Collecting Qualitative Data – Observations/Documents Flashcards
Is there a high level of control in observations?
Compared to other qualitative methods observation is characterized by a relatively low level of control over the field of study.
The researcher exert minimal influence on the environment.
Mention the three main types of the observer.
Completely Participating observer tries to blend into the studied environment and to appropriate the group’s lifestyle, customs, and even the way they perceive reality. Such immersion may be extremely helpful to understand a particular group but may also result in loss of analytical attitude.
Partially Participating observer takes part in the interactions, but not in the type of activity that is specific to the studied environment. The ideal is to learn the norms, values, and rules of behavior, without being a burden for the group.
Non-participant observer observes without any involvement into human interaction in the field. This role may not seem to give a full understanding of the social reality.
What are the observation Techniques?
Observation may be direct or indirect.
Direct observation is when observer is looking at the events happening in front of his/her eyes in the moment of them occurring.
Depending on the active or passive role of the observer, direct observation may be participant or non-participant.
- Direct participant observation
- Direct non-participant observation:
- Indirect observation:
Describe direct participant observation
It gives a researcher the ability to collect data about social practices—what and how people are doing—in a context that is natural to them.
Direct participant observation can provide invaluable information on the topics which subjects are reluctant to talk about, because they perceive them as difficult, too sensitive, controversial, or obvious
- It can also give access to tacit knowledge
For ethical, methodological, and practical reasons, participant observation is rarely used in disguise.
Describe indirect observation
Indirect observation is remote, relying on observations of others or recordings of past events in the form of documentation, videos, and so on.
Indirect observation means the use of a one-sided mirror, a hidden camera or voice recorder to record or observe events in which the researcher does not participate.
In the broader sense, indirect observation is also a set of methods that allow you to get information about past or present situations that you did not have direct access to.
Describe direct non-participant observation
A researcher has opportunity to get closer to the field of research while retaining the position of an outsider.
Some researchers prefer to stay in the background and minimize the interference. However, the observer still somewhat takes part of the context.
Others prefer to act as a nosy but friendly cousin from abroad, a role that allows you to ask questions.
This approach facilitates gathering narratives and gossips about a group or organization and facilitates access to otherwise silent knowledge.
This method requires self-reflection on the researcher’s own behavior, reactions, thoughts, feelings, and how their presence could influence any given situation.
What is document analysis?
Document analysis is a systematic procedure for reviewing or evaluating documents—both printed and electronic material.
document analysis requires that data be examined and interpreted to elicit meaning, gain understanding, and develop empirical knowledge.
-Document analysis yields data—extracts, quotations, or entire passages—that are organized into major themes, categories, and case examples
What are some of the purposes of document analysis?
Documents can serve a variety of purposes as part of a research undertaking.
- documents can provide data on the context within which research participants operate.
- information contained in documents can suggest some questions that need to be asked and situations that need to be observed.
- focus research questions, interview questions, working hypotheses etc. - documents provide supplementary research data. insights derived from documents can be valuable additions to a knowledge base.
- documents provide a means of tracking change and development.
- documents can be analyzed to verify findings or corroborate evidence from other sources.
Efficient method: Document analysis is less time-consuming and therefore more efficient than other research methods. -> It requires data selection, instead of data collection.
Availability: Many documents are in the public domain, and are obtainable without the authors’ permission.
Cost-effectiveness: It is less costly than other research methods and is often the method of choice when the collection of new data is not feasible.
Lack of obtrusiveness and reactivity: Documents are ‘unobtrusive’ and ‘non-reactive’—that is, they are unaffected by the research process. Therefore, document analysis counters the concerns related to reflexivity (or the lack of it) inherent in other qualitative methods.
Stability: The investigator’s presence does not alter what is being studied.
Exactness: The inclusion of exact names, references, and details of events makes documents advantageous in the research process.
Coverage: they cover a long span of time, many events, and many settings.
Flexible approach
Responsive to unexpected findings ‐ a step‐by‐step sampling strategy
Does not rely on people’s willingness to provide information
Insufficient detail: Documents are produced for some purpose other than research. Consequently, they usually do not provide sufficient detail to answer a research question.
Low retrievability: Documentation is sometimes not retrievable, or retrievability is difficult.
Biased selectivity: An incomplete collection of documents suggests ‘biased selectivity’
Gaining access
Attention and being openly observed may affect the ways we act (Hawthorne effect)
It takes time
Difficult to control and standardize
Demanding in terms of involvement
Risk of misinterpretations
What are some different methods used to analyze documents?
Document analysis involves skimming (superficial examination), reading (thorough examination), and interpretation. This iterative process combines elements of content analysis and thematic analysis.
Content analysis is the process of organizing information into categories related to the central questions of the research. it entails a first-pass document review, in which meaningful and relevant passages of text or other data are identified.
Thematic analysis is a form of pattern recognition within the data, with emerging themes becoming the categories for analysis. The process involves a careful, more focused review of the data.
The reviewer takes a closer look at the selected data and performs coding and category construction, based on the data’s characteristics, to uncover themes.
Predefined codes may be used, especially if the document analysis is supplementary to other research methods employed in the study.
What must be determined when evaluating documents?
It is necessary to determine the authenticity, credibility, accuracy, completness, the original purpose, and representativeness of the selected documents.