QDB Flashcards
Witch statement is correct?
a) P6 and P18 CB panels are located both behind the co-pilot seat.
b) P6 CB panel are located behind the captain’s seat and P18 CB panel are located on the
left hand side of the observer seat.
c) P18 CB – panels are located behind the captain seat, P6-CB panel are located behind the
Co-pilot seat.
d) There are only P6 CB- panel on the flight deck. P18 CB panels are located in the E&E
P18 CB – panels are located behind the captain seat, P6-CB panel are located behind the Co-pilot seat.
VOL-2 – 1.20.2
How is the crew oxygen system pressure checked?
a) By direct reading of the gauge, viewed on walk-around inspection.
b) By checking that the PASS OXY ON light is illuminated.
c) By reading the Servo pneumatic gauge on the right forward panel.
d) By reading the Electrical gauge on the aft overhead panel.
By reading the Electrical gauge on the aft overhead panel.
Oxygen gage is electrical: BAT BUS, with Bat switch ON.
The bottle is located in the aft EE compartment with an access door in the forward cargo compartment.
Breakable green plastic discharge indication dick on the fuselage skin held in place by snap-ring, shows
cylinder discharge from overpressure. Is flush-mounted to the fuselage skin just aft of the electronic equipment compartment external access door.
If the PASS OXY ON amber light illuminates, what does this indicate?
a) Passenger oxygen system pressure is low.
b) Oxygen shutoff valve is ON.
c) Passenger oxygen system is activated.
d) Power loss to passenger oxygen activation system.
Passenger oxygen activation system is activated.
Passenger system activated manually or automatically to drop masks.
MASTER CAUTION and OVERHEAR annunciator illuminate
When Fasten seat belt switch in’’AUTO’’ position….
FASTEN SEAT BELT signs will illuminate when flaps or gear are extended.
Extinguish when flaps or gear are retracted.
The LOGO light are located ….
a) On top of the horizontal stabilizer
Cabin Oxygen system is activated at a cabin altitude of….
a) 14.000 Ft
What will cause the AUTO FAIL light to illuminate?
a) Loss of Generator number 1.
b) Operational controller fault or cabin altitude above 14.000 feet.
c) Excessive rate of cabin pressure change (+/- 2.000 sea level ft. min)
d) Selecting alternate system.
Excessive rate of cabin pressure change (+/- 2.000 sea level ft. min)
AUTO FAIL light illuminates if:
o Loss of DC power
o Controller fault
o Outflow valve control fault
o Excessive differential pressure (>8.75 psi)
o Excessive rate of cabin pressure change (+/-2.000 sea level feet/minute) o High cabin altitude (above 15.800 feet)
- With illumination of the AUTO FAIL light, the pressure control automatically transfer to the other auto controller (ALTN mode).
Moving the pressurization mode selection to -ALTN position extinguishes the AUTO FAIL light, however the ALTN light remain illuminated to indicate single channel operation.
When does the cabin start to pressurize?
a) On the ground at high power setting.
b) At main wheel lift off.
c) At nose wheel lift off.
d) When the cabin and cargo door close.
On the ground at high power setting.
Takeoff phase
o Both engine N1’s is greater than 50%
o Both engine N2’s is greater than 84%
o Outflow valve modulate close and pressurize the airplane to approximately 0.1 psid below field
elevation. This prevents the uncomfortable pressure bump at the airplane rotation.
Climb phase
o Starts when the air/ground system indicates that the left and right landing gear are in the air.
Both pack switches are in the ‘’AUTO’’ position. The aircraft is in flight with flaps down, and one pack is inoperative. Why will the other pack not go in to the ‘HI FLOW’’ mode?
a) Because the pack cannot accept bleed air from both engines.
b) When one pack is inoperative, the opposite pack is locked in to the ‘’normal’’ flow mode.
c) The opposite pack automatically goes in to the ‘’HI FLOW’’ mode.
d) To ensure that there will be adequate thrust in the event of a single engine situation.
To ensure that there will be adequate thrust in the event of a single engine situation.
AirflowControl - OA-MPartBvol.2–2.31.1
With both air conditioning pack switches in AUTO and both packs operating, the packs provide “normal air flow”. However, with one pack not operating, the other pack automatically switches to “high air flow” in order to maintain the necessary ventilation rate. This automatic switching is inhibited when the airplane is on the ground, or inflight with the flaps extended, to insure adequate engine power for single engine operation. Automatic switching to “high air flow” occurs if both engine bleed air switches are OFF and the APU bleed air switch is ON, regardless of flap position, air/ground status or number of packs operating.
What are the restrictions in the event a radio altimeter is inoperative?
a) Do not use the autopilot system.
b) Do not use the associated FCC for landing. You may use it for approach.
c) Do not use the associated autopilot for approach.
d) There are no restrictions.
Do not use the associated autopilot for approach
Note: For aeroplanes with -1, -2, or -3 SMYD, an invalid signal from radio altimeter number 1 will result in failure of both stick shakers to self-test.
1. Ensure that weather minimums or operating procedures are not dependent upon its use.
2. With radio altimeter(s) inoperative, do not use the associated autopilot, flight director or autothrottle for approach and landing.
3. For aeroplanes with FCC Operational Program Software (OPS) 2212-HNP-03B-05 or later installed, if the remaining radio altimeter fails:
- How are the N1 limits and target N1 values normally provided to the A/T?
a) By the A/T computer.
b) By the AFDS.
c) By the Flight Management Computer (FMC).
d) By the Manual Selection.
By the Flight Management Computer (FMC)
Thrust mode display
Display green - active N1 limit reference mode
With N1 Set outer knob (on engine display control panel) in AUTO, active N1 limit is displayed by
reference N1 bugs
With N1 Set outer Knob (on engine display control panel) in either 1, 2 or BOTH (other than AUTO), the
thrust mode display annunciation is MAN
Active N1 limit is normally calculated by FMC Autothrottle Limit (A/T LIM) indication
Illuminated (white) – the FMC is not providing the A/T system with N1 limit values. TheA/T is using a degraded N1 thrust limit from the related EEC
Which of the following occurs when a TOGA switch is pressed for a flight director go- around from a single A/P ILS approach?
a) Autopilot disengage / TOGA mode of the flight director engage and the A/T advances thrust levers to reduced go-around N1.
b) TOGA mode of the Autopilot / Flight director engage and A/T advance thrust levers to reduced go-around N1
c) Autopilot disengage, flight director bars retract and A/T advance thrust levers to reduced go-around N1.
d) Autopilot disengages / TOGA mode of the flight director engages and A/T disengages.
Autopilot disengage / TOGA mode of the flight director engage and the A/T advances thrust levers to reduced go-around N1.
F/D Go–Around - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 4.20.19
If both A/Ps are not engaged, a manual F/D only go–around is available under the following conditions: • inflight below 2000 feet RA
• inflight above 2000 feet RA with flaps not up or G/S captured
• not in takeoff mode.
With the first push of either TO/GA switch:
• A/T (if armed) engages in GA and advances thrust toward the reduced go–around N1 to produce 1000 to 2000 fpm rate of climb. The A/T Engaged Mode annunciation on the FMA indicates GA
• autopilot (if engaged) disengages
• pitch mode engages in TO/GA and the Pitch Engaged Mode annunciation on the FMA indicates TO/GA
• F/D pitch commands 15 degrees nose up until reaching programmed rate of climb. F/D pitch then commands target airspeed for each flap setting based on maximum takeoff weight calculations
• F/D roll commands approach ground track at time of engagement. The Roll Engaged Mode annunciation on the FMA is blank
A/P Go–Around - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 4.20.18
The A/P GA mode requires dual A/P operation and is available after FLARE armed is annunciated and prior to the A/P sensing touchdown.
With the first push of either TO/GA switch:
• A/T (if armed) engages in GA and the A/T Engaged Mode annunciation on the FMA indicates GA
• thrust advances toward the reduced go–around N1 to produce 1000 to 2000 fpm rate of climb
• pitch mode engages in TO/GA and the Pitch Engaged Mode annunciation on the FMA indicates TO/GA
• F/D pitch commands 15 degrees nose up until reaching programmed rate of climb. F/D pitch then commands target airspeed for each flap setting based on maximum takeoff weight calculations
• F/D roll commands hold current ground track. The Roll Engaged Mode annunciation on the FMA is blank
• the IAS/Mach display blanks
• the command airspeed cursor automatically moves to a target airspeed for the existing flap position based on maximum takeoff weight calculations.
• If the TO/GA switch is pressed after touchdown and prior to A/T disengagement, A/P channel disengages and the A/T may command GA thrust.
With the second push of either TO/GA switch after A/T reaches reduced go–around thrust:
• the A/T advances to the full go–around N1 limit. TO/GA mode termination from A/P go–around:
• below 400 feet RA, the AFDS remains in the go–around mode unless both A/Ps and F/Ds are disengaged
• above 400 feet RA, select a different pitch or roll mode.
• if the roll mode is changed first:
• the selected mode engages in single A/P roll operation and is controlled by the A/P which was first in CMD
• pitch remains in dual A/P control in TO/GA mode.
• if the pitch mode is changed first:
• the selected mode engages in single A/P pitch operation and is controlled by the A/P which was first in CMD
• the second A/P disengages
• the roll mode engages in CWS R.
• the A/T GA mode is terminated when:
• another pitch mode is selected
• ALT ACQ annunciates engaged.
Note: The pitch mode cannot be changed from TO/GA until sufficient nose–down trim has been input to allow single channel A/P operation. This nose–down trim is automatically added by the A/P to reset the trim input made by the A/P at 400 feet RA and at 50 feet RA during the approach.
With pitch mode engaged in TO/GA, ALT ACQ engages when approaching the selected altitude and ALT HOLD engages at the selected altitude if the stabilizer position is satisfactory for single A/P operation.
• if stabilizer trim position is not satisfactory for single A/P operation:
• ALT ACQ is inhibited
• A/P disengage lights illuminate steady red • pitch remains in TO/GA.
Note: To extinguish A/P disengage lights, disengage A/Ps or select higher altitude on MCP
If the autopilot ALT HOLD mode is overridden with control column pressure, which of the following occurs?
a) A/P disengage
b) LNAV disengage
c) A/P revert to CWS pitch
d) A/P revert to LEVEL CHANGE mode
A/P revert to CWS pitch
Pitch CWS with a CMD Engage Switch Selected - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 4.20.7
The pitch axis engages in CWS while the roll axis is in CMD when:
• a command pitch mode has not been selected or was deselected
• A/P pitch has been manually overridden with control column force. The force required for override is greater than normal CWS control column force. This manual pitch override is inhibited in the APP mode with both A/Ps engaged. CWS P is annunciated on the FMAs while this mode is engaged.
Command pitch modes can then be selected.
When approaching a selected altitude in CWS P with a CMD engage switch selected, CWS P changes to ALT ACQ. When at the selected altitude, ALT HOLD engages.
If pitch is manually overridden while in ALT HOLD at the selected altitude, ALT HOLD changes to CWS P. If control force is released within 250 feet of the selected altitude, CWS P changes to ALT ACQ, the airplane returns to the selected altitude, and ALT HOLD engages. If the elevator force is held until more than 250 feet from the selected altitude, pitch remains in CWS P.
Which flight modes are annunciated when the autopilot is initially engaged in the COM mode and both F/D’s are OFF?
- Is it possible to turn-off the FD Take-off mode, when A/C is below 400 feet RA?
a) Not possible.
b) Possible by disengaging the Auto pilot.
c) Possible by turning off both FD’s on the MCP
d) Only possible by pulling a flight computer circuit braker.
Possible by turning off both FD’s on the MCP
If not in a VNAV mode when does the A/T speed mode engage automatically?
a) When localizer is captured
b) When ALT ACQ engages
c) When F/D switched to ON
d) None of the above
When ALT ACQ engages
- Which of these AFDS mode allow both autopilots to be engaged at the same time?
c) APP
- During a single engine F/D go-around with a push either TOGA switch:
a) F/D roll commands hold current heading
b) F/D roll commands hold current ground track
c) F/D roll commands hols current heading until passing 400ft.
d) F/D roll commands hold current ground track until passing 400ft.
F/D roll commands hold current heading
Single Engine F/D Go–Around - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 4.20.20
With a push of either TO/GA switch:
• F/D roll commands hold current ground track. The Roll Engaged Mode annunciation on the FMA is blank
• pitch mode engages in TO/GA and the Pitch Engaged Mode annunciation on the FMA indicates TO/GA
• the F/D target speed is displayed on IAS/Mach display
• the F/D target speed is displayed on the airspeed cursor
• F/D pitch commands 13 degrees nose up. As climb rate increases, F/D pitch commands maintain a target speed.
• if engine failure occurs prior to go–around engagement, then F/D target speed is the selected MCP speed.
• if engine failure occurs after go–around engagement, then F/D target speed depends on whether ten seconds have elapsed since go–around engagement:
• if prior to ten seconds, the MCP selected approach speed becomes target speed
• if after ten seconds and the airspeed at engine failure is within five knots of the go–around engagement speed, the airspeed that existed at go–around engagement becomes target speed
• if after ten seconds and the airspeed at engine failure is more than five knots above go–around engagement speed, then the current airspeed becomes target speed.
Note: The target speed is never less than V2 speed based on flap position
unless in windshear conditions.
- During climbs and descent in LEVEL CHANGE, the airspeed is commanded by which subsystem of the AFDS?
a) FMC
b) Airspeed indicator
c) MCP
d) Auto throttle
- When VNAV mode is engaged, which system provide command to AFDS pitch and A/T mode?
a) MCP
b) FMC
c) A/T Computer
d) Autopilots flight directors computer
- You are established on the ILS 3000ft and inadvertently press TOGA once. What will happen?
