QRH Memory Items - QRH Rev. 48 Flashcards
Aborted Engine Start
Condition: During a ground start, an abort start condition occurs
- FUEL CONTROL switch (affected side) - CUTOFF
Airspeed Unreliable
Condition: Airspeed or Mach indications are suspected to be unreliable. (Items which can indicate unreliable airspeed are listed in the Additional Information section.)
Objective: To identify a reliable airspeed indication, if possible, or to continue the flight using the Unreliable Airspeed table in the Performance Inflight chapter
- Autopilot disengage switch - Push
- A/T ARM switch - OFF
- F/D switches (both) - OFF
- Set the following gear up pitch attitude and thrust:
- Flaps extended - 10° and 80% N1
- Flaps up - 4° and 75% N1
CABIN ALTITUDE or Rapid Depressurization
Condition: A cabin altitude exceedence occurs.
- Oxygen Masks - On
- Crew Communication - Establish
- Cabin Altitude and Rate - Check
If the cabin altitude is incontrolable:
Without delay, descend to the lowest safe altitude or 10,000 feet, whichever is higher.
To descend:
Move the thrust leveres to idle
Extend the speedbrakes
If structural integrity is in doubt, limit airspeed and avoid high maneuvering loads.
Descend at VMO/MMO - Main Deck Alert selector - TURN TO USE OXYGEN
- RTS/FSB selector - ON
Dual Engine Failure
Condition: One of these occurs on both engines:
• Engine flameout
• No response to thrust lever movement
- ENG START selectors (both) - FLT
- Thrust levers (both) - Idle
- FUEL CONTROL switches (both) - CUTOFF, then RUN
If engine appears stalled or EGT approaches the Standby Engine Indicator placard limit:
FUEL CONTROL switch (affected engine) “confirm” - CUTOFF, then RUN
If engine appears stalled again or EGT approaches the Standby Engine Indicator placard limit, repeat as needed.
Engine Limit or Surge or Stall
Condition: One or more of these occur:
• Engine Indications are abnormal
• Engine Indications are rapidly approaching or exceeding limits
• Abnormal engine noises are heard, possibly with airframe vibrations
• There is no response to thrust lever movement or the response is abnormal
• Flames in the engine inlet or exhaust are reported
- A/T ARM switch - OFF
- Thrust lever (affected side) “confirm” - Retard until engine Indications stay within limits or the thrust lever is at idle
ENGINE FIRE or Engine Severe Damage or Separation
Condition: One or more of these occur:
• Engine fire warning
• Airframe vibrations with abnormal engine Indications
• Engine separation
- A/T ARM switch - OFF
- Thrust lever (affected side) “confirm” - Idle
- FUEL CONTROL switch (affected side) “confirm” - CUTOFF
- Engine fire switch (affected side) “confirm” - Pull
If the engine fire warning light is illuminated:
Engine fire switch (affected side) - Rotate to stop and hold for 1 second