Qing dynasty up until 1911 revolution Flashcards
Qing dynasty and foreign inteference
ruled since 1644 based in machuria nationalism so no foreign influence but still seen as foreign by the chinese. Emperor Gunagxu tried reforms put empress Cixi refuses (real power) puts him on house arrest.
1890 lose to Japan forced to open trade loss of control.
Boxer uprising
To rid of foreign influence they attacked foreign district in Beijing20th June 1900 society of righteous and harmonius fists believed martial arts could defeat bullets.
Eight Nation Alliance
54,000 troops sent in to protect the foreign district Cixi escapes but is given very harsh demands foreigners basically took over.
Impacts of boxer uprising
Reforms but Cixi wouldn’t let them go to far so didn’t really work 1900 more reforms but they were very unpopular: ban on opium sales ban on footbinding, girls could go to school and the civil servant exam was abolished.
Sun Yat Sen
Revolutionary who believed that a republic president would be better than a emperor there was an increase in revolutionaries and plots 1907 4 revolutinary plots but didn’t wokr due to lack of support.
New emeperor
1908 Cixi dies shortly after suspicious death of Guangxu. new emeprror puyi but he was only 3 years old so Pirnce Chun takes over but he very bad at his job fired best general Yaan Shikai and increased taxes and gave away railroad industires to foreigners so increase in support for SYS
1911 revolution
October 1911 bomb Wuhan bomb explodes local troops refuse orders between oct and nov 22 different uprising but not enough military power so SYS says if Yaan Shikai uses his influence to get emepror to step down he can be preisdent.
Results of 1911 revolution
12 February 1912 Puyi steps down Shikai is ogven presidency but sees SYS support as a challenge so becomes dictator for the next 10 years. Tries to help by taking big loans from foreign govs. SYS flees final option dcelares empire again army rebellion.