- What is required to erase the cockpit voice recorder tape?
a) Aircraft must be on the ground, parking brakes must be set and press the ERASE bottom for 2 seconds
b) Aircraft must be on the ground, parking brakes must be set and press the ERASE bottom for 1 second
c) Aircraft must be on ground, Ground Power connected and press the ERASE bottom for 2 seconds
d) Aircraft must be on ground, Ground Power connected and press the ERASE bottom for 1 second
Aircraft must be on the ground, parking brakes must be set and press the ERASE bottom for 2 seconds
ERASE Switch (red) - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 5.10.11
Push (2 seconds) –
• all four channels are erased
• operative only when airplane is on ground and parking brake is set.
- When the Captain is transmitting on VHF – 1:
a) Only VHF-2 Reception is blocked
b) Only VHF-2 Transmission is blocked
c) Both VHF-2 Transmission and Reception are blocked
d) The First Officer can simultaneously transmit on VHF-2 and can receive VHF-2 on his
headset while the Captain is transmitting.
The First Officer can simultaneously transmit on VHF-2 and can receive VHF-2 on his headset while the Captain is transmitting.
- Which of the following statement is true regarding the Cockpit Voice Recorder?
a) Record audio from the Flight Deck area conversation.
b) Is erase automatically if recording are older than 60 minutes.
c) Records audio from the Captain’s, First Officer’s and Observer’s Audio Selector Panel and
Flight Deck area conversation.
d) Records audio from the Captain’s, First Officer’s audio selector panels and Flight Deck
area conversation.
Records audio from the Captain’s, First Officer’s and Observer’s Audio Selector Panel and Flight Deck area conversation.
Cockpit Voice Recorder - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 5.20.6
The cockpit voice recorder uses four independent channels to record flight deck audio for 120 minutes. Recordings older than 120 minutes are automatically erased. One channel records flight deck area conversations using the area microphone. The other channels record individual ACP output (headset) audio and transmissions for the pilots and observer.
- When will the Cockpit Voice Recorder automatically operate?
a) Anytime the battery switch is ON
b) Anytime DC power is available
c) In flight only
d) The area microphone is activated anytime 115V AC is applied to airplane.
The area microphone is activated anytime 115V AC is applied to airplane.
Area Microphone - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 5.10.11
Active anytime 115V AC is applied to airplane.
- Which communication radio system can be operated from standby electrical power
a) VHF-1
b) VHF-2
c) Both VHF 1- and VHF-2
d) VHF-1 and HF-1
- Which of the statements is correct about the switch selection on ASP ( Audio Selector Panel)?
a) VHF – 1 is received only when the VHF-1 receiver switch is selected (pressed down)
b) The VHF-2 and Cabin/Service interphone receiver switches may be selected at the same
c) VHF-2 is received only when the VHF-2 transmitter switch is selected.
d) Only one receiver switch can be selected at a time.
The VHF-2 and Cabin/Service interphone receiver switches may be selected at the same time.
- What is the normal source of power for TR3
a) Transfer bus 1
b) Transfer bus 2
c) AC standby bus
d) Main bus 2
Transfer bus 2
Transformer Rectifier Units - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 6.20.8
The TRs convert 115 volt AC to 28 volt DC, and are identified as TR1, TR2, and TR3. TR1 receives AC power from transfer bus 1. TR2 receives AC power from transfer bus 2. TR3 normally receives AC power from transfer bus 2 and has a backup source of AC power from transfer bus 1. Any two TRs are capable of supplying the total connected load.
Under normal conditions, DC bus 1, DC bus 2, and the DC standby bus are connected via the cross bus tie relay. In this condition, TR1 and TR2 are each powering DC bus 1, DC bus 2, and the DC standby bus. TR3 powers the battery bus and serves as a backup power source for TR1 and TR2.
The cross bus tie relay automatically opens, isolating DC bus 1 from DC bus 2, under the following conditions:
• At glide slope capture during a flight director or autopilot ILS approach. This isolates the DC busses during approach to prevent a single failure from affecting both navigation receivers and flight control computers
• Bus transfer switch positioned to OFF.
In–flight, an amber TR UNIT light illuminates if TR1, or TR2 and TR3 has failed.
On the ground, any TR fault causes the light to illuminate.
- What power the main battery charger?
a) DC bus 1.
b) DC bus 2.
c) AC ground service bus 2.
d) AC main bus 1.
AC ground service bus 2
Battery Charger Transformer/Rectifier - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 6.20.9
Single Battery
The purpose of the battery charger is to restore and maintain the battery at full electrical power. The battery charger is powered through AC ground service bus 2.
The battery charger provides a voltage output tailored to maximize the battery charge. Following completion of the primary charge cycle, the battery charger reverts to a constant voltage TR mode. In the TR mode, it powers loads connected to the hot battery bus and the switched hot battery bus. The battery charger TR also powers the battery bus if TR3 fails. With loss of AC transfer bus 1 or the source of power to DC bus 1, the AC and DC standby busses are powered by the battery/battery charger.
- The electrical system incorporates an automatic load shedding feature. What is the first bus that is shed?
a) Galleys on transfer bus 1 and shed first.
b) Galley on transfer bus 2 are shed first.
c) The AC ground service bus is shed first.
d) The AC standby bus is shed first
Galley on transfer bus 2 are shed first.
Automatic Load Shedding (Engine Generators) - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 6.20.4
For single generator operation, the system is designed to shed electrical load incrementally based on actual load sensing. The galleys and main bus on transfer bus 2 are shed first; if an overload is still sensed, the galleys and main bus on transfer bus 1 are shed; if overload still exists, the IFE buses are shed. When configuration changes to more source capacity (two generator operation), automatic load restoration of the main busses, galley busses and IFE buses occurs; manual restoration of galley and main bus power can be attempted by moving the CAB/UTIL Power Switch to OFF, then back ON.
APU Automatic Load Shedding - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 6.20.4
In flight, if the APU is the only source of electrical power, all galley busses and main buses are automatically shed. If electrical load still exceeds design limits, both IFE busses are also automatically shed. On the ground, the APU attempts tocarry a full electrical load. If an overload condition is sensed, the APU sheds galley busses and main busses until the load is within limits. Manual restoration of galley and main bus power can be attempted by moving the CAB/UTIL Power Switch to OFF, then back ON.
- Either generator or the APU can power both transfer buses. In the event a power source fails, what is required for that transfer bus to be powered by the opposite transfer bus power source?
a) The generator switch must be OFF.
b) The battery switch must be ON.
c) The BUS TRANS switch must be in the AUTO position.
d) Transfer takes place as long as the AC electrical system is powered.
The BUS TRANS switch must be in the AUTO position.
BUS TRANSFER Switch - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 6.10.7
AUTO (guarded position) – BTBs operate automatically to maintain power to AC transfer busses from any operating generator or external power
• DC cross tie relay automatically provides normal or isolated operation as required.
OFF – isolates AC transfer bus 1 from AC transfer bus 2 if one IDG is supplying power to both AC transfer busses
• DC cross tie relay opens to isolate DC bus 1 from DC bus 2.
- What will happen if one engine driven generator fails during cruise?
a) Only the associated GEN OFF BUS light and TRANSFER BUS OFF light illuminate.
b) Only the associated GEN OFF BUS light, SOURCE OFF light and TRANSFER BUS OFF light
c) The GEN OFF BUS light, SOURCE OFF light and TRANSFER BUS OFF light illuminate. Also
various other lights associated with systems which were powered by the transfer bus
d) Only the associated GEN OFF BUS light and SOURCE OFF light illuminate.
Only the associated GEN OFF BUS light and SOURCE OFF light illuminate
- What is the significance of an illuminated TR UNIT light while in flight?
a) Any one TRU has failed
b) Only TR1 has failed
c) Only TR3 has failed
d) TR 1or TR2 and TR3 has failed
TR 1or TR2 and TR3 has failed
Transformer Rectifier Units - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 6.
The TRs convert 115 volt AC to 28 volt DC, and are identified as TR1, TR2, and TR3.
TR1 receives AC power from transfer bus 1. TR2 receives AC power from transfer bus 2. TR3 normally receives AC power from transfer bus 2 and has a backup source of AC power from transfer bus 1. Any two TRs are capable of supplying the total connected load.
Under normal conditions, DC bus 1, DC bus 2, and the DC standby bus are connected via the cross bus tie relay. In this condition, TR1 and TR2 are each powering DC bus 1, DC bus 2, and the DC standby bus. TR3 powers the battery bus and serves as a backup power source for TR1 and TR2.
The cross bus tie relay automatically opens, isolating DC bus 1 from DC bus 2, under the following conditions:
• At glide slope capture during a flight director or autopilot ILS approach. This isolates the DC busses during approach to prevent a single failure from affecting both navigation receivers and flight control computers
• Bus transfer switch positioned to OFF. In–flight, an amber TR UNIT light illuminates if TR1, or TR2 and TR3 has failed. On the ground, any TR fault causes the light to illuminate
- Which buses are isolated from each other when the CROSS BUS TIE RELAY opens?
a) Isolate transfer bus 1 and 2
b) Isolate DC bus 1 from DC bus 2
c) Disconnect TR1 and TR3
d) Isolate DC bus 1 from standby DC bus
Isolate DC bus 1 from DC bus 2
OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 6.20.7
- The standby power switch in AUTO position. When will the automatic transfer of standby power to alternate source occur?
a) AC transfer bus 2 or DC bus 1 loses power
b) AC transfer bus 1 or DC bus 2 loses power
c) AC transfer bus 2 or DC bus 2 loses power
d) AC transfer bus 1 or DC bus 1 loses power
AC transfer bus 1 or DC bus 1 loses power
Standby Power System - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 6.20.11
Normal Operation
The standby system provides 115V AC and 24V DC power to essential systems in the event of loss of all engine or APU– driven AC power. The standby power system consists of:
• static inverter
• AC standby bus
• DC standby bus
• battery bus
• hot battery bus
• switched hot battery bus
• main battery
During normal operation the guarded standby power switch is in AUTO and the battery switch is ON. This configuration provides alternate power sources in case of partial power loss as well as complete transfer to battery power if all normal power is lost. Under normal conditions the AC standby bus is powered from AC transfer bus 1. The DC standby bus is powered by TR1, TR2, and TR3; the battery bus is powered by TR3; the hot battery bus and switched hot battery bus are powered by the battery/battery charger.
Alternate Operation
Single Battery
The alternate power source for standby power is the battery. With the standby power switch in the AUTO position, the loss of all engine or APU electrical power causes the battery to power the standby loads, both in the air and on the ground. The AC standby bus is powered from the battery via the static inverter. The DC standby bus, battery bus, hot battery bus, and switched hot battery bus are powered directly from the battery. The standby power switch provides for automatic or manual control of power to the standby buses.
In the AUTO position, automatic switching from normal to alternate power occurs if power from either AC transfer bus 1 or DC bus 1 is lost.
Positioning the switch to BAT overrides automatic switching and places the AC standby bus, DC standby bus, and battery bus on battery power. The battery switch may be ON or OFF. If the battery switch is OFF, the switched hot battery bus is not powered.
Positioning the standby power switch to OFF de–energizes both the AC standby bus and the DC standby bus and illuminates the STANDBY PWR OFF light.
- Which statement about illumination of the GRD POWER AVAILABLE light is correct?
a) Ground Power has been plugged in and automatically powers both ground services busses.
b) Ground Power has been plugged in and meets airplane power quality standards.
c) Ground Power has been plugged in, however airplane power quality is not measured.
d) Ground Power has been plugged in, and automatically powers both transfer busses.
Ground Power has been plugged in and meets airplane power quality standards
Ground Power Available (GRD POWER AVAILABLE) Light - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 6.10.7
Illuminated (blue) – ground power is connected and meets airplane power quality standards.
- What happens if the crew inadvertently take off with the APU powering both TRANSFER BUSSES?
a) During climb the GALLEY BUSSES may become inoperative.
b) Both MAIN BUSSES may become inoperative above 400ft. RA or after 20 seconds from
c) Both IDG’s will come on line automatically if the APU fails or is shut down.
d) A and C are both correct answers.
Both IDG’s will come on line automatically if the APU fails or is shut down
AC Power System - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 6.
Each AC power system consists of a transfer bus, a main bus, two galley busses, and a ground service bus. Transfer bus 1 also supplies power to the AC standby bus. If the AC source powering either transfer bus fails or is disconnected, the transfer bus can be powered by any available source through the tie bus with the bus tie breakers (BTBs).
With the airplane on the ground and both generator control switches OFF, or with both engines shut down, selecting the GRD PWR switch ON connects external power to both transfer busses. Likewise, selecting either APU GEN switch ON connects APU power to both transfer busses. Whichever source is selected last powers both busses. It is not possible to power one transfer bus with external power and one transfer bus with APU power.
The transfer busses can be powered from the engine generators by momentarily positioning the related generator switch to ON. This closes the related generator circuit breaker (GCB) and connects the generator to the transfer bus. Whenever external power or APU is powering both transfer busses, and engine generator power is applied to its onside transfer bus, external power or APU continues to supply power to the remaining transfer bus.
In flight, each engine generator normally powers its own transfer bus. If an engine generator is no longer supplying power, the BTBs automatically close to allow the other engine generator to supply both transfer busses through the tie bus and BTBs. The APU can power either or both busses through the BTBs.
The system also incorporates an automatic generator on–line feature in case the airplane takes off with the APU powering both transfer busses. If the APU is either shut down or fails, the engine generators are automatically connected to their related transfer busses. This action occurs only once in flight and only under the circumstances described above.
