Q3: Standards Flashcards
Specifications and standards
In order for a textile to be suitable for a particular end use it must have certain attributes or properties.
draw up details
Specifications are therefore drawn up detailing things like fibre content, yarn and fabric construction and finish. In addition, the minimum performance in use is also detailed.
min performance use
This covers various parameters, such as wash and light fastness, strength, flammability, and so on.
The standards also identify the various test methods to be used in determining whether the textile meets the specification.
who draws it up
Various national and international bodies, such as South African Bureau of standards (SABS), British Standards Institute (BS), International Standards Or- ganisation (ISO) and American Society for Testing and Materials (AMTS), are responsible for drawing up performance standards.
Many retailers have developed their own performance standards, some of which refer to national/international test methods and others to their own in-house test methods.
used as an agreement
Performance standards may be used as part of the agreement between the manufacturer and retailer, in advertising or listed on attached labels as information for consumers.