Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Flashcards
Qualitative methods gather information by asking people to _______ what they observe, do, believe or feel.
The output from qualitative methods is __________ descriptions.
Qualitative methods can also be called “ _________” in that they do not use a ________ questionnaire and have an __________ approach to gathering data.
InFormal; structured
Qualitative methods produce data that are not easily summarized in ________ form, broadly answering the “______” and “_______” through, for instance, meetings, interviews or general observations.
How; why
_______tative data are more appropriate for understanding people’s attitudes or behaviors, beliefs, opinions, experiences and priorities.
What is Qualitative Research?
Findings NOT arrived at by means of ____________ procedures or quantification
Qualitative research is interested in illumination and understanding NOT causal determination or prediction.
Quantitative Methods
Quantitative methods directly measure the status or change of a ___________, for example, changes in crop yield, kilometers of road built or number of hours women spend fetching water.
specific variable
Quantitative methods provide direct __________ results. Quantitative methods can be also classified as “_______” methods in that they use a ________ questionnaire or other form of data collection
Quantitative methods produce data that are easily represented as __________, answering questions such as “How much…?”, “How many…?”, and “How frequent …?”.
Types of Qualitative Methods
These can either be:
__________ or ____________
Obtrusive Methods
__________________ interviews
_________ interviews
_____________________ Discussions
Participatory Action Research
Narrative and Life
History Participant observation
Semi structured interviews
In-depth interviews
Focus Group Discussions
Participatory Action Research
Narrative and Life
Unobtrusive Methods
Simple __________
___________ analysis (_________ records)
______ analysis /_________ analysis
Material culture
Auto-ethnography (object, subject, and researcher)
Document; written
Text; Discourse
This is a technique that involves __________,_________ and ________ objects or phenomena
(e.g. blood pressure, weight, use of protective devices, hand washing, etc)
systematically selecting, watching and recording events
-Participant observation:
-Non-participant observation (____________)
-Non-participant observation (________,_________________ )
open, non-concealed
-Participant observation:
-Non-participant observation (____________)
-Non-participant observation (________,_________________ )
open, non-concealed
Interviewing techniques may be ________,_________, or ____________
structured, semi- structured or unstructured
Structured interviews have a _______ structure of _________ and _________ of questions. This is suitable for survey research where it is necessary to ensure consistency of administration for comparability.
ordering ; wording
Structured interviews have a _______ structure of _________ and _________ of questions. This is suitable for survey research where it is necessary to ensure consistency of administration for comparability.
ordering ; wording
Semi-structured interviews may be useful in ____________ surveys (such as ____________ surveys).
Unstructured interviews are associated with ________ interviews and _______________ interviews.
in- depth
__________ interviewing provide opportunity for respondents to give an account with minimal influence on the structure of that account by a framework imposed by an investigator.
In-depth Interviews
This is to obtain the ________ information on particular ________________________ from the perspective of the informant. There are repeated __________ encounters between the researcher and the informant, directed toward understanding informants’ perspectives on their lives, experiences or situations as expressed in their own words.
cultural beliefs and practices
Key-informant interviews
These are __________,_____________ interviews. The informants being interviewed respond in their own words to express personal views. The purpose of this type of interview is to learn about people’ ________ on the topic of interest, to learn their terminology and judgments and to understand their perceptions and experiences.
informal, conversational
A key informant is a person who is especially ______________; at least in some subjects or topics of interest and with whom the interviewer develops an ongoing relationship of information exchange and discussion. Key informants provide information about specific situations, events and conditions in the study area. They are therefore kind of experts on some cultural, political and health issues of the community. These could be of any gender, formal or informal leaders, professionals or lay people.
Distinction between Key Informant Interview (KII) and In-depth Interview (II)
Key informants are considered _________ with special knowledge of interest to the researcher whereas in- depth interviewees are __________. It is not expected that in-depth interviewee will have any special knowledge and they will only provide information in terms of their own experience.
Key informants are persons with whom the researcher develops a ___________, which is not the case with the in-depth interviewees. Even when a special relationship occurs, it does not necessarily mean that they are key informants.
experts; ordinary people
special relationship