- What will cause the DRIVE light for the respective IDG to illuminate?
a) Low oil pressure in the IDG
b) Low Generator frequency
c) Low Generator voltage
d) High Generator voltage
Low oil pressure in the IDG
Generator Drive (DRIVE) Lights - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 6.10.4
Illuminated (amber) – Integrated drive generator (IDG) low oil pressure caused by one of the following:
• IDG failure
• engine shutdown
• IDG automatic disconnect due to high oil temperature
• IDG disconnected through generator drive DISCONNECT switch.
- At what speed does starter cutout occur?
a) At 56% N1
b) At 65% N1
c) At 56% N2
d) At 65% N2
At 56% N2
Engine Start System - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 7.20.8
Starter operation requires pressurized air and electrical power. Air from the bleed air system powers the starter motor. The APU, an external ground cart, or the other operating engine provides the bleed air source.
In the GRD position, the engine start switch uses battery power to close the engine bleed air valve and open the start valve to allow pressure to rotate the starter. When the start valve opens, an amber START VALVE OPEN alert is provided on the upper display unit. The starter rotates the N2 compressor through the accessory drive gear system. When the engine accelerates to the recommended value (25% N2 or max motoring), moving the engine start lever to the IDLE position opens the fuel valves on the wing spar and engine, and causes the EEC to supply fuel and ignition to the combustor where the fuel ignites. Initial fuel flow indications lag actual fuel flow by approximately two seconds, therefore, during engine start, an EGT rise may occur before fuel flow indication.
At starter cutout speed (approximately 56% N2), power is removed from the start switch holding solenoid. The engine start switch returns to OFF, the engine bleed air valve returns to the selected position, and the start valve closes.
- When can the thrust reversers be deployed?
a) Either radio altimeter sense below 10 feet.
b) Both radio altimeter sense below 10 feet.
c) Either radio altimeter sense below 25 feet.
d) Both radio altimeter sense below 25 feet.
Either radio altimeter sense below 10 feet
Thrust Reverser - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 7.20.11
Each engine is equipped with a hydraulically operated thrust reverser, consisting of left and right translating sleeves. Aft movement of the reverser sleeves causes blocker doors to deflect fan discharge air forward, through fixed cascade vanes, producing reverse thrust. The thrust reverser is for ground operations only and is used after touchdown to slow the airplane, reducing stopping distance and brake wear. Hydraulic pressure for the operation of engine No. 1 and engine No. 2 thrust reversers comes from hydraulic systems A and B, respectively. If hydraulic system A and/or B fails, alternate operation for the affected thrust reverser is available through the standby hydraulic system. When the standby system is used, the affected thrust reverser deploys and retracts at a slower rate and some thrust asymmetry can be anticipated. The thrust reverser can be deployed when either radio altimeter senses less than 10 feet altitude, or when the air/ground safety sensor is in the ground mode. Movement of the reverse thrust levers is mechanically restricted until the forward thrust levers are in the idle position. When reverse thrust is selected, an electro–mechanical lock releases, the isolation valve opens and the thrust reverser control valve moves to the deploy position, allowing hydraulic pressure to unlock and deploy the reverser system. An interlock mechanism restricts movement of the reverse thrust lever until the reverser sleeves have approached the deployed position. When either reverser sleeve moves from the stowed position, the amber REV indication, located on the upper display unit, illuminates. As the thrust reverser reaches the deployed position, the REV indication illuminates green and the reverse thrust lever can be raised to detent No. 2. This position provides adequate reverse thrust for normal operations. When necessary, the reverse thrust lever can be pulled beyond detent No. 2, providing maximum reverse thrust. Downward motion of the reverse thrust lever past detent No. 1 (reverse idle thrust) initiates the command to stow the reverser. When the lever reaches the full down position, the control valve moves to the stow position allowing hydraulic pressure to stow and lock the reverser sleeves. After the thrust reverser is stowed, the isolation valve closes and the electro–mechanical lock engages. The REVERSER light, located on the aft overhead panel, illuminates when the thrust reverser is commanded to stow and extinguishes 10 seconds later when the isolation valve closes. Any time the REVERSER light illuminates for more than approximately 12 seconds, a malfunction has occurred and the MASTER CAUTION and ENG system annunciator lights illuminate.
Note: A pause in movement of the reverse thrust levers past detent No. 1 toward the stow position may cause MASTER CAUTION and ENG system
annunciator lights to illuminate. A pause of approximately 18 seconds
engages the electro-mechanical lock and prevents the thrust reverser
sleeves from further movement. Cycling the thrust reversers may clear the fault and restore normal operation.
When the reverser sleeves are in the stow position, an electro–mechanical lock and a hydraulically operated locking actuator inhibit motion to each reverser sleeve until reverser extension is selected. Additionally, an auto–restow circuit compares the actual reverser sleeve position and the commanded reverser position. In the event of incomplete stowage or uncommanded movement of the reverser sleeves toward the deployed position, the auto–restow circuit opens the isolation valve and commands the control valve to the stow position directing hydraulic pressure to stow the reverser sleeves. Once the auto–restow circuit is activated, the isolation valve remains open and the control valve is held in the stowed position until the thrust reverser is commanded to deploy or until corrective maintenance action is taken.
WARNING: Actuation of the thrust reversers on the ground without suitable precautions is dangerous to ground personnel.
- If a wet start is detected, when will the EEC automatically turn off ignition and shutoff fuel to the engine?
a) 10 seconds after the start lever is moved to idle during ground starts.
b) 15 seconds after the start lever is moved to idle during ground starts.
c) 30 seconds after the start switch is moved to GRD during ground starts.
d) 20 seconds after the start switch is moved to GRD during ground starts.
15 seconds after the start lever is moved to idle during ground starts
Abnormal Start Protection (Ground Starts Only) - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 7.20.8
During ground starts, the EEC monitors engine parameters to detect impending hot starts, engine stalls, EGT start limit exceedances, and wet starts. These protection features do not function during inflight starts.
If an impending hot start is detected by a rapid rise in EGT or EGT approaching the start limit, or a compressor stall occurs, the white box surrounding the EGT digital readout flashes white. The flashing white box resets when the start lever is moved to CUTOFF or the engine reaches idle N2. Current versions of EEC software (7.B.Q and later) automatically turn off the ignition and shuts off fuel to the engine for an impending hot start or stall.
If the EGT exceeds the starting limit, the EGT display both box and dial, turn red. The EEC automatically turns off the ignition and shuts off fuel to the engine. The alert terminates and the display returns to white when EGT drops below the start limit. Following shutdown of both engines, the EGT box turns red to remind the crew of the exceedance.
A wet start occurs if the EGT does not rise after the start lever is moved to IDLE. If a wet start is detected, the EEC turns off the ignition and shuts off fuel to the engine 15 seconds after the start lever is moved to IDLE.
- If a crossbleed start is required during inflight starting, where will a ‘’X-BLD’’ indication be displayed?
a) On the ENG OUT page.
b) Above the N2 dial on the CDS.
c) On the ‘’SYS’’ page of the CDS.
d) Above the N1 dial.
Above the N2 dial on the CDS
Inflight Starting - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 7.20.9
Two methods of starting an engine inflight are available, windmill and crossbleed. None of the ground start protection features are functional during inflight start.
Note: At low N2 values, the oil scavenge pump may not provide enough pressure to return oil to the tank,
causing a low oil quantity indication. Normal oil quantity should be indicated after start.
If crossbleed starting is required, the X–BLD indication (XB for the compact engine display) is displayed above the N2 dial. This indication is based on airplane altitude, airspeed and N2.
- When does the EEC monitor engine parameters to detect impending hot starts, EGT start limit exceedance, and wet starts?
a) Ground starts only.
b) In-flight starts only.
c) Ground starts and in-flight starts.
d) Ground starts and in-flight if cross bleed is used.
Ground starts only
Abnormal Start Protection (Ground Starts Only) - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 7.20.8
During ground starts, the EEC monitors engine parameters to detect impending hot starts, engine stalls, EGT start limit exceedances, and wet starts. These protection features do not function during inflight starts.
If an impending hot start is detected by a rapid rise in EGT or EGT approaching the start limit, or a compressor stall occurs, the white box surrounding the EGT digital readout flashes white. The flashing white box resets when the start lever is moved to CUTOFF or the engine reaches idle N2. Current versions of EEC software (7.B.Q and later) automatically turn off the ignition and shuts off fuel to the engine for an impending hot start or stall.
If the EGT exceeds the starting limit, the EGT display both box and dial, turn red. The EEC automatically turns off the ignition and shuts off fuel to the engine. The alert terminates and the display returns to white when EGT drops below the start limit. Following shutdown of both engines, the EGT box turns red to remind the crew of the exceedance.
A wet start occurs if the EGT does not rise after the start lever is moved to IDLE. If a wet start is detected, the EEC turns off the ignition and shuts off fuel to the engine 15 seconds after the start lever is moved to IDLE.
- Which engine parameter does the EEC use to control thrust in normal mode?
a) N1
b) N2
c) EGT
d) Fuel Flow
Electronic Engine Control (EEC) - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 7.20.3
Each engine has a full authority digital EEC. Each EEC has two independent control channels, with automatic channel transfer if the operating channel fails. With each engine start or start attempt, the EEC alternates between control channels. The EEC uses thrust lever inputs to automatically control forward and reverse thrust. N1 is used by the EEC to set thrust in two control modes: normal and alternate. Manual selection of the control mode can be made with the EEC switches on engine panel.
EEC Normal Mode
In the normal mode, the EEC uses sensed flight conditions and bleed air demand to calculate N1 thrust ratings. The EEC compares commanded N1 to actual N1 and adjusts fuel flow to achieve the commanded N1.
The full rated takeoff thrust for the installed engine is available at a thrust lever position less than the forward stop. Fixed or assumed temperature derated takeoff thrust ratings are set at thrust lever positions less than full rated takeoff. The maximum rated thrust is available at the forward stop. The EEC limits the maximum thrust according to the airplane model as follows:
• 737-800 – CFM56-7B27 rating
EEC Alternate Mode
The EEC can operate in either of two alternate modes, soft or hard. If required signals are not available to operate in the normal mode, the EEC automatically changes to the soft alternate mode. When this occurs, the ALTN switch illuminates and the ON indication remains visible. In the soft alternate mode, the EEC uses the last valid flight conditions to define engine parameters which allows the mode change to occur with no immediate change in engine thrust. Thrust rating shortfalls or exceedances may occur as flight conditions change. The soft alternate mode remains until the hard alternate mode is entered by either retarding the thrust lever to idle or manually selecting ALTN with the EEC switch on the aft overhead panel.
Note: Loss of either DEU results in a loss of signal to both EECs. The EEC ALTN lights illuminate and each EEC reverts to the alternate mode to prevent the engines from operating on a single source of data.
When the hard alternate mode is entered, the EEC reverts to the alternate mode thrust schedule. Hard alternate mode thrust is always equal to or greater than normal mode thrust for the same lever position. If the hard alternate mode is entered by reducing the thrust lever to idle while in the soft alternate mode, the ALTN switch remains illuminated and the ON indication remains visible. When ALTN is selected manually, the ON indication is blanked.
- What is the primary source of power for the thrust reverser system?
a) The pneumatic system
b) The standby hydraulic system
c) Either electrical system
d) Hydraulic system A for the no. 1 thrust reverser, hydraulic system B for the no. 2 thrust
Hydraulic system A for the no. 1 thrust reverser, hydraulic system B for the no. 2 thrust reverser
Thrust Reverser - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 7.20.11
Each engine is equipped with a hydraulically operated thrust reverser, consisting of left and right translating sleeves. Aft movement of the reverser sleeves causes blocker doors to deflect fan discharge air forward, through fixed cascade vanes, producing reverse thrust. The thrust reverser is for ground operations only and is used after touchdown to slow the airplane, reducing stopping distance and brake wear.
Hydraulic pressure for the operation of engine No. 1 and engine No. 2 thrust reversers comes from hydraulic systems A and B, respectively. If hydraulic system A and/or B fails, alternate operation for the affected thrust reverser is available through the standby hydraulic system. When the standby system is used, the affected thrust reverser deploys and retracts at a slower rate and some thrust asymmetry can be anticipated.
The thrust reverser can be deployed when either radio altimeter senses less than 10 feet altitude, or when the air/ground safety sensor is in the ground mode.
Movement of the reverse thrust levers is mechanically restricted until the forward thrust levers are in the idle position.
When reverse thrust is selected, an electro–mechanical lock releases, the isolation valve opens and the thrust reverser control valve moves to the deploy position, allowing hydraulic pressure to unlock and deploy the reverser system. An interlock mechanism restricts movement of the reverse thrust lever until the reverser sleeves have approached the deployed position. When either reverser sleeve moves from the stowed position, the amber REV indication, located on the upper display unit, illuminates. As the thrust reverser reaches the deployed position, the REV indication illuminates green and the reverse thrust lever can be raised to detent No. 2. This position provides adequate reverse thrust for normal operations. When necessary, the reverse thrust lever can be pulled beyond detent No. 2, providing maximum reverse thrust.
Downward motion of the reverse thrust lever past detent No. 1 (reverse idle thrust) initiates the command to stow the reverser. When the lever reaches the full down position, the control valve moves to the stow position allowing hydraulic pressure to stow and lock the reverser sleeves. After the thrust reverser is stowed, the isolation valve closes and the electro–mechanical lock engages.
The REVERSER light, located on the aft overhead panel, illuminates when the thrust reverser is commanded to stow and extinguishes 10 seconds later when the isolation valve closes. Any time the REVERSER light illuminates for more than approximately 12 seconds, a malfunction has occurred and the MASTER CAUTION and ENG system annunciator lights illuminate.
