Q1: Biomechanical Goals TT Flashcards
What are the biomechanical goals of a TT Prosthesis
- Maximize residual limb weight bearing capacity
- maintain ML stability through stance phase
- maintain sagittal plane stability through stance phase
What are the three ways to accoomplish goal #1 (Maximize residual limb weight bearing capacity)
- total contact socket design
- intentional loading and socket fit
- flexed alignment of the socket
Total Contact Socket Design
- increases overall surface area
- minimizes distal end edema
- increases proprioception
Pressure Tolerant Areas PTB Socket Design
- Medial Tibial Flare
- Patellar Tendon
- Shaft of fibula
- Anterior compartment
- Medial Tibial Shaft
- Medial femoral condyle
- Popliteal Fossa
- Distal End
- Gastrocnemius
Pressure Intolerant Areas PTB Socket Design
- Fibular Head
- Peroneal Nerve
- Crest of Tibia
- Distal Fibula
- Hamstring Tendons
- Distal Anterior Tibia
Equal Pressure Distribution (TSB)
- Impression technique without specifically applied pressures
- modification process does not relieve specific areas
- Use of gel liner assists in equalization of pressure
What does flexed alignment increase?
- increases the area for vertical load bearing on the anterior surface of RL
- Socket flexion for PTB: begin at 10 deg
- Socket flexion for TSB: begin at 5 deg
What are the ways to accomplish goal #2 (maintain ML stability through stance phase)
- coronal plane alignment
- transverse plane alignment
- socket fit and stability
Where should GRF line pass in relation to the knee at midstance
- should pass medial to knee joint at midstance
- slight varus thrust at midstance
What are the general guidelines for foot inset:
- short limbs: 3-6 mm inset
- Medium limbs: 6-9 mm inset
- Long Limbs: 9-12 mm inset
- Bilateral patients: 0-6 mm inset
What are the benefits of Foot Inset/Varus Moment
Narrow base of support
- provides midstance stability
- simulates NHL (normal human locomotion)
- Decreases energy expenditure
What does excessive medial placement of the foot produce
- excessive varus moment
- increased lateral distal pressure
- increased medial proximal pressure
What does excess lateral placement of the foot produce
- valgus moment
- medial distal pressure
- proximal lateral pressure
What happens if the socket is excessively ABducted
- when patient walks, socket will follow the patients anatomical presentation
- lateral leaning pylon, medial aspect of foot off ground, excessive varus moment
Increased Toe out……
Results in wider base of support at terminal stance