptual framework will tend to emerge from the field during the study, and the RQ will only become clear gradually, setting and participants will first be selected after initial orientation to the field site.
Good to use when experienced researchers have plenty of time and are exploring unfamiliar cultures, understudied phenomena, or complex social processes.
what is a conceptual framework?
A conceptual framework explains, either graphically or in narrative form, the main things to be studied – the key factors, variables, or constructs – and the presumed interrelationships among them.
A conceptual framework forces you to be selective about what information to be collected and analyzed.
What are the key Features of Qualitative Sampling?
Qualitative research usually works with small samples of people, nested in their context and studied in-depth.
Qualitative samples tend to be purposive rather than random.
Conceptually driven sequential sampling: when the whole sample is not chosen at once, but it gets chosen through the process.
Qualitative sampling is often theory driven.
What are the eight Qualitative Quality criteria?
o (a) worthy topic,
o (b) rich rigor,
o (c) sincerity,
o (d) credibility,
o (e) resonance,
o (f) significant contribution,
o (g) ethics,
o (h) meaningful coherence.
How can one achieve ‘worthy topic’?
The topic of the research is:
- Relevant
- timely
- significant
- interesting
How can one achieve ‘rich rigor’?
The study uses sufficient, abundant, appropriate, and complex:
- theorethical construction
- data and time in the field
- samples(s)
- context(s)
- data collection and analysis processes
How can one achieve ‘sincerity’?
The study is charaterized by:
- self-reflxivity about subjective values, biases, and inclinations of the researcher
- transparency about the methods and challenges
How can one achieve ‘credibility’?
the research is marked by
- thick description, concrete detail, explication of tacit knowledge, and showing rather than telling
- triangulation or crystalization
- multivocality
- member reflections
How can one achieve ‘resonance’?
The reseacrh influence, affects, or moves readers through
- evocative representations
- naturalistic generalization
- transferable findings
How can one achieve ‘significant contribution’?
the researcher provides a significant contribution
- conceptually/theorethically
- Pratically
- morally
- methodologically
- Heuristic
How can one achieve ‘ethics’?
The researcher considers
- procedural ethics
- situational and culturally specific ethics
- relational ethics
- exiting ethics
How can one achieve ‘meaningful coherence’?
the study
- achieves what it is meant to
uses methods and procedures that fits stated goals
- meaningfully interconnects literature, RQ, findings, and interpretations
Define Epistemology
EPISTEMOLOGY -> What is the nature of knowledge?
Epistemology is usually understood as being concerned with knowledge about knowledge.
- what do we mean by the concept ‘truth’ and how do we know whether some claim is true or false?
Is it possible to objectively observe and describe the world? (Objectivism - realism)
The researcher plays an active part in the knowledge construction (Subjectivism - relativism)
Define Ontology
ONTOLOGY -> What is the nature of existence?
Ontology deals with the essence of phenomena and the nature of their existence.
Differentiate between realist and subjectivist assumptions:
- Realist assumptions entail the view that the social world exists, ‘out there’, independent of our perceptual or cognitive structures.
- subjectivist assumptions entail the view that what we take to be social reality is a creation, or projection, of our consciousness and cognition.