Note: A pause in movement of the reverse thrust levers past detent No. 1 toward the stow position may cause MASTER CAUTION and ENG system
annunciator lights to illuminate. A pause of approximately 18 seconds
engages the electro-mechanical lock and prevents the thrust reverser
sleeves from further movement. Cycling the thrust reversers may clear the fault and restore normal operation.
When the reverser sleeves are in the stow position, an electro–mechanical lock and a hydraulically operated locking actuator inhibit motion to each reverser sleeve until reverser extension is selected. Additionally, an auto–restow circuit compares the actual reverser sleeve position and the commanded reverser position. In the event of incomplete stowage or uncommanded movement of the reverser sleeves toward the deployed position, the auto–restow circuit opens the isolation valve and commands the control valve to the stow position directing hydraulic pressure to stow the reverser sleeves. Once the auto–restow circuit is activated, the isolation valve remains open and the control valve is held in the stowed position until the thrust reverser is commanded to deploy or until corrective maintenance action is taken.
WARNING: Actuation of the thrust reversers on the ground without suitable precautions is dangerous to ground personnel.
- What is the power source for the right ignition system?
a) DC bus2
b) AC transfer bus 2
c) AC standby bus
d) The battery
AC standby bus
Engine Ignition System - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 7.20.9
Each engine has two igniter plugs. The EEC arms the igniter plug(s) selected by the ignition select switch. The left igniter plug receives power from the associated AC transfer bus. The right igniter plug receives power from the AC standby bus.
An auto-relight capability is provided for flameout protection. Whenever the EEC detects an engine flameout, both igniters are activated. A flameout is detected when an uncommanded rapid decrease in N2 occurs, or N2 is below idle RPM.
- What are the conditions that will automatically close both the Spar Fuel Shutoff Valve and the Engine Fuel Shutoff Valve?
a) Respective Start Lever is placed to CUTOFF or Respective Engine Fire Handle is pulling.
b) ECC detects contaminated fuel.
c) Engine Flame out.
d) Engine start switch is place to off.
Respective Start Lever is placed to CUTOFF or Respective Engine Fire Handle is pulling.
Engine Fuel System - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 7.20.6
Fuel is delivered under pressure from fuel pumps located in the fuel tanks. The fuel flows through a fuel spar shutoff valve located at the engine mounting wing stations. The fuel passes through the first stage engine fuel pump where pressure is increased. It then passes through two fuel/oil heat exchangers where IDG oil and
main engine oil heat the fuel. A fuel filter then removes contaminants. Fuel automatically bypasses the filter if the filter becomes saturated. Before the fuel bypass occurs, the fuel FILTER BYPASS alert illuminates on the fuel control panel. The second stage engine fuel pump adds more pressure before the fuel reaches the hydro mechanical unit (HMU). To meet thrust requirements, the EEC meters fuel through the HMU.
The spar fuel shutoff valve and engine fuel shutoff valve allow fuel flow to the engine when both valves are open. The valves are open when the engine fire warning switch is in and the start lever is in IDLE. Both valves close when either the start lever is in CUTOFF or the engine fire warning switch is out. SPAR VALVE CLOSED and ENG VALVE CLOSED lights located on the overhead panel indicate valve position.
Fuel flow is measured after passing through the engine fuel shutoff valve and is displayed on the display unit. Fuel flow information is also provided to the FMS.
- Which statement is true regarding engine protection provided by EEC in flight?
a) The EEC provides redline exceedance protection for N1, N2 and EGT.
b) The EEC provides flameout protection and red line exceedance protection for N1, N2 and
c) The EEC provides flameout protection and red line protection for N1 and N2. The EEC
does not provide EGT redline exceedance protection.
d) The EEC does not provide any protection it optimizes the fuel consumption.
The EEC provides flameout protection and red line protection for N1 and N2. The EEC does not provide EGT redline exceedance protection.
Structural Limit Protection - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 7.
The EEC provides N1 and N2 redline overspeed protection in both normal and alternate modes. The EGT limit must be observed by the crew because the EEC does not provide EGT redline exceedance protection.
- What happen if you move the APU switch to OFF without operating it in the ‘’NO LOAD’’ mode for the recommended period?
a) The APU will shutdown immediately.
b) The APU will operate in the no load mode for 1 minute, then shutdown.
c) A FAULT warning will occur.
d) APU will not shutdown.
The APU will operate in the no load mode for 1 minute, then shutdown
APU Shutdown - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 7.30.3
Operate the APU for one full minute with no bleed air load prior to shutdown. This cooling period is recommended to extend the service life of the APU. When the APU switch is moved to OFF, this time delay is met automatically. Moving the APU switch to OFF trips the APU generator, closes the APU bleed air valve and extinguishes the APU GEN OFF BUS light. Shutdown occurs automatically after 60 seconds. When the APU speed decreases sufficiently during shutdown, the fuel valve and inlet door close. If the fuel valve does not close, the FAULT light will illuminate after approximately 30 seconds. An immediate shutdown can be accomplished by pulling the APU fire switch.
- What is the electrical power source for the APU starter motor?
a) Always the battery.
b) The battery or AC power from transfer bus 1.
c) Always AC power.
d) The battery or TR2.
The battery or AC power from transfer bus 1
Electrical Requirements for APU Operation - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 7.30.3
APU operation requires the following:
• APU fire switch on the overheat/fire panel must be IN
• APU fire control handle on the APU ground control panel must be IN • battery switch must be ON.
Electrical power to start the APU comes from No. 1 transfer bus or the airplane battery. With AC power available, the starter generator uses AC power to start the APU. With no AC power, the starter generator uses battery power to start the APU.
Moving the battery switch to OFF on the ground or in the air automatically shuts down the APU because of power loss to the electronic control unit.
- When will an APU high air flow occur?
a) The aircraft is on the ground, APU bleed air switch is on and either or both pack switches are in High position.
b) The aircraft is in flight, APU bleed air switch is on and either or both pack switches are in High position.
c) The aircraft is on the ground, APU bleed air switch is on and both pack switches are in Auto position.
The aircraft is in flight, APU bleed air switch is on and either or both pack switches are in High position.
- What is the recommended ‘’no load’’ cooling down period before shutting down the APU?
a) 15 seconds.
b) 30 seconds.
c) 45 seconds.
d) 60 seconds.
60 seconds
APU Shutdown - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 7.30.3
Operate the APU for one full minute with no bleed air load prior to shutdown. This cooling period is recommended to extend the service life of the APU. When the APU switch is moved to OFF, this time delay is met automatically.
Moving the APU switch to OFF trips the APU generator, closes the APU bleed air valve and extinguishes the APU GEN OFF BUS light. Shutdown occurs automatically after 60 seconds. When the APU speed decreases sufficiently during shutdown, the fuel valve and inlet door close. If the fuel valve does not close, the FAULT light will illuminate after approximately 30 seconds. An immediate shutdown can be accomplished by pulling the APU fire switch.
- How does the APU get its fuel when all AC pumps are not operating?
a) It suction feeds.
b) By a DC driven pump.
c) By the APU fuel pump.
d) A and B is correct.
It suction feeds
APU Fuel Supply - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 7.30.1
Fuel to start and operate the APU comes from the left side of the fuel manifold when the AC fuel pumps are operating. If the AC fuel pumps are not operating, fuel is suction fed from the No. 1 tank. During APU operation, fuel is automatically heated to prevent icing.
- When can APU generator supply electrical power to both transfer busses?
a) On the ground or inflight.
b) On the ground only.
c) In-flight only.
d) On the ground and only during climb in-flight.
On the ground or inflight
- Pulling the APU Fire Warning Switch UP accomplish which of the following?
a) Close the fuel APU shutoff valve, APU bleed Air Valve, and APU inlet door.
b) Disarms the APU extinguish circuit.
c) Trips the generator controls relay but the breaker is kept close.
d) Deactivates APU start switch.
Close the fuel APU shutoff valve, APU bleed Air Valve, and APU inlet door
APU Fire Extinguishing - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 8.20.1
The APU fire extinguisher system consists of one APU fire extinguisher bottle, an APU fire switch, an APU BOTTLE DISCHARGE light, and an EXT TEST switch. The APU ground control panel located in the right main wheel well also contains an APU fire warning light, an APU BOTTLE DISCHARGE switch, an APU fire control handle and APU HORN CUTOUT switch.
The APU fire switch is normally locked down to prevent inadvertent shutdown of the APU. Illumination of the APU fire switch unlocks the switch. The switch may also be unlocked manually.
Pulling the APU Fire switch up:
• provides backup for the automatic shutdown feature
• deactivates the fuel solenoid and closes the APU fuel shutoff valve • closes the APU bleed air valve
• closes the APU air inlet door
• trips the APU generator control relay and breaker
• allows the APU fire switch to be rotated for discharge • arms the APU fire extinguisher bottle squib.
- What does Engine fire protection consist of?
a) Engine overheat detection powered by the DC standby bus, engine fire detection powered by the DC standby bus and engine fire extinguishing powered by the hot battery bus.
b) Engine overheat detection powered by the battery bus, engine fire detection powered by the switched hot battery bus and engine fire extinguishing powered by the DC stand by bus.
c) Engine overheat detection powered by the battery bus, engine fire detection powered by the battery bus and engine fire extinguishing powered by the hot battery bus.
d) Engine overheat detection powered by the battery bus, engine fire detection powered by the battery bus and engine fire extinguishing powered by the DC stand by bus.
Engine overheat detection powered by the battery bus, engine fire detection powered by the battery bus and engine fire extinguishing powered by the hot battery bus.
Engine Fire Protection - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 8.20.1
Engine fire protection consists of these systems:
• engine overheat and fire detection powered by the battery bus • engine fire extinguishing powered by the hot battery bus.
- What is an indication that both loops have failed?
a) There is no cockpit indication.
b) An illuminated FAULT light.
c) Simultaneous overheat and warning light illuminated.
d) The fire warning bell will sound without illumination of the red light.
An illuminated FAULT light
Engine Overheat and Fire Detection - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 8.20.1
Each engine contains two overheat/fire detector loops. Each loop provides both fire and overheat detection. As the temperature of a detector increases to a predetermined limit, the detector senses an overheat condition. At higher temperatures, the detector senses a fire condition. Normally, both detector loops must sense a fire or overheat condition to cause an engine overheat or fire alert. The ENG OVERHEAT light or engine fire switch remains illuminated until the temperature drops below the onset temperature.
An OVHT DET switch for each engine, labeled A, B, and NORMAL, permits selection of either loop A or B, or both A and B, as the active detecting loops.
The system contains a fault monitoring circuit. If one loop fails with the OVHT DET switch in NORMAL, that loop is automatically deselected and the remaining loop functions as a single loop detector. There is no flight deck indication of single loop failure. If both loops fail on an engine, the FAULT light illuminates and the system is inoperative.
If the OVHT DET switch is positioned to A or B, the system operates as a single loop system. The non–selected loop is not monitored. If the selected loop fails, the FAULT light illuminates and the system is inoperative.
The indications of an engine overheat are:
• both MASTER CAUTION lights illuminate
• the OVHT/DET system annunciator light illuminates
• the related ENG OVERHEAT light illuminates.
The indications of an engine fire are:
• the fire warning bell sounds
• both master FIRE WARN lights illuminate
• the related engine fire switch illuminates
• all related engine overheat alert indications illuminate
- If the DETECTOR fault lights illuminate during a Cargo Fire Test, what is being indicated?
a) This is normal indication during the Cargo Fire Test.
b) One or more detectors in the loops have failed.
c) The system to check the loops has failed.
d) All the detectors have failed.
One or more detectors in the loops have failed.
Cargo Fire TEST - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 8.20.9
The indications for the Cargo Fire test are: • the fire warning bell sounds
• both master FIRE WARN lights illuminate • the extinguisher test lights illuminate
• the FWD and AFT cargo fire warning lights illuminate when all detectors in selected loops (s) respond to the fire test
• the cargo fire bottle DISCH light illuminates
Note: The fire warning BELL CUTOUT switch on the Overheat/Fire Protection panel can silence the fire warning bell and extinguish the master FIRE WARN lights.
Note: During a Cargo Fire Test, the DETECTOR Fault light will illuminate if one or more detectors in the loop(s) has failed. Note: Individual detector faults can only be detected by a manually initiated test. The MASTER CAUTION light does not
Note: At the end of cargo fire testing, up to a four second delay may occur to allow all applicable indications to extinguish at the same time.
- What happens when the engine fire handle is pulled?
a) Close the fuel, hydraulic and bleed air valves.
b) Only trips the GCR (Generator Control Relay) but not GB (Generator Brakers).
c) Enables the thrust reverser.
d) Trips the corresponding air conditioning pack.
Close the fuel, hydraulic and bleed air valves
Engine Fire Extinguishing - OA-M Part B vol. 2 – 8.20.8
The engine fire extinguisher system consists of two engine fire extinguisher bottles, two engine fire switches, two BOTTLE DISCHARGE lights, and an EXT TEST switch. Either or both bottles can be discharged into either engine.
The engine fire switches are normally locked down to prevent inadvertent shutdown of an engine. Illumination of an engine fire switch or ENG OVERHEAT light unlocks the engine fire switch. The switches may also be unlocked manually.
Pulling the engine fire switch up:
• closes both the engine fuel shutoff valve and the spar fuel shutoff valve
• closes the engine bleed air valve resulting in loss of wing anti–ice to the affected wing and closure of bleed air operated pack valve
• trips the generator control relay and breaker
• closes the hydraulic fluid shutoff valve. The engine driven hydraulic pump LOW PRESSURE light is deactivated
• disables thrust reverser for the related engine.
• allows the engine fire switch to be rotated for discharge
• arms one discharge squib on each engine fire extinguisher bottle.
Rotating the engine fire switch electrically “fires” a squib, discharging the extinguishing agent into the related engine. Rotating the switch the other way discharges the remaining bottle.
