FCOM Limitations - FCOM Rev. 48 Flashcards
Runway slope
Maximum Operating Altitude
43,100 ft pressure altitude
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Altitude
8,400 ft pressure altitude
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Tailwind Component
10 knots
Severe turbulent air penetration speed
290 KIAS/ 0.78 Mach
During refueling operations
Do not operate HF radios
The navigation and display system does not support operations at latitudes greater than
87° North or South
The APU starter duty cycle is a maximum of
3 consecutive starts or attempts within a 60 minute period.
Do not use FLCH on final approach
Below 1000 ft AFE
The maximum allowable in-flight difference between Captain and First Officer altitude displays for RVSM operation
200 ft
The maximum allowable on-the-ground differences between Captain and First Officer altitude displays for RVSM operation
At sea level: 40 ft / 75 ft (Between
Captain & F/O / Captain or F/O & Field Elevation)
Avoid weather radar operation
In a hangar and when personnel are within the area normally enclosed by the aircraft nose radome.
Note: The hangar recommendation does not apply to the weather radar test mode
Navigating away from the coastline is prohibited, until LF-ULD (Low frequency under water locater device) is installed. If the distance is beyond:
180 NM
413,000 lbs
412,000 lbs
326,000 lbs
309,000 lbs
After takeoff the autopilot must not be engaged below
200 ft AGL
With the autopilot engaged. What is prohibited?
The use of aileron trim
Maximum allowable wind speeds when landing weather minima are predicated on autoland operations
Head wind: 25 knots
Crosswind: 25 knots
Tailwind: 10 knots
The ACARS is limited to the transmission and receipt of messages which will not create:
An unsafe condition if the message is improperly received
The Flight crew shall not do what, during takeoff?
Blank engine vibration display
The minimum inflight fuel tank temperature is
3°C (5°F) above the freeze point of the fuel being used.
The maximum fuel temperature is
49°C (120°F)
With less than full main tanks provided center tank fuel weight plus actual zero fuel weight does not exceed the maximum zero fuel weight, and center of gravity limits are observed. The center tank may contain up to:
22,050 pounds of fuel
Dry running of a center tank fuel pump
Is prohibited if intentionally
Reverse thrust
Is for ground use only
The maximum altitude with flaps extended
20,000 ft
Avoid rapid and large alternating control inputs, especially in combination with large changes in pitch, roll, or yaw (e.g. large side slip angles) as they may result in
Structural failure at any speed, including below VA.
Do not operate under IFR or at night into airports
North of 73° North or south of 60° South Latitude whose navigation aids are referenced to magnetic north.