The L or R BOTTLE DISCHARGE light illuminates a few seconds after the engine fire switch is rotated, indicating the bottle has discharged.
- Which of the following fire detection system uses a dual loop configuration?
a) APU.
b) Engine.
c) Main wheel well.
d) Wing body overheat system.
Engine Overheat and Fire Detection
Each engine contains two overheat/fire detector loops. Each loop provides both fire and overheat detection. As the temperature of a detector increases to a predetermined limit, the detector senses an overheat condition. At higher temperatures, the detector senses a fire condition. Normally, both detector loops must sense a fire or overheat condition to cause an engine overheat or fire alert.
The ENG OVERHEAT light or engine fire switch remains illuminated until the temperature drops below the onset temperature.
APU Fire Detection
A single fire detection loop is installed on the APU. As the temperature of the detector increases to a predetermined limit, the detector senses a fire condition.
The APU fire switch remains illuminated until the temperature of the detector has decreased below the onset temperature.
Main Wheel Well Fire Detection A single fire detector loop is installed in the main wheel well. As the temperature of the detector increases to a predetermined limit, the detector senses a fire condition. The WHEEL WELL fire warning light remains illuminated until the temperature of the detector has decreased below the onset temperature.
- Fire protection system (detection and extinguishing) is provided for:
a) Engine, APU, and wheel well.
b) Engine, APU, wheel well, and the toilets.
c) Engine and APU only.
d) Engines, APU, cargo compartment, and toilets.
Engines, APU, cargo compartment, and toilets
There are fire detection and extinguishing systems for: • engines
• lavatories
• cargo compartments
The engines also have overheat detection systems.
The main gear wheel well has a fire detection system, but no fire extinguishing system.
- The FAULT light on OVERHEAT/FIRE PROTECTION PANEL SWITCHES monitors the detector loops of:
a) Engine no.1 and engine no.2 and the APU.
b) Engine no.1, engine no.2 and the wheel well.
c) The APU and the wheel well.
d) Engine no.1, and engine no.2.
Engine no.1, and engine no.2
Fault Light
Illuminated (amber) – with the overheat detector switch in NORMAL – indicates both detector loops for an engine have failed.
Illuminated (amber) – with the overheat detector switch in A or B – indicates the selected loop for an engine has failed. Note: MASTER CAUTION and OVHT/DET system annunciator lights do not illuminate.
- What does the ALTERNATE FLAP master switch do?
a) Opens a flap bypass valve to prevent hydraulic lock of the flap drive unit.
b) Arms the alternate flaps position switch.
c) Energizes the standby Rudder.
d) Closes spoilers shut off valve.
Arms the alternate flaps position switch
Alternate Extension
In the event that hydraulic system B fails, an alternate method of extending the LE devices and extending and retracting the TE flaps is provided.
The TE flaps can be operated electrically through the use of two alternate flap switches. The guarded ALTERNATE FLAPS master switch closes a flap bypass valve to prevent hydraulic lock of the flap drive unit and arms the alternate flaps position switch. The ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch controls an electric motor that extends or retracts the TE flaps. The switch must be held in the DOWN position until the flaps reach the desired position. No asymmetry or skew protection is provided through the alternate (electrical) flap drive system.
When using alternate flap extension the LE flaps and slats are driven to the full extended position using power from the standby hydraulic system. In this case the ALTERNATE FLAPS master switch energizes the standby pump and the ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch, held in the down position momentarily, fully extends the LE devices.
Note: The LE devices cannot be retracted by the standby hydraulic system.
- Which of the following is true concerning the Flight spoilers?
a) There are four (4) flight spoilers located on the upper surface of each wing. Each spoiler is powered by both system A and B to provide isolation and maintain system operation in the event of hydraulic system failure.
b) There are six (6) flight spoilers located on the upper surface of each wing, each hydraulic system A and B is dedicated to a different set of spoiler pairs to provide isolation and maintaining symmetric operation in the event of hydraulic system failure,
c) There are four (4) flight spoilers located on the upper surface of each wing each hydraulic system A and B is dedicated to a different set of spoiler pairs to provide isolation and maintaining symmetric operation in the event of hydraulic system failure.
d) There are six (6) flight spoilers located on the upper surface of each wing. Each spoiler is powered by both system A and B to provide isolation and maintain system operation in the event of hydraulic system failure.
There are four (4) flight spoilers located on the upper surface of each wing each hydraulic system A and B is dedicated to a different set of spoiler pairs to provide isolation and maintaining symmetric operation in the event of hydraulic system failure.
Speed Brakes
The speed brakes consist of flight spoilers and ground spoilers. Hydraulic system A powers all four ground spoilers, two on the upper surface of each wing. The SPEED BRAKE lever controls the spoilers. When the SPEED BRAKE lever is actuated all the spoilers extend when the airplane is on the ground and only the flight spoilers extend when the airplane is in the air.
The SPEEDBRAKES EXTENDED light provides an indication of spoiler operation in-flight and on the ground. In-flight, the light illuminates to warn the crew that the speed brakes are extended while in the landing configuration or below 800 feet AGL. On the ground, the light illuminates when hydraulic pressure is sensed in the ground spoiler shutoff valve with the speed brake lever in the DOWN position.
In-Flight Operation
Operating the SPEED BRAKE lever in flight causes all flight spoiler panels to rise symmetrically to act as speed brakes. Caution should be exercised when deploying flight spoilers during a turn, as they greatly increase roll rate. When the speed brakes are in an intermediate position roll rates increase significantly.
Moving the SPEED BRAKE lever beyond the FLIGHT DETENT causes buffeting and is prohibited in flight.
A lever stop feature is incorporated into the SPEED BRAKE lever mechanism. The lever stop prevents the SPEED BRAKE lever from being moved beyond the FLIGHT DETENT when the airplane is in flight with the flaps up. In the event of the loss of electrical power the lever stop is removed and full speed brake lever movement is available.
- What is the significance of an illuminate FEEL DIFF PRESS Light?
a) The elevator feel system will provide elevator feel at a high airspeed.
b) The elevator feel system will provide elevator feel at lower airspeed.
c) An excessive differential hydraulic pressure is sensed in the elevator feel computer
between system A and system B.
d) An excessive differential Pilot pressure is sensed in the elevator feel computer between
left and right hand elevator pitots.
An excessive differential hydraulic pressure is sensed in the elevator feel computer between system A and system B
Elevator Feel System
The elevator feel computer provides simulated aerodynamic forces using airspeed (from the elevator pitot system) and stabilizer position. Feel is transmitted to the control columns by the elevator feel and centering unit. To operate the feel system the elevator feel computer uses either hydraulic system A or B pressure, whichever is higher. When either hydraulic system or elevator feel pitot system fails, excessive differential hydraulic pressure is sensed in the elevator feel computer and the FEEL DIFF PRESS light illuminates.
- At what flap position is the flap load relief system operational?
a) Flap 25, 30 and 40 position.
b) Flap 30 positions only.
c) Flap 40 positions only.
d) Flap 10 through 40 positions.
Flap 10 through 40 positions.
Flap Load Relief
The flaps/slat electronics unit (FSEU) provides a TE flap load relief function which protects the flaps from excessive air loads. This function is operative at the flaps 10, 15, 25, 30 and flaps 40 positions. The FLAP lever does not move, but the flap position indicator displays flap retraction and re–extension.
When the flaps are set at 40, the TE flaps:
• retract to 30 if airspeed exceeds 163 knots
• re–extend when airspeed is reduced below 158 knots. When the flaps are set at 30, the TE flaps:
• retract to 25 if the airspeed exceeds 176 knots
• re–extend when airspeed is reduced below 171 knots. When the flaps are set at 25, the TE flaps:
• retract to 15 if the airspeed exceeds 191 knots
• re–extend when airspeed is reduced below 186 knots. When the flaps are set at 15, the TE flaps:
• retract to 10 if the airspeed exceeds 201 knots
• re–extend when airspeed is reduced below 196 knots. When the flaps are set at 10, the TE flaps:
• retract to 5 if the airspeed exceeds 211 knots
• re–extend when airspeed is reduced below 206 knots
- If wheel spin up is not detected during landing with speed brake lever in the arm position when will the flight spoilers deploy automatically?
a) When any gear strut compresses.
b) Only when the right main landing gear strut compresses.
c) When reverse thrust is selected.
d) Only when the left main landing gear strut compresses.
When any gear strut compresses
Ground Operation
During landing, the auto speed brake system operates when these conditions occur: • SPEED BRAKE lever is in the ARMED position
• SPEED BRAKE ARMED light is illuminated
• radio altitude is less than 10 feet
• landing gear strut compresses on touchdown
Note: Compression of any landing gear strut enables the flight spoilers to deploy. Compression of the right main landing gear strut enables the ground spoilers to deploy.
• both thrust levers are retarded to IDLE
• main landing gear wheels spin up (more than 60 kts).
The SPEED BRAKE lever automatically moves to the UP position and the spoilers deploy.
If a wheel spin-up signal is not detected, when the air/ground system senses ground mode (any gear strut compresses) the SPEED BRAKE lever moves to the UP position and flight spoiler panels deploy automatically. When the right main landing gear strut compresses, a mechanical linkage opens the ground spoiler bypass valve and the ground spoilers deploy.
If the SPEED BRAKE lever is in the DOWN position during landing or rejected takeoff, the auto speed brake system operates when these conditions occur:
• main landing gear wheels spin up (more than 60 kts)
• both thrust levers are retarded to IDLE
• reverse thrust levers are positioned for reverse thrust.
The SPEED BRAKE lever automatically moves to the UP position and spoilers deploy.
After an RTO or landing, if either thrust lever is advanced, the SPEED BRAKE lever automatically moves to the DOWN detent and all spoiler panels retract. The spoiler panels may also be retracted by manually moving the SPEED BRAKE lever to the DOWN detent.
- What happens when a trailing edge flap asymmetry or skew condition has been detected?
a) The Trailing Edge flap bypass valve opens.
b) A needle split is displayed on the flap position indicator.
c) LE Devices will suffer same asymmetry.
d) Use TE Flaps Alternate Sys. (elect) for extension / retraction.
A needle split is displayed on the flap position indicator
Asymmetry and Skew Detection, Protection and Indication
The FSEU monitors the TE flaps for asymmetry and skew conditions. It also monitors the LE devices for improper position and skew conditions on slats 2 through 7. If a flap on one wing does not align with the symmetrical flap on the other wing, there is a flap asymmetry condition. A skew condition occurs when a TE flap or LE slat panel does not operate at the same rate causing the panel to twist during extension or retraction.
Trailing Edge Flap Asymmetry and Skew
When the FSEU detects a trailing edge asymmetry or skew condition the FSEU:
• closes the TE flap bypass valve
• displays a needle split on the flap position indicator.
Leading Edge Device Improper Position or Skew
When the FSEU detects a LE device in an improper position or a LE slat skew condition, the LE FLAPS TRANSIT light remains illuminated and one of the following indications is displayed on the LE DEVICES annunciator panel:
• amber TRANSIT light illuminated
• incorrect green EXT or FULL EXT light illuminated
• no light illuminated.
There is no skew detection of the outboard slats, 1 and 8, or for the LE flaps. Slat skew detection is inhibited during autoslat operations
- Autoslat operation is normally powered by ___________. An Alternate source of power is provided by __________.
a) Hydraulic system B - Hydraulic system A through a PTU when a loss of pressure is sensed from Hydraulic system B EDP after take-off.
b) Hydraulic system B - Standby hydraulic system when no.2 engine EDP failure after take-off.
c) Hydraulic system A - Hydraulic system B when no.1 engine N2 rpm falls below pre- set value on take-off.
d) Hydraulic system A - Standby hydraulic when no.1 engine failure on take-off.
Hydraulic system B - Hydraulic system A through a PTU when a loss of pressure is sensed from Hydraulic system B EDP after take- off.
Autoslat operation is normally powered by hydraulic system B. An alternate source of power is provided by system A through a power transfer unit (PTU) if a loss of pressure is sensed from the higher volume system B engine driven pump.
The PTU uses system A pressure to power a hydraulic motorized pump, pressurizing system B fluid to provide power for the autoslat operation. (Refer to Chapter 13, Hydraulics, Power Transfer Unit)
At flap positions 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, and 25 an autoslat function is available that moves the LE slats to full extended if the airplane approaches a stall condition.
The autoslat system is designed to enhance airplane stall characteristics at high angles of attack during takeoff or approach to landing. When TE flaps 1 through 25 are selected, the LE slats are in the extend position. As the airplane approaches the stall angle, the slats automatically begin driving to the full extended position prior to stick shaker activation. The slats return to the extend position when the pitch angle is sufficiently reduced below the stall critical attitude.
Power Transfer Unit - Chapter 13, Hydraulics, Power Transfer Unit
The purpose of the PTU is to supply the additional volume of hydraulic fluid needed to operate the autoslats and leading edge flaps and slats at the normal rate when system B engine–driven hydraulic pump volume is lost. The PTU uses system A pressure to power a hydraulic motor–driven pump, which pressurizes system B hydraulic fluid. The PTU operates automatically when all of the following conditions exist:
• system B engine–driven pump hydraulic pressure drops below limits
• airborne
• flaps not up.
- The flight spoilers supplement the ailerons. When will the spoiler panel deflect to assist roll?
a) When control wheel is displaced more than approximately 5 degrees of roll.
b) When control wheel is displaced more than approximately 10 degrees of roll.
c) When control wheel is displaced more than approximately 15 degrees of roll.
d) When control wheel is displaced more than approximately 20 degrees of roll.
When control wheel is displaced more than approximately 10 degrees of roll
Flight Spoilers
Four flight spoilers are located on the upper surface of each wing. Each hydraulic system, A and B, is dedicated to a different set of spoiler pairs to provide isolation and maintain symmetric operation in the event of hydraulic system failure.
Hydraulic pressure shutoff valves are controlled by the two flight SPOILER switches.
Flight spoiler panels are used as speed brakes to increase drag and reduce lift, both in flight and on the ground. The flight spoilers also supplement roll control in response to control wheel commands. A spoiler mixer, connected to the aileron cable-drive, controls the hydraulic power control units on each spoiler panel to provide spoiler movement proportional to aileron movement.
The flight spoilers rise on the wing with up aileron and remain faired on the wing with down aileron. When the control wheel is displaced more than approximately 10°, spoiler deflection is initiated.
- When does the stabilizer trim operate at high speed?
a) With gear down.
b) Below 1.500 feet R.A
c) Flap extended.
d) Slat extended.
Flap extended.
Stabilizer Trim
Stabilizer trim switches on each control wheel actuate the electric trim motor through the main electric stabilizer trim circuit when the airplane is flown manually. With the autopilot engaged, stabilizer trim is accomplished through the autopilot stabilizer trim circuit. The main electric and autopilot stabilizer trim have two speed modes: high speed with flaps extended and low speed with flaps retracted. If the autopilot is engaged, actuating either pair of stabilizer trim switches automatically disengages the autopilot. The stabilizer trim wheels rotate whenever electric stabilizer trim is actuated. The STAB TRIM MAIN ELECT cutout switch and the STAB TRIM AUTOPILOT cutout switch, located on the control stand, are provided to allow the autopilot or main electric trim inputs to be disconnected from the stabilizer trim motor.
Control column actuated stabilizer trim cutout switches stop operation of the main electric and autopilot trim when the control column movement opposes trim direction. When the STAB TRIM override switch is positioned to OVERRIDE, electric trim can be used regardless of control column position.
Manual stabilizer control is accomplished through cables which allow the pilot to position the stabilizer by rotating the stabilizer trim wheels. The stabilizer is held in position by two independent brake systems. Manual rotation of the trim wheels can be used to override autopilot or main electric trim. The effort required to manually rotate the stabilizer trim wheels may be higher under certain flight conditions. Grasping the stabilizer trim wheel will stop stabilizer motion.
- When the speed brakes are deployed in-flight, the SPEEDBRAKES EXTENDED light:
a) Always illuminates.
b) Illuminates only when the radio altimeter is less than 800 feet.
c) Illuminates when the radio altimeter is less than 800 feet, or the TE flaps are extended
beyond flap 10.
d) Illuminates only when the TE flaps are extended beyond flap 10.
Illuminates when the radio altimeter is less than 800 feet, or the TE flaps are extended beyond flap 10
Speed Brakes
The speed brakes consist of flight spoilers and ground spoilers. Hydraulic system A powers all four ground spoilers, two on the upper surface of each wing. The SPEED BRAKE lever controls the spoilers. When the SPEED BRAKE lever is actuated all the spoilers extend when the airplane is on the ground and only the flight spoilers extend when the airplane is in the air.
The SPEEDBRAKES EXTENDED light provides an indication of spoiler operation in-flight and on the ground. In-flight, the
light illuminates to warn the crew that the speed brakes are extended while in the landing configuration orbelow 800 feet AGL. On the ground, the light illuminates when hydraulic pressure is sensed in the ground spoiler shutoff valve with the speed brake lever in the DOWN position.
- The TE FLAPS are at 15°. The correct indication on the aft overhead panel for the LE Devices is: (short field performance aircraft) SFPA.
a) All amber TRANSIT light are illuminated.
b) LE SLATS EXTEND light and LE FLAP FULL EXTEND light illuminated.
c) All LE Devices EXTEND light illuminated.
d) All LE Devices FULL EXTEND light illuminated.
All LE Devices EXTEND light illuminated
- When is the fuel INBAL indication inhibited?
a) In flight with Flaps up.
b) By the fuel LOW indication when both indications exist.
c) It is displayed until the imbalance is reduced to 900kgr (2000 lbs).
d) By the fuel CONFIG indication.
By the fuel LOW indication when both indications exist.
Fuel Imbalance (IMBAL) Alert
Displayed (amber) –
• main tanks differ by more than 453 kgs
• displayed below main tank with lower fuel quantity
• inhibited when airplane is on ground
• inhibited by fuel LOW indication when both indications exist
• displayed until imbalance is reduced to 91 kgs
The fuel quantity digits on tank with lower fuel quantity turn amber
- Fill in the blanks to complete the correct statement.
The fuel LOW (ambar) indication is displayed when the fuel quantity in_____ is below_____:
a. Both tanks; 2.000 lbs (907 kgs).
b. Both tanks; 2.500 lbs (1134 kgs).
c. Either tank; 2.500 lbs (1134 kgs).
d. Either tank; 2.000 lbs (907 kgs).
Either tank; 2.000 lbs (907 kgs).
Fuel LOW Alert
Displayed (amber) –
• fuel tank quantity less than 907 kgs in related main tank
• display remains until fuel tank quantity is increased to 1134 kgs The fuel quantity digits on tank(s) with low fuel quantity turn amber.
- During flight, both centre tank fuel pumps low pressure lights illuminate due to a failure of both centre tank pumps. There is still 320kg of fuel in the centre tank. What will be displayed?
a) A ‘’LOW’’ indication is displayed.
b) A ‘’CONFIG’’ indication is displayed.
c) No fuel alert indication will be displayed.
d) An IMBAL indication is displayed.
No fuel alert indication will be displayed
Fuel Configuration (CONFIG) Alert
Displayed (amber) –
• either engine running
• center fuel tank quantity greater than 726 kgs; and
• both center fuel tank pump switches positioned OFF
The quantity digits on the center tank fuel quantity indicator turn amber.
Display remains until –
• both engines not running
• center fuel tank quantity less than 363 kgs • one center fuel tank pump switch ON
The quantity digits on the center tank fuel quantity indicator return to normal.
- What can cause the Fuel Imbalance message to be displayed during flight?
a) Main tank differ by more than 2.000 lbs / 900 kgs.
b) Main tank differ by more than 1.600 lbs / 726 kgs.
c) Main tank differ by more than 1.000 lbs / 453 kgs.
d) Main tank differ by more than 800 lbs / 360 kgs.
Main tank differ by more than 1.000 lbs / 453 kgs.
Fuel Imbalance (IMBAL) Alert
Displayed (amber) –
• main tanks differ by more than 453 kgs
• displayed below main tank with lower fuel quantity
• inhibited when airplane is on ground
• inhibited by fuel LOW indication when both indications exist
• displayed until imbalance is reduced to 91 kgs
The fuel quantity digits on tank with lower fuel quantity turn amber
- What condition cause the fuel CONFIG light to illuminate?
a) Center tank fuel is greater than 1.600 lbs (726 kgs), both center tank pumps pressure is low and either engine is running.
b) Center tank fuel is greater than 1.000 lbs (453 kgs), both center tank pumps pressure is low and either engine is running
c) Center tank fuel is greater than 1.600 lbs (726 kgs), either center tank pumps pressure is low and either engine is running
d) Center tank fuel is greater than 1.000 lbs (453 kgs), both center tank pumps pressure is low and both engine is running
Center tank fuel is greater than 1.600 lbs (726 kgs), both center tank pumps pressure is low and either engine is running.
Fuel Configuration (CONFIG) Alert
Displayed (amber) –
• either engine running
• center fuel tank quantity greater than 726 kgs; and • both center fuel tank pump switches positioned OFF
The quantity digits on the center tank fuel quantity indicator turn amber. Display remains until –
• both engines not running
• center fuel tank quantity less than 363 kgs
• one center fuel tank pump switch ON
The quantity digits on the center tank fuel quantity indicator return to normal.
- When will the center tank scavenge jat pump operate?
a) Both Center Tank Fuel Pump Switches are turned off.
b) The No. 2 main fuel tank is about 2/3 full.
c) The center tank is about 2/3 full.
d) No. 1 main fuel tank is about 1⁄2 depleted and the forward boost pump in tank 1 is
No. 1 main fuel tank is about 1⁄2 depleted and the forward boost pump in tank 1 is operating.
Center Tank Fuel Scavenge Jet Pump
With the main tank fuel pump No. 1 FWD Switch ON, the center tank fuel scavenge jet pump operates automatically to transfer any remaining center tank fuel to main tank No. 1. Fuel transfer begins when main tank No. 1 quantity is about one- half. Once the fuel scavenge process begins, it continues for the remainder of the flight.
- What is the condition of the VALVE OPEN light when the cross feed selector is positioned OPEN and the cross feed valve is closed?
a) Illuminated dim blue
b) Illuminated bright blue
c) Illuminated amber
d) Extinguished
Illuminated bright blue
Crossfeed VALVE OPEN Light
Extinguished – crossfeed valve is closed.
Illuminated (blue) –
• bright – crossfeed valve is in transit, or valve position and CROSSFEED selector disagree.
• dim – crossfeed valve is open.
- What is the normal source of hydraulic power for the auto-slat system?
a) System A.
b) System B.
c) Standby system.
d) None, they are electrically driven.
System B
System B • ailerons • elevator and elevator feel • leading edge flaps and slats • No. 2 thrust reverser • alternate nose wheel steering • autoslats • trailing edge flaps • rudder • flight spoilers (two on each wing) • normal brakes • autopilot B • landing gear transfer unit. • yaw damper
- There has been a steady drop in the hydraulic quantity of system A. the quantity indicators have reached 20%, and it seems that the fluid loss has stopped. What has happened?
a) Fluid still being lost, however, the quantity indicator cannot read quantities below 20%.
b) Fluid is being transfer from system B through the Power Transfer Unit.
c) The fluid quantity is at the top of the standpipe.
d) There is fluid leak from the electric pump.
The fluid quantity is at the top of the standpipe
System A Hydraulic Leak
If a leak develops in the engine–driven pump or its related lines, a standpipe in the reservoir prevents a total system fluid loss. With fluid level at the top of the standpipe, the reservoir quantity displayed indicates approximately 20% full.
System A hydraulic pressure is maintained by the electric motor–driven pump. If a leak develops in the electric motor– driven pump or its related lines, or components common to both the engine and electric motor–driven pumps, the quantity in the reservoir steadily decreases to zero and all system pressure is lost.
- Which of the following occurs when either flight control switch is placed to the SBY RUD position?
a) The standby electric motor driven pump is activated.
b) Both hydraulic system pressure to ailerons, elevators and rudder is shut off by closing the flight control shutoff valve.
c) Closes the standby rudder shutoff valve.
d) Closes the related spoiler shut off valve.
The standby electric motor driven pump is activated
Standby Hydraulic System
The standby hydraulic system is provided as a backup if system A and/or B pressure is lost. The standby system can be activated manually or automatically and uses a single electric motor–driven pump to power:
• thrust reversers
• rudder
• leading edge flaps and slats (extend only) • standby yaw damper.
Manual Operation
Positioning either FLT CONTROL switch to STBY RUD:
• activates the standby electric motor–driven pump
• shuts off the related hydraulic system pressure to ailerons, elevators and rudder by closing the flight control shutoff valve
• opens the standby rudder shutoff valve
• deactivates the related flight control LOW PRESSURE light when the standby rudder shutoff valve opens
• allows the standby system to power the rudder and thrust reversers.
• illuminates the STBY RUD ON, Master Caution, and Flight Controls (FLT CONT) lights.
Positioning the ALTERNATE FLAPS master switch to ARM, (refer to Chapter 9, Flight Controls for a more complete explanation):
• activates the standby electric motor–driven pump
• closes the trailing edge flap bypass valve
• arms the ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch
• allows the standby system to power the leading edge flaps and slats and thrust reversers.
If a leak occurs in the SBY system at what % does system B reservoir fluid level decrease and stabilises?
a) 87% b) 72% c) 67% d) 52%
Standby Hydraulic System Leak
If a leak occurs in the standby system, the standby reservoir quantity decreases to zero. The LOW QUANTITY light illuminates when the standby reservoir is approximately half empty. System B continues to operate normally, however, the system B reservoir fluid level indication decreases and stabilizes at approximately 72% full.
- Which of the following is required for automatic operation of the SBY hydraulic system?
a) b) c) d)
Loss of system A or B, flaps retracted and airborne.
During take-off with flaps extended and airborne or wheel speed greater than 60 kts.
Loss of system A or B, flaps extended and airborne, or wheel speed greater than 60kts
Loss of generator 1 or 2, flaps extended and airborne or wheel speed greater than 60 knots
Loss of system A or B, flaps extended and airborne, or wheel speed greater than 60kts
Automatic Operation
Automatic operation is initiated when the following conditions exist:
• loss of system A or B, and
• flaps extended, and
• airborne, or wheel speed greater than 60 kts, and
• FLT CONTROL switch A or B Hydraulic System ON
• the main PCU Force Fight Monitor (FFM) trips
Automatic operation:
• activates the standby electric motor–driven pump
• opens the standby rudder shutoff valve
• allows the standby system to power the rudder and thrust reversers.
• illuminates the STBY RUD ON, Master Caution, and Flight Controls (FLT CONT) lights.
- Which flight controls can be manually operated without Hydraulic power
a) The rudder and ailerons.
b) The ailerons and elevators.
c) The ailerons, elevators and rudder.
d) There are no provision for manual reversion of flight controls.
The ailerons and elevators
- What is the purpose of the PTU?
a) Supplies additional volume of hydraulic fluid to operate the autoslats and leading edge
flaps and slats at the normal rate when system A engine-driven pump volume is lost.
b) Supplies additional volume of hydraulic fluid to operate the autoslats and leading edge
flaps and slats at the normal rate when system B engine-driven pump volume is lost.
c) Transfer fluid from system A to B.
d) Transfer fluid from system B to A.
Supplies additional volume of hydraulic fluid to operate the autoslats and leading edge flaps and slats at the normal rate when
system B engine-driven pump volume is lost
Power Transfer Unit
The purpose of the PTU is to supply the additional volume of hydraulic fluid needed to operate the autoslats and leading edge
flaps and slats at the normal rate when system B engine–driven hydraulic pump volume is lost. The PTU uses system A
pressure to power a hydraulic motor–driven pump, which pressurizes system B hydraulic fluid. The PTU operates
automatically when all of the following conditions exist:
• system B engine–driven pump hydraulic pressure drops below limits
• airborne
• flaps not up.
- Which of the systems IS NOT powered by the standby hydraulic system?
a) Thrust reverses.
b) Rudder.
c) Standby yaw damper.
d) Autopilot A.
Autopilot A
Standby Hydraulic System
The standby hydraulic system is provided as a backup if system A and/or B pressure is lost. The standby system can be
activated manually or automatically and uses a single electric motor–driven pump to power:
• thrust reversers
• rudder
• leading edge flaps and slats (extend only)
• standby yaw damper.
- Which of the system is powered by Hydraulic System B?
a) Leading edge flaps and slats.
b) Alternate brake.
c) Landing gear.
d) Stabilazer.
Leading edge flaps and slats
System B
• ailerons • rudder
• elevator and elevator feel • flight spoilers (two on each wing)
• leading edge flaps and slats • normal brakes
• No. 2 thrust reverser • autopilot B
• alternate nose wheel steering • landing gear transfer unit.
• autoslats • yaw damper
• trailing edge flaps
- The landing Gear Transfer Unit operates in flight when landing gear lever is positioned up
to retract the gear and:
a) No. 2 engine RPM drops below limit valve.
b) Loss of Hydraulic System A.
c) No. 1 engine RPM drops below a limit value.
d) Loss of Hydraulic System B.
No. 1 engine RPM drops below a limit value
Landing Gear Transfer Unit
The purpose of the landing gear transfer unit is to supply the volume of hydraulic fluid needed to raise the landing gear at
the normal rate when system A engine–driven pump volume is lost. The system B engine–driven pump supplies the
volume of hydraulic fluid needed to operate the landing gear transfer unit when all of the following conditions exist:
• airborne
• No. 1 engine RPM drops below a limit value
• landing gear lever is positioned UP
• either main landing gear is not up and locked.
- What could happen if a main landing gear tire is damaged during takeoff?
a) It may enter the wheel well compartment and damage hydraulic components there.
b) It may impact a fitting in the wheel well opening causing the gear to free-fall back to
down position.
c) It may impact a fitting in the wheel well opening causing both gears to free fall back to
the down position.
d) The affected gear may be recycled after 10 minutes to continue to destination.
It may impact a fitting in the wheel well opening causing the gear to free-fall back to down position
Landing Gear Retraction
When the LANDING GEAR lever is moved to UP, the landing gear begins to retract. During retraction, the brakes
automatically stop rotation of the main gear wheels. After retraction, the main gear are held in place by mechanical
uplocks. Rubber seals and oversized hubcaps complete the fairing of the outboard wheels.
The nose wheels retract forward into the wheel well and nose wheel rotation is stopped by snubbers. The nose gear is
held in place by an overcenter lock and enclosed by doors which are mechanically linked to the gear. Hydraulic pressure
is removed from the landing gear system with the LANDING GEAR lever in the OFF position.
If a main landing gear tire is damaged during takeoff, it is possible that braking of the main gear wheels during retraction
may be affected. A spinning tire with a loose tread must be stopped prior to entering the wheel well or it can cause damage to
wheel well components. When a spinning tire with loose tread impacts a fitting in the wheel well ring opening, that gear
stops retracting and free falls back to the down position. The affected gear cannot be retracted until the fitting is replaced.
- When does RTO apply maximum break pressure?
a) When the thrust reverse are deployed.
b) When the thrust levers are retracted to idle.
c) At main gear wheel spin up.
d) When thrust levers are retracted to idle at or above 90 knots.
When thrust levers are retracted to idle at or above 90 knots
Autobrake System
The autobrake system uses hydraulic system B pressure to provide maximum deceleration for rejected takeoff and
automatic braking at preselected deceleration rates immediately after touchdown. The system operates only when the
normal brake system is functioning. Antiskid system protection is provided during autobrake operation.
Rejected Takeoff (RTO)
The RTO mode can be selected only when on the ground. Upon selection, the AUTO BRAKE DISARM light illuminates for
one to two seconds and then extinguishes, indicating that an automatic self–test has been successfully accomplished.
To arm the RTO mode prior to takeoff the following conditions must exist:
• airplane on the ground
• antiskid and autobrake systems operational
• AUTO BRAKE select switch positioned to RTO
• wheel speed less than 60 knots
• forward thrust levers positioned to IDLE.
With RTO selected, if the takeoff is rejected prior to wheel speed reaching 90 knots autobraking is not initiated, the AUTO
BRAKE DISARM light does not illuminate and the RTO autobrake function remains armed. If the takeoff is rejected after
reaching a wheel speed of 90 knots, maximum braking is applied automatically when the forward thrust levers are retarded
to IDLE.
- Upon touchdown with auto brakes armed and breaking started, which of the following
actions will cause the auto break system to disarm and the auto brake disarm to illuminate?
a) Moving the speed brake to the flight détente.
b) Advancing the thrust levels immediately after touchdown.
c) Applying manual brakes.
d) Moving the auto-brakes switch to higher or lower setting.
Applying manual brakes
When a landing autobrake selection is made, the system performs a turn–on– self–test. If the turn–on–self–test is not
successful, the AUTO BRAKE DISARM light illuminates and the autobrake system does not arm.
Four levels of deceleration can be selected for landing. However, on dry runways, the maximum autobrake deceleration
rate in the landing mode is less than that produced by full pedal braking.
After landing, autobrake application begins when:
• both forward thrust levers are retarded to IDLE
• the main wheels spin–up.
Note: Landing autobrake settings may be selected after touchdown prior to decelerating through 30 kts of ground speed.
Braking initiates immediately if the above conditions are met.
To maintain the selected landing deceleration rate, autobrake pressure is reduced as other controls, such as thrust
reversers and spoilers, contribute to total deceleration. The deceleration level can be changed (without disarming the
system) by rotating the selector. The autobrake system brings the airplane to a complete stop unless the braking is
terminated by the pilot.
Autobrake – Disarm
The pilots may disarm the autobrake system by moving the selector switch to the OFF position. This action does not cause
the AUTO BRAKE DISARM light to illuminate. After braking has started, any of the following pilot actions disarm the
system immediately and illuminate the AUTO BRAKE DISARM light:
• moving the SPEED BRAKE lever to the down detent
• advancing the forward thrust lever(s), except during the first 3 seconds after touchdown for landing
• applying manual brakes.
- What happens if the Manual Extension Access Door stay open?
a) Manual landing gear extension is not possible with landing gear lever in up position.
b) Normal landing gear retraction is still possible if hydraulic system pressure is available.
c) Landing gear retraction is disabled.
d) Landing gear green light will not illuminate.
Landing gear retraction is disabled
Landing Gear Manual Extension
If hydraulic system A pressure is lost, the manual extension system provides another means of landing gear extension.
Manual gear releases on the flight deck are used to release up locks that allow the gear to free–fall to the down and locked
position. The forces that pull the gear down are gravity and air loads.
With the manual extension access door open:
• manual landing gear extension is possible with the LANDING GEAR lever in any position
• normal landing gear extension is possible if hydraulic system A pressure is available
• landing gear retraction is disabled.
Following a manual extension, the landing gear may be retracted normally by accomplishing the following steps:
• close the manual extension access door
• move the LANDING GEAR lever to DOWN with hydraulic system A pressure available, and then
• position the LANDING GEAR lever to UP.
111. The auto brake selector switch is selected to RTO. What happen when rejected take-off is initiated below 90 kts? a) Auto braking is not initiated. b) AUTO BRAKE DISARM light illuminates. c) RTO auto-brake function is initiated. d) RTO operates at ½ its normal rate.
Auto braking is not initiated
With RTO selected, if the takeoff is rejected prior to wheel speed reaching 90 knots autobraking is not initiated, the AUTO
BRAKE DISARM light does not illuminate and the RTO autobrake function remains armed. If the takeoff is rejected after
reaching a wheel speed of 90 knots, maximum braking is applied automatically when the forward thrust levers are
retarded to IDLE.
- What is the maximum steering angle that is available when the rudder pedals are used?
a) 7°
b) 87°
c) 90°
d) 39°
Rudder/Brake Pedals
Push full pedal – turns nose wheel up to 7 degrees in either direction.
Push top of pedal only – activates wheel brakes.
Refer to Chapter 9 Flight Controls for rudder description.
Nose Wheel Steering Wheel
Rotate –
• turns nose wheel up to 78 degrees in either direction.
Note: Refer to Chapter 1 for effective steering angle and turning radius.
• overrides rudder pedal steering.
Nose Wheel Steering
Nose wheel steering is available when the nose gear is in the down position and compressed by weight of the airplane.
Positioning the landing gear control lever to down makes system A hydraulic pressure available to the steering metering
valve. Alternate nose wheel steering can be activated to provide system B pressure to the nose wheels when the NOSE
WHEEL STEERING switch is placed to ALT, normal quantity is in the system B reservoir, and the airplane is on the
ground. In the event of a hydraulic leak downstream of the Landing Gear Transfer Unit, resulting in a loss of hydraulic
system B fluid in the reservoir, a sensor closes the Landing Gear Transfer Valve and alternate steering will be lost.
Primary steering is controlled through the nose wheel steering wheel. Limited steering control is available through the
rudder pedals. A pointer on the nose steering wheel assembly shows nose wheel steering position relative to the neutral
setting. Rudder pedal steering is deactivated as the nose gear strut extends.
A lockout pin may be installed in the towing lever to depressurize nose wheel steering. This allows airplane pushback or
towing without depressurizing the hydraulic systems.
- Look ahead terrain alert are based on which of the following?
a) Radio altitude.
b) Aircraft position.
c) Ground speed.
d) Localizer deviation.
Aircraft position
Look–Ahead Terrain Alerting
The GPWS terrain data base contains detailed terrain data near major airports, and data in lesser detail for areas between
airports. Terrain within 2,000 feet of airplane barometric altitude shows on the navigation display. The terrain data is not
designed to be an independent navigation aid.
The terrain display is generated from a data base contained in the GPWS computer and correlated to GPS position.
Terrain and weather radar cannot show together on a display. If one pilot selects terrain and the other pilot selects
weather radar, each display updates on alternating sweeps. All other displays (TCAS, LNAV routing, etc.) can show with
terrain data.
Look-ahead terrain alerts are based on the airplane’s position, barometric altitude, vertical flight path, and ground speed
- When does the weather radar automatically begin scanning for windshear?
a) Thrust levers set at idle.
b) In flight below 2.300 ft R.A.
c) Predictive windshear alert are issued below 1.500 feet R.A.
d) Flaps in landing configuration.
In flight below 2.300 ft R.A.
The weather radar automatically begins scanning for windshear when:
• thrust levers set for takeoff, even if engine is off or IRS not aligned, or
• in flight below 2,300 feet RA (predictive windshear alerts are issued below 1,200 feet RA).
Alerts are available approximately 12 seconds after the weather radar begins scanning for windshear. Predictive
windshear alerts can be enabled prior to takeoff by pushing the EFIS control panel WXR switch.
If windshear is not detected, weather radar returns show only after pushing the EFIS control panel WXR switch.
- When takeoff thrust is set, which condition will trigger the takeoff warning?
a) Rudder more that one unit in either direction.
b) Flap 1 is set instated of Flap 5
c) Spoilers not down with the speedbrakes lever in the DOWN position.
d) Aileron trim more than 2 unit in either direction.
Spoilers not down with the speedbrakes lever in the DOWN position
Intermittent Cabin Altitude/Configuration Warning
Takeoff configuration warning is armed when the airplane is on the ground and either or both forward thrust levers are
advanced for takeoff. Takeoff configuration warning activates if:
• trailing edge flaps are not in the flaps 1 through 25 takeoff range, or
• trailing edge flaps are in a skew or asymmetry condition, or have uncommanded motion, or
• leading edge devices are not configured for takeoff or have uncommanded motion, or
• speed brake lever is not in the DOWN position, or
• spoiler control valve is open providing pressurized hydraulic fluid to the ground spoiler interlock valve, or
• parking brake is set, or
• stabilizer trim not set in the takeoff range.
An intermittent warning horn sounds and the TAKEOFF CONFIG warning light illuminates when takeoff configuration
warning activates.
Cabin altitude warning activates when cabin altitude exceeds 10,000 feet. An intermittent warning horn sounds and the
CABIN ALTITUDE warning light illuminates. The warning horn may be silenced by momentarily pressing the ALT HORN
CUTOUT switch on the Cabin Altitude Panel. The warning light remains illuminated until the cabin altitude descends
below 10,000 feet.
WARNING: The Cabin Altitude and Takeoff Configuration Warnings use the same intermittent tone when
- When are the GPWS wind-shear warning available?
a) Below 1.500 feet AGL
b) Below 2.500 feet AGL
c) Below 3.500 feet AGL
d) Below 4.500 feet AGL
Below 1.500 feet AGL
- TCAS equipped aircraft can generate a traffic advisory when:
a) Other aircraft are approximately 40 seconds from closet point of approach
b) Other aircraft are approximately 25 seconds from closet point of approach
c) Other aircraft are approximately 15 seconds from closet point of approach
d) Other aircraft are approximately 60 seconds from closet point of approach
Other aircraft are approximately 40 seconds from closet point of approach
Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
TCAS alerts the crew to possible conflicting traffic. TCAS interrogates operating transponders in other airplanes, tracks
the other airplanes by analyzing the transponder replies, and predicts the flight paths and positions. TCAS provides
advisory and traffic displays of the other airplanes to the flight crew. Neither advisory, guidance, nor traffic display is
provided for other airplanes which do not have operating transponders. TCAS operation is independent of ground–based
air traffic control.
To provide advisories, TCAS identifies a three dimensional airspace around the airplane where a high likelihood of traffic
conflict exists. The dimensions of this airspace are based upon the closure rate with conflicting traffic.
TCAS equipment interrogates the transponders of other airplanes to determine their range, bearing, and altitude. A traffic
advisory (TA) is generated when the other airplane is approximately 40 seconds from the point of closest approach. If the
other airplane continues to close, a resolution advisory (RA) is generated when the other airplane is approximately 25
seconds from the point of closest approach.
The RA provides aural warning and guidance as well as maneuver guidance to maintain or increase separation from the
Non–transponder equipped airplanes are invisible to TCAS. RAs can be generated if the other airplane has a mode C
transponder. Coordinated RAs require both airplanes to have TCAS
- With the landing gear retracted and radio altitude below 800 ft, a landing gear
configuration horn will sound:
a) When flap 1 are selected and thrust levers are above 30 degrees.
b) When flaps 1 are selected irrespective of thrust levers position
c) When flaps 1 are selected and either thrust lever is retracted to idle.
d) When thrust lever is retarded to idle and cannot be silenced.
When thrust lever is retarded to idle and cannot be silenced
Landing Gear Configuration Warnings
Visual indications and aural warnings of landing gear position are provided by the landing gear indicator lights and
landing gear warning horn.
Visual Indications
The landing gear indication lights are activated by signals from each gear, the LANDING GEAR lever, and the forward
thrust lever position as follows:
Green light illuminated – landing gear is down and locked.
Red light illuminated –
• landing gear is in disagreement with LANDING GEAR lever position (in transit or unsafe).
• landing gear is not down and locked (with either or both forward thrust levers retarded to idle, and below 800 feet AGL).
All lights extinguished – landing gear is up and locked with the LANDING GEAR lever UP or OFF.
- What is the maximum allowable Takeoff and Landing altitude?
What is the maximum allowable on the ground difference between Captain or First Officer
altitude display and Field Elevation
75 ft.
What is the maximum allowable in-flight differences between Captain and First Officer
altitude display for RVSM operation?
200 ft.
The autopilot should be disconnected during single channel operation during approach
when the A/C altitude is below?
158 feet AGL.
What is the maximum allowable in-flight altitude to operate the APU for Bleed air and
10.000 ft.
Which Baro setting is not allowed to be used when A/P is engaged in LNAV and VNAV
What is the maximum allowable tank fuel temperature?
What is the minimum allowable inflight tank fuel temperature?
3° C above the freezing point of the fuel being used or -43° C, whichever is higher.
Below what minimum radio altitude should the speed brake not be deployed?
1000 ft.
What is the maximum latitude beyond which ADIRU alignment must not be attempted?
78 degree 15 minutes.
What is the maximum runway slope?
+/- 2%
What is maximum operating altitude?
41.000 ft.
The field elevation is between sea-level and 5000’ what the maximum allowable difference
is on the ground between CPT and FO altitude display for RVSM ops
50 FT
Engine TAI must be on when icing conditions exist or are anticipated, except during what
climb and cruise temperatures?
-40C SAT
What is the minimum autopilot engagement height?
400 ft.
What is the maximum altitude to operate the APU with bleed air?
17.000 ft.
Below what minimum radio Altitude should the speed brakes not deployed?
1000 FT
What is the ,maximum allowable imbalance between the 2 main tanks for taxi, TO, flight or
453KG (1000 LBS)
What is the minimum inflight tank fuel temperature?
Degrees Celsius above the fuel freezing point or -43 c whichever is higher
Which of the following statements is true concerning the Cargo Fire?
a. After landing, the remaining bottle should be discharged.
b. After landing, the ground personal should be informed to open the cargo door
immediately and fight the fire.
c. After landing, the ground personal should be informed not to open the cargo door until
all supernumeraries and crew have exited the airplane and fire fighting equipment is
d. After landing the DISCH light will extinguish.
After landing, the ground personal should be informed not to open the cargo door until all supernumeraries and crew have exited
the airplane and fire fighting equipment is nearby.
In the event a control wheel is jammed, how can the pilot regain roll control?
a. If force is applied to the First Officer’s control wheel and the aircraft rolls, the pilot has
control through the spoilers, or if force is applied to the Captain’s control wheel and the
aircraft rolls, the pilot has control though the ailerons.
b. If force is applied to the First Officer’s control wheel and the aircraft rolls, the pilot has
control though the ailerons, or if force is applied to the Captain’s control wheel and the
aircraft rolls, the pilot has control though the spoilers.
c. The ailerons can be operated manually.
d. The spoilers can be operated manually.
If force is applied to the First Officer’s control wheel and the aircraft rolls, the pilot has control through the spoilers, or if force is
applied to the Captain’s control wheel and the aircraft rolls, the pilot has control though the ailerons.
When do the overwing emergency exits unlock?
DC power is lost
The overwing emergency exits lock when:
• three of the four Entry/Service doors are closed and
• either engine is running and
• the airplane air/ground logic indicates that the airplane is in the air or both thrust levers are advanced.
The overwing emergency exits unlock when any one of the above conditions is not met or DC power is lost.
What is the first crew action in case of rapid depressurization?
What is the level off altitude during Emergency Descent?
Lowest Safety Altitude or 10.000FT, whichever is higher
Engine fire drill AUTO THROTTLE………………………….. DISENGAGE THRUST LEVER…………………………….. CLOSE ENGINE START LEVER………………….. CUT OFF If engine fire warning switch light extinguishes, what action should be taken:
Which drill should be carried out with an engine RPM or EGT approaching or exceeding
Auto-throttle Disengage, thrust lever retard until indications remain within appropriate limits or the thrust lever is closed. Read
Engine Limit / Surge / Stall Checklist.
If the pilot receives the Ground Proximity Warning (PULL UP) during approach, what
action should be taken?
Disengage the autopilot and Auto Throttle. Apply max thrust and roll wing level. Rotate to an initial pitch of 20 degrees. Retract
speed brakes. Do not change gear or flap configuration until Terrain Separation is assured.
- What is the first action required if: uncommanded stabiliser trim occurs continuously?
Control column hold firmly
Which is true statement regarding PSEU?
a. The pseu light illuminates when an over wing exit flight lock fails to engage when
commanded on the ground
If a flight lock has failed locked or a fault is detected the PSEU light, the OVERHEAD annunciator, and the MASTER
CAUTION lights illuminate.These indications are inhibited from takeoff until 30 seconds after the airplane is in the ground
mode. When the doors are latched and locked and the flight lock is operating properly none of these lights will illuminate
- What is the purpose of the ARMED position of the emergency light switch?
a. Automatically illuminates the emergency lights in the event of a gear up landing.
b. Automatically illuminates the emergency lights, if airplane electrical power to DC
bus No. 1 fails or AC power is turned off.
c. If AC power has been turned ON, the emergency exits lights automatically illuminate.
d. Automatically illuminates the emergency lights, if airplane descent below 500 feet
AGL with Flaps up.
Automatically illuminates the emergency lights, if airplane electrical power to DC bus No. 1 fails or AC power is turned off
- Time of useful consciousness at FL400
a. 15 seconds.
b. 30 seconds.
c. 60 seconds.
d. Unlimited.
- Time of useful consciousness below 15.000Ft
a. 15 seconds.
b. 30 seconds.
c. 60 seconds.
d. Unlimited.
What is the crew action if unreliable airspeed is suspected?
Adjust Airplane Attitude / Thrust, check that Probe heat is ON and cross check Mach/ Airspeed Indicators
The tail hits the runway on takeoff.
Required action?
Select manual pressurization, open OUTFLOW VALVE, and land at nearest suitable airport.
When may it be necessary to select Stabilizer Trim Override switch to OVERRIDE?
Jammed or Restricted Elevator
Windshear Escape Maneuver, Manual Flight:
Disconnect Autopilot and Auto Throttle. Apply max thrust. Roll wings level and rotate toward 15° pitch. Retract speed
brakes. Follow Flight Director TO/GA.
Do not change flap or gear configuration until windshear is no longer a factor.
During TCAS Traffic Avoidance with Resolution Advisory.
a. Avoid the intruder visually using Pitch change.
b. Avoid the intruder visually using Roll change.
c. Disengage Auto Pilot and Auto Throttle. Adjust Pitch and Thrust to satisfy RA
d. Follow ATC instructions.
Disengage Auto Pilot and Auto Throttle. Adjust Pitch and Thrust to satisfy RA command
During Manual Reversion (HYD SYS A and B inoperative) what trim is available?
a. Stabilizer trim only
b. Rudder trim only
c. Aileron trim only
d. Stabilizer and rudder trim only
Stabilizer and rudder trim only
- An OVERHEAT is detected in the engine. What is the correct action?
a. A/T disengage; Thrust Lever (affected engine) – confirm – CLOSE; if ENG OVERHEAT
light stays illuminated shutdown the engine.
b. A/T disengage; Thrust Lever (affected engine) – confirm – CLOSE; if ENG OVERHEAT
light stays illuminated, go to ENGINE FIRE or SEVERE DAMAGE/SEPARATION
c. A/T disengage; Thrust Lever (affected engine) – confirm – CLOSE; if ENG OVERHEAT
light stays illuminated, ENGINE FIRE SWITCH (affected engine) – confirm pull.
d. None of the above.
A/T disengage; Thrust Lever (affected engine) – confirm – CLOSE; if ENG OVERHEAT light stays illuminated, go to ENGINE FIRE or
What is the minimum indicated airspeed for Engine in-flight start using windmill at
300 Knots
Which statement is correct in the event that the DEU 1 fails?
a. The Captain’s outboard DU, inboard DU and the upper DU blank. The display will
present data again after the Display Source Selector is positioned to ALL ON 2.
b. The Captain’s outboard DU, inboard DU and the upper DU blank. The display will
present data again after the Display Source Selector is positioned to BOTH ON 2.
c. DEU 2 automatically supplies data to all six DU’s. On both PDF’s the message
DSPLY SOURCE is displayed.
d. The Captain’s outboard DU, inbound DU and the upper DU are blank for the
remainder of the flight.
DEU 2 automatically supplies data to all six DU’s. On both PDF’s the message DSPLY SOURCE is displayed
Which statement about the UP bug is correct?
a. The UP bug is displayed only when flaps are up.
b. The UP bug is displayed independent of flap position up to approximately
20. 000’
c. The UP bug is removed after flap retraction.
d. The UP bug is always displayed.
The UP bug is displayed independent of flap position up to approximately 20.000’
When is the VREF+15 bug displayed?
a. After the flaps reach the flaps 15 position.
b. After VREF+15 is selected.
c. After VREF is selected on the APPROACH REF page.
d. After Flap 1 is selected.
After VREF is selected on the APPROACH REF page
When is the message EFIS mode 1 NAV FREQ Disagree displayed on the ND?
If the APP mode is selected on the ND with a VOR frequency tuned
What is the TCAS symbol for a traffic advisory?
An amber circle (filled)
What is displayed by the trend vector on the speed tape?
The predicted airspeed within 10 seconds, based on present airspeed and acceleration
When flying at FL350, what is indicated by the bottom of the black and red barber
pole on the upper side of the speed tape?
With F5 set a hollow yellow bar extends upward from the red and black bar at the
lower side of the speed tape. What is indicated by the top of this hollow yellow
A speed which provides a 1.3 G margin over the stick shaker speed at unaccelerated flight
With the control panel select switch on the displays source panel in BOTH on 2
a. The fo’s efis control panel is supplying identical inputs to the captains ans fo’s
- An amber CDS FAULT annunciation below each speed tape indicates:
a. Non dispatchable CDS fault has occurred
The radio altitude display turns amber when:
The aircraft descent through the selected minimum altitude
The Captain’s outboard DU has failed. Which statement is correct?
a. PFD move to inboard DU, the ND can be selected on the lower DU using the
lower DU control panel select switch.
The Captain’s outboard DU has failed. Which statement is correct?
a. PFD move to inboard DU, the ND can be selected on the lower DU using the
lower DU control panel select switch.
When the aircraft crosses the transition altitude during climb and STD is not
The barometric display is boxed and turns AMBER
When an ILS/DME has been tuned and the DME is received:
a. DME distance is displayed on the PFD, ND and APP mode.
Terrain annunciations are displayed:
When TERR display selectet switch on the EFIS control panel is activated and
automatically when neither pilot has terrain selected in EXP MAP, Center MAP,
EXP VOR or EXP APP modes.
What is the TCAS symbol for a resolution advisory?
a. A red square (filled)
Flying at FL350. What is indicated by the bottom of the yellow bar extending from
the barber pole on the upper side of the speed tape?
a. A speed that give a 1.3 G margin to high speed buffet
Flap 5 set. A yellow bar extends downward from the red and black bar at the upper
side of the speed tape. What is indicated by the bottom of this yellow bar?
The placard speed for flap 15
The Air Data Inertial Reference System (ADIRS) produces the following flight data:
Position, Altitude, Speed, Attitude.
During the ILS approach with the localiser pointer in view, the raising runway
symbol comes into view.
Below 2.500 ft RA and will rise toward airplane symbol at 200ft